Friday, December 9, 2016

Daedal Example Sentences


: skillful, artistic
: intricate
: adorned with many things

The filmmaker makes daedal use of lighting effects and camera angles to create a noirish atmosphere.

I was impressed by the computer's daedal circuitry.

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Bamboozle Example Sentences


1 : to deceive by underhanded methods : dupe, hoodwink
2 : to confuse, frustrate, or throw off thoroughly or completely
3 : to cheat or deceive another person
4 : addle, betray, cheat on, deceive, floor, get around, humbug, mock, outsmart, put something over, swindle
5 : conceal one's true motives from especially by elaborately feigning good intentions so as to gain an end

Some consumers are so bamboozled by slick sales talk that they pay extra for amazingly bad deals.

The waiter tried to bamboozle me into giving him extra money by saying the tip had not been included in the check.

If you try and bamboozle the buyer by hiding important details about the property, the real estate contract will become invalid.

The swindler would bamboozle wealthy women by selling them fake jewelry at hefty prices.

Using pictures of supermodels, the overweight woman would bamboozle rich men into paying for her airline tickets.

The criminal hoped his disguise would bamboozle the police at the airport.

I was going to bamboozle you with a bogus answer but I changed my mind.

Only a scoundrel and a shyster would try to bamboozle me out of my fair share of money.

You're not going to bamboozle me into investing my hard-earned money in your shady scheme!

Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Slumberous Sample Sentences


: heavy with sleep
: inducing slumber
: marked by or suggestive of a state of sleep or lethargy

I hear the slumberous murmer of the wind in the trees all through the night.

I too felt a slumberous influence after watching him half an hour, as he sat thus with his eyes half open, like a cat, winged brother of the cat.

He lay but opened a red eye unsleeping, deep and slowly breathing, slumberous but awake.

I felt pain as he walked by the slumberous summer fields at midnight returning from her arms.

A wicked glow lit a stare that lingered too long on me, a slow, slumberous perusal that made my mouth go dry.

The house was very quiet, and through the curtained window there came to her the soft, slumberous splash of the waves.

She looked at him seductively out of her great, slumberous blue eyes.

Henry turned and looked at the duchess with his slumberous eyes.

Soporific Example Sentences


1 a : causing or tending to cause sleep
b : tending to dull awareness or alertness
2 : of, relating to, or marked by sleepiness or lethargy

The soporific effects of the stuffy classroom and the lecturer's droning voice left more than one student fighting to stay awake.

The professor’s boring speech was soporific and had everyone in the audience yawning.

While alcohol is soporific and can help you sleep, it does not take away your problems.

Because of the medicine’s soporific properties, the doctor told me to only take it at bedtime.

There is a soporific effect of eating that makes many people sleepy after every meal.

Although plane trips are usually soporific to me, I managed to stay awake during the ride to San Francisco.

The singer’s voice was soporific and soon had me dreaming about a dark and handsome man.

Everyone was glad when the loud dance music completely altered the soporific tone of the formal event.

To my active daughter, few things are as soporific as watching the game of golf on television.

After taking her soporific prescription, June was asleep within an hour.

Even though I drank five cups of coffee, I still could not stay awake during the soporific presentation.

He is taking a soporific drug for his disease.

A large fire had been burning all day and the atmosphere was soporific.

I found that the silence and the soft pelting sound of raindrops on the window had a soporific effect on me.

One of his officers then broke the soporific silence of the tent.

Through the soporific phase, he fought the battle for wakefulness, which only the very strong could win.

Alcohol is known to be extremely soporific for most people, it does numb the senses, but it does not let your problems go away.

Plane trips are normally soporific in nature, you might manage to stay away, but in the end, the jetlag would make you go to sleep in your hotel.

One of the few things in life that are as soporific as you want is to tell a bedtime story to your children.

When you have a very heavy lunch, it has an automatic soporific effect on your body, something which you cannot get rid of.

The book he was reading acted as a soporific and soon he was fast asleep.

Monday, November 28, 2016

Vicissitudes Example Sentences


1 : the quality or state of being changeable
2 a : a favorable or unfavorable event or situation that occurs by chance : a fluctuation of state or condition
b : a difficulty or hardship usually beyond one's control
: a change of circumstances or fortune, typically one that is unwelcome or unpleasant.

The vicissitudes of life strike us all.

A business run by moral agents will not be able to survive the vicissitudes of the marketplace.

The professional writer has to undergo many sad vicissitudes.

He set out the various vicissitudes in addressing the contract.

He had the ability to change with the times and to share the vicissitudes of opinion.

The parental vicissitude I currently have is trying to pay child support for six children.

My vicissitude in college was tackling seven classes and a job.

Though he had many vicissitudes in life, nothing would stop him from becoming an entrepreneur.

Some say that we must go through the vicissitudes in life to become a stronger person.

I love my annoying little brother, but we do have our vicissitudes.

Americans will have their financial vicissitudes in a recession.

Dealing with traffic is a vicissitude of city life.

Against all physical vicissitudes, he still won first place in the 5K run.

One vicissitude of owning a cat is that they shed hair everywhere.

Her vicissitudes in life made it a challenge to finish high school.

I have experienced many vicissitudes in my life, but managed to overcome the difficulties with my positive attitude

I did not know where I was and where was I heading for; my road was engulfed with the darkness of sorrows and vicissitudes.

I could not help reflecting on the strange vicissitudes of human life, and death, which levelled all distinctions between men of high and low degree.

Friday, November 18, 2016

Lambent Example Sentences


1 : playing lightly on or over a surface
2 : softly bright or radiant
3 : marked by lightness or brilliance especially of expression

"It's an early May morning and the air is cool and still and filled with lambent light."

Clarke sent him a curious keen glance of intense and almost lambent inquiry, but he did not notice it.

She glanced at him with all the sweetness and tenderness of her great love lambent in her wistful sea-blue eyes.

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Commutation Example Sentences


law : a change of a punishment to a less severe one
: exchange, trade
: replacement; specifically : a substitution of one form of payment or charge for another
: a change of a legal penalty or punishment to a lesser one

He appealed for a commutation of his death sentence to life imprisonment.

This board may allow commutation or diminution of sentence for good behaviour, meritorious services or exemplary conduct.

I was foolish enough to leave my commutation ticket at home.

The prisoner is expected to be executed within days, now that his request for commutation has been refused.

Saturday, November 5, 2016

Cavalcade Example Sentences


1 a : a procession of riders or carriages
b : a procession of vehicles or ships
2 : a dramatic sequence or procession : series

He felt it not only from the sound of the hoofs of the approaching cavalcade, but because as he drew near everything grew brighter, more joyful, more significant, and more festive around him.

The president’s cavalcade included several sports utility vehicles, six police cars, and a police motorcycle unit.

When the celebrity pulled up at the hotel, he was part of a cavalcade of luxury vehicles.

The parade will be brought to a close by a group of veterans driving a cavalcade of antique vehicles.

When the cavalcade of tanks rolled into the city, it was followed by soldiers who were eager to end the war.

Citizens lined the streets to see the prince’s cavalcade on his wedding day.

We saw cavalcade of cars on the street yesterday.

Ferguson and Kennedy leaned over and saw an immense cavalcade.

He was still watching the approaching cavalcade intently, and smiling to himself.

The cavalcade arrived at the hotel.

Friday, October 21, 2016

Evanescent Example Sentences


: tending to vanish like vapor
: lasting only for a very short time

I think because we are young, issues we encounter with mental health are often excused as evanescent, and therefore not something to be taken seriously.

We would have all missed the evanescent moment if not for the photographer’s speed and skill.

Even though April seemed interested in taking piano lessons now, her mother knew her interest was only evanescent and would soon disappear.

Rainbows are evanescent because they do not stay around for long periods of time.

When the temperature rises, the snow becomes evanescent as it turns into water.

The lightning was evanescent and disappeared just as quickly as it appeared.

For a while, the scent of the roses filled the room, and then it became evanescent.

The Hawaiian waterfall is so beautiful it could never be an evanescent memory for anyone.

Unfortunately, the best dreams are always evanescent and end at sunrise.

Your childhood years are evanescent so appreciate each moment before you have to grow up and get a job.

Money is evanescent, but love and friendship are forever.

His memory is as evanescent as a snowflake.

His coffee had steam that was evanescent.

The sight of Anna’s evanescent breath in the chilly air made Mike’s heart race a little faster yet.

You don't realize how evanescent youth really is until you are older.

There is nothing more glorious than the evanescent beauty of a sunset.

She was an evanescent memory, but he could still see and hear her like it was only yesterday.

This worldly life is of no residence and all what is on it are evanescent.

Monday, October 3, 2016

Guerdon Example Sentences


: reward, recompense

He feels like his family is his guerdon for all his hard work.

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Propitious Example Sentences


likely to have or produce good results

favorably disposed

being a good omen

tending to favor

Now is a propitious time to start a business.

The success of the first big movie in May was a propitious start for the summer season of blockbusters.

The beautiful Hawaiian weather made it propitious for sun bathing yesterday.

When the butterfly landed on her shoulder, Alicia took it as a propitious sign she would have a fantastic day.

Because her boss was having a great week, Sharon believed it was a propitious time to inquire about a salary increase.

After my parents turned their attention to my younger sister, I knew it was a propitious time for me to sneak out of the room.

The wrestler waited for a propitious moment to attack his opponent.

It is obvious from the dark clouds that it is not a propitious day for a beach party.

With the violin music in the background and the rose petals on the floor, the environment was propitious for Tom’s wedding proposal.

Since her father had just received a bonus at work, Helen felt it was a propitious moment for her to ask for a loan.

With gas prices getting lower and lower, there has never been a more propitious time for a road trip.

Because of the tax breaks offered by the state of Georgia, it is propitious the new vampire movie will be filmed in the Atlanta area.

The moment was propitious, and his efforts met with success.

His success depends not alone on skill and judgment, for some seasons, or days even, are found more propitious than others.

This is not the propitious time to grow wheat.

The timing for such a catch by the fielder seemed propitious for Indian Team.

Untoward Example Sentences


1 : difficult to guide, manage, or work with : unruly, intractable
2 a : marked by trouble or unhappiness : unlucky
b : not favorable or propitious : adverse
3 : improper, indecorous

I eyed the stranger suspiciously, but I had to admit that there was nothing untoward about his appearance.

The logical thing to do was leave, but she had a good job and she wasn't sure there was anything untoward going on.

Part of me was hesitant to answer but something in the old man's voice gave me confidence he possessed no untoward ambitions.

Janice ignored the holiness of her environment and behaved in an untoward manner in church.

As soon as my daughter realized her peers were acting untoward at the party, she left because she did not want to get in trouble.

My mother told me never to accept drinks from strangers because they may have untoward intentions.

When my husband drinks too much, he has the tendency to act uncomfortably untoward.

Students who behaved untoward at the school dance were banned from future school events.

There was something untoward in the air.

To Annie’s relief, nothing seemed untoward in the house.

The untoward events at the library had certainly got around.

Let us state that no untoward event disturbed this family meeting.

As far as I could recall, we hadn’t done anything untoward throughout the evening.

The couples are always within eyesight of chaperones, so nothing untoward can happen.

In security analysis the prime stress is laid upon protection against untoward events.

Satisfied that he had found nothing untoward he gave the order for them to march ahead.

If anything unusual or untoward happens, just push the buzzer and contact me by intercom.

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Winningest Example Sentences

having achieved the most wins

She's the winningest coach in the conference.

Clare Drake, the winningest coach in Canadian university hockey history, is a teacher of teachers.

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Unfettered Example Sentences


: not controlled or restricted
: not confined or restrained

Once the bird was unfettered and out of the cage, it flew up into the sky.

Illegal drug sales go unfettered under the ignorant eyes of the crooked sheriff.

When Jack’s probation is over, he will be unfettered and can move throughout the country without restrictions.

Unfettered greed has led fuel companies to raise gasoline prices despite their abundant supplies.

Unfettered from his leash, the dog ran freely around the backyard.

The topless Jeep offered an unfettered view of the spectacular scenery they entered as soon as they left the highway.

Once the bird was unfettered and out of the cage, it flew up into the sky.

Illegal drug sales go unfettered under the ignorant eyes of the crooked sheriff.

Now unfettered by any sense of loyalty, he left his former commander to face his fate.

The mayor enjoyed a carefree holiday, unfettered by the demands of his position.

Amity Example Sentences


: friendship; especially : friendly relations between nations
: a supportive relationship between people or countries

The amity between the two leaders was palpable from the start.

Because of the amity in our subdivision, everyone looks out for each other.

The purpose of the treaty is to help the two countries develop amity so they can live in cooperation instead of in war.

For over seventy years, my aunt and uncle have lived together in amity.

The amity between the two neighbors led them to share food supplies during the harsh winter storm.

In a perfect world, teachers and parents work in amity to help students be successful in school.

The Girl Scouts is an organization created to foster amity among girls of all ethnic groups.

If the committee members do not work in amity, the budget will never be finalized.

In the absence of amity between countries, wars often begin.

The video about the large dog living in amity with the motherless kitten is sure to warm your heart.

Even though Meredith and her ex-husband are no longer on good terms, they always come together in amity for their children.

There were 5 school friends who had such strong amity between them that they remained friends until the day they died.

Valentine Day is not meant for only romantic lovers but for all to express their love to solidify their amity with others.

It was tough to maintain my amity along with her after she stabbed me in the back.

The concrete amity between the two old ladies could be seen every evening when they sat close to each other on the park bench and talked for hours.

There was a close amity between the two old men so much so that when one died the other felt like he was dead.

Because of the amity in our subdivision, everyone looks out for each other.

The purpose of the treaty is to help the two countries develop amity so they can live in cooperation instead of in war.

Friday, July 29, 2016

Flounder Example Sentences


1 : to struggle to move or obtain footing : thrash about wildly
2 : to proceed or act clumsily or ineffectually

Rather than flounder around in the juicy patches again I decided to find another way back via forest tracks to the west.

The new swimmer had to flounder in the deep end until the lifeguard dragged him to safety.

Unused to skating, the rookie hockey player would flounder on the ice until he learned to skate.

After it hit the iceberg, the Titanic was left to flounder in the Atlantic Ocean before it finally sank.

My father was afraid that I would flounder as I learned to ride a bike, so he never let go of the seat.

My ability to flounder was evident when I fell on the slippery floor.

When money was involved, he most often seemed to flounder.

We flounder in vast waters, always uncertain and floating, tossed here and there.

There are too many people eyeing her, and now that Ambassador Miller has left, she could flounder around without any direction.

I flounder for some minutes trying to come up with a sensible reason while she stands there, arms akimbo almost daring me to give her a reply.

Thursday, July 7, 2016

Puerile Example Sentences


silly or childish especially in a way that shows a lack of seriousness or good judgment

The teachers told the teenagers that such puerile behavior would not be tolerated during the ceremony.

Since my son is thirty-three years of age, I do not find his puerile behavior amusing.

Your jokes are puerile and not appropriate for a woman of your years.

If you behave in a puerile manner during a job interview, the interviewer will think you are very childish.

The fireman was scolded for playing puerile pranks on his coworkers.

When Elaine got drunk and started to crawl around on the floor, she showed everyone how puerile she was.

The young comedian’s puerile jokes did not go over well with the mature audience.

Because my father takes everything very seriously, he has little patience for puerile humor.

My teenage daughter was upset when her puerile conduct got her sent to the little kids’ table at dinner.

Although Bill is normally known for coming up with great ideas, his latest proposal is puerile and borders on being ridiculous.

Jason’s puerile method of getting my attention was by painting his name on the side of my house.

Bob acted in a very puerile fashion, when he was interrupting the teacher and distracting the other children.

I watched two grown men engaging in a rather puerile fashion, it was funny to watch!

Though he consideres himself that he is very intelligent but his behaviour is puerile.

The rather touching concern from the other participants took the form of a string of predictably puerile jokes.

I also enjoyed his sense of humour, which, from close up, turned out to be refreshingly puerile.

Her talents are totally wasted here, as the script never does anything with this character, save for making her entirely one-dimensional and puerile.

Professor Porter deigned to make no response to this puerile inquiry.

This attempt to divert the conversation was too puerile, and Mrs. Honeychurch resented it.

And your conduct, I have to say, borders on being petulant and puerile.

Revere Example Sentences


to have great respect for (someone or something) : to show devotion and honor to (someone or something)

In some cultures people revere their ancestors, even leaving food offerings for them.

Many people from India are Hindu, and so they do not eat beef because they revere the cow as a sacred object.

It wasn’t so long ago that parents taught their children to revere their teachers, but these days it’s hard to find any respect in the classroom.

It’s a sad truth that many Americans revere movie stars and sports figures as demi-gods.

Not even six months after she had vowed to revere the memory of her husband forever, the young widow was flashing a big diamond on her left hand.

Environmentalists say that everyone should revere Mother Nature and take better care of our natural resources.

As an early freedom fighter, Joan of Arc has always been an example of someone who felt that to revere a cause was worth any sacrifice.

As a man of science, he tends to revere the process more than the outcome.

After he saved nine children from the burning building, the entire town will revere Charles as their local hero.

Too many people revere the Almighty Dollar above everything else; they would probably be happier if they spent more time appreciating the simpler things in life.

Even though an entire population might revere a person for goodness and kind deeds, there is still a long process involved before anyone can achieve sainthood.

I revere independent, passionate and compassionate women.

While I admit that we should revere our elders but at the same time, there's no harm in confronting them if we see something wrong being practiced or preached by them.

"I revere my mother the most.

The citizens revere the local hero.

For the pastor's good work in the community, the town would always revere him.

I shall meet him as one whom I shall always revere and feel that I owe a deep debt of gratitude.

Juggernaut Example Sentences


something (such as a force, campaign, or movement) that is extremely large and powerful and cannot be stopped

a very large, heavy truck

With the reveal of its best-selling innovation, the software company has become a juggernaut in the tech industry.

Who knew the reality show about the hillbillies would become a juggernaut as the most heavily watched program in the nation?

Because our football team has gone undefeated for two years, our competitors view us as a juggernaut.

The company predicts its unique mobile phone will become a bestseller and make it a juggernaut in the phone market.

Once the retail chain builds ten more stores it will be a juggernaut because it will have more stores than its rivals.

The fact George is undefeated in political elections makes him a juggernaut.

During the football game, every member of the defense was afraid of the offensive player who was a juggernaut at nearly four hundred pounds.

The invading country was a juggernaut that tolerated no resistance when it stormed through the small nation.

With over a billion hits each day, Google is the juggernaut of search engines.

My best friend Eric is a wrestling juggernaut who has never lost a high school match.

Could she plow through it like a juggernaut?

Gerald Peyton had built himself a juggernaut of a company.

Hope transforms you into a juggernaut, enabling you to endure times of testing and trial with extreme focus and fortitude.

The juggernaut was an intimidating sight, and was five hundred feet of armoured wrath, with enough firepower to hold off a small combat fleet by itself.

With a thunderous roar, thrashing and smashing everything in its path, like an uncontrollable juggernaut, the great wall of water swept down the canyon.

The handful of captains that managed to get promoted that high were always given their pick of vessels to command, with the choice usually being a large cruiser or juggernaut.

Snivel Example Sentences


to complain or cry in an annoying way
to run at the nose
to snuff mucus up the nose audibly
to cry or whine with snuffling
to speak or act in a whining, sniffling, tearful, or weakly emotional manner

It is not worth the while to snivel about it.

Don't snivel about how poor you are.

It is not worth the while to snivel about it.

At school, Mariella began to snivel when she found out that she failed her math test.

Kerfuffle Example Sentences


disturbance, fuss

Predictably, the royal scandal caused quite a kerfuffle on Fleet Street.

When rival soccer fans got in a kerfuffle in the pub, the police were called.

The employees are sure to make a kerfuffle when they learn about the salary cuts.

If my husband forgets my birthday this year, there will be quite a kerfuffle in our house.

The man was kicked off the airplane after he made a kerfuffle about fastening his seatbelt.

Because the defendant did not apologize for causing a kerfuffle in the movie theater, the judge sentenced him harshly.

Thursday, June 30, 2016

Nadir Example Sentences


1 : the point of the celestial sphere that is directly opposite the zenith and vertically downward from the observer
2 : point of greatest adversity or despair; all-time low; rock-bottom

Only once the novel's protagonist reaches her nadir does she arouse the reader's empathy.

Even though we thought we had reached our nadir and would fail to meet the project deadline, we were still able to complete the work on time.

Since the relationship between the two warring nations has reached its nadir, world leaders are greatly concerned about the risk of nuclear war.

Because employees are terribly worried about losing their positions, company morale has reached a nadir.

The automobile manufacturer’s nadir was reached when the group announced the recall of two million faulty vehicles.

When Clark got fired and was unable to find another job, he realized his professional life was at its nadir.

Matt’s literary career declined to its nadir when he was unable to get past a serious case of writer’s block.

Even at the recession’s nadir, most of the lower income families were still having difficulty paying their bills.

The announcement of the impeachment caused the president’s popularity to fall to its nadir.

When the speaker discussed how being homeless was his nadir yet the same situation that inspired him to change his life, I too knew I could turn my lowest point into something positive.

Whether my favorite team is at its nadir, with only a few wins, or the best in its conference, I am still a proud supporter.

On this day, the lonely young girl's spirits seemed to touch their nadir.

Then, when my hope was at its nadir, I remembered who was with me in the little room.

When winter arrives, day length and temperatures both reach their annual nadir.

Monday, June 20, 2016

Redact Example Sentences

to put in writing
to select or adapt (as by obscuring or removing sensitive information) for publication or release; broadly
to obscure or remove (text) from a document prior to publication or release

Please redact and re-submit your article.

Monday, June 13, 2016

Tintinnabulation Example Sentences

: the ringing or sounding of bells
: a jingling or tinkling sound as if of bells

I feel at peace everytime I hear the merry tintinnabulation of church bells.

John could hear the tintinnabulation coming from the church nearby.

The fans were yelling so loud, I feel a tintinnabulation in my ears.

The tintinnabulation let the townspeople know the wedding was over.

The telephone bell was being rung continuously, and he called "Hello" several times before the tintinnabulation ceased.

Tocsin Example Sentences


1 : an alarm bell or the ringing of it
2 : a warning signal

That may sound alarmist, but the tocsin is being rung by some pretty sober people.

His demand for immediate emancipation fell like a tocsin upon the ears of slaveholders.

To hear a tocsin being sounded in your dream indicates that you will win over an argument.

The illuminated village had seized hold of the tocsin, and, abolishing the lawful ringer, rang for joy.

That night the sound of the tocsin was again heard, mingling with the booming of cannon.

The tocsin is the signal for our people in the salient.

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Legerdemain in a Sentence

Defintion: deception or trickery

The illusionist's show is an entertaining blend of legerdemain and over-the-top showmanship.

The reduction of the deficit is due in part to financial legerdemain that masks the true costs of running the government.

The psychic uses legerdemain to convince people she is talking to their dead loved ones.

When the car salesman wanted to sell a car, he often used legerdemain to make individuals believe they were getting the best deal in town.

The magic show was filled with legerdemain that kept the audience wondering how the tricks were performed.

Since the treasurer used a complicated type of legerdemain to steal company funds, it will be a while before the police can unearth the hidden money.

The book publisher offered the magician a great deal of money to write a book explaining his art of legerdemain.

Because the worst singer received the most votes, it is safe to assume someone employed legerdemain in the contest.

Is the lottery with its false promises merely a form of legerdemain to take the poor man’s money?

No matter how hard I tried I could not figure out how the illusionist pulled off his act of legerdemain.

Often, an unethical lawyer will sometimes use legal legerdemain in hopes of convincing the jury to agree with his position.

Real estate agents are famous for using legerdemain to cover up flaws in the properties they are trying to sell.

The magician used great legerdemain in performing his tricks before the attentive audience.

The magician's legerdemain was quite evident in the complexity of his tricks.

The psychic uses legerdemain to convince people she is talking to their dead loved ones.

When the car salesman wanted to sell a car, he often used legerdemain to make individuals believe they were getting the best deal in town.

The magician, an expert at legerdemain, performed an intricate card trick that stumped the crowd.

Truculent in a Sentence

Definition: : easily annoyed or angered and likely to argue

I immediately went to the exit to avoid die-hard fans who became truculent and violent after their team's loss.

Our teacher is a theater critic who was notorious for his titanically truculent reviews.

When my uncle drinks too much, he becomes very truculent and will fight anyone.

Why are you in such a truculent mood that you want to argue with everyone today?

On Monday, the truculent bully made the mistake of starting a fight with someone who could hit harder than him.

My truculent boyfriend is in a bad mood because I did not respond to his text message last night.

If your dream is to be a police officer, then you must work on your quick-temper and stop being so truculent.

Jim’s youngest son does not play well with other children and is often truculent on play dates.

When you do not give Janice everything she wants, she becomes truculent and tries to argue with you.

Nuns are true lovers of peace and are never truculent with others.

Because the teacher did not want the truculent student to disturb others, she made him sit next to her desk.

As a teenager, Miranda was a truculent girl who often got suspended from school for fighting.

They behaved in the most high-handed, brutal and truculent manner.

When asked to take a place in the queue, the angry passenger responded in a truculent manner, thumping her fist on the counter and shouting abuse at the sales clerk.

Edward's truculent attitude toward his girlfriend is the reason why they are apart today.

The truculent old man is never satisfied, his motto is said to be, good enough, is never good enough.

The truculent beast approached the crowd with wild eyes and sharpened claws.

Your truculent reply to my offer does not bode well for an amicable settlement of the issue.

He was considered truculent and, some said, selfish.

Nescience Example Sentences


: lack of knowledge or awareness : ignorance

He has made frank confession of his nescience, and in certain passages his critical judgment and sober sense and circumspection are quite striking.

The nescience of religion today is a sure sign people are confused about matters of life and death.

Because of a nescience of allergic reactions, many people with allergies don’t carry the proper emergency medicines.

Peter’s nescience of current events causes him to speak unwisely about trending topics.

In court the judge explained nescience of the laws was not an acceptable defense for criminal behavior.

The suspect claimed nescience when questioned about the robbery.

Since Amy knew about her surprise party, she assumed nescience when she entered the room.

Monday, May 30, 2016

Purview Example Sentences

: an area within which someone or something has authority, influence, or knowledge

The case is within the court's purview.

That question is outside my purview.

The moral dilemmas of the early settlers are beyond the purview of this book.

Heart shaped rings and other heart motif jewelry is no longer the purview of the young.

Research into the paranormal is not just the purview of psychics and mediums.

Insurance issues may be complicated and largely the purview of lawyers but you need to be actively involved to protect yourself and anyone who depends upon.

Starting from headgear to lingerie to toe rings, every accessory comes within the purview of fashion.

Political science falls within the purview of social science.

The accountant’s purview includes any of the company’s financial matters.

Since Rick is only a writer and not the magazine editor, his purview is only the content he produces.

The gilded fool had not brought himself into the embarrassing purview of the law.

Gradually they extended their purview of grievances to a criticism of all the affairs of the realm.

The accountant’s purview includes any of the company’s financial matters.

Since Rick is only a writer and not the magazine editor, his purview is only the content he produces.

The general does not have purview over those who are not under his military command.

Under the treaty, the island was given purview to self-govern itself.

The police officer’s purview is limited to the city in which he works.

Now that I am an adult, I wish my parents would learn my life is beyond their purview.

To ensure peace is maintained throughout the country, the justice department’s purview must include a national team of law enforcement officers.

Because of technological advances, anyone can have purview of the media by sharing news online.

As a school bus driver, Gail has purview over the safety of hundreds of children each day.

Since Jim is not a doctor, it is not in his purview to diagnose your illness.

Cavalier Example Sentences

- displaying a lack of worry

Miranda has a cavalier attitude when it comes to spending money.

Our new king has a cavalier attitude toward the suffering of others.

The very dignified officials were confused by his cavalier manner.

Bryan will regret his cavalier attitude about studying when he fails to graduate on time.

Because Ted lives a cavalier life and never thinks about his future, he won't have a lot of money to live off when he retires.

The police officer acted in a cavalier manner when he searched the suspect’s home without a warrant.

Since Alan had a cavalier attitude when he proposed to me, I did not take his proposal seriously.

When the woman jumped in front of other customers at the cash register, she made it obvious she had a cavalier regard for social courtesy.

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Stolid Example Sentences

: having or expressing little or no sensibility : unemotional

The stolid detective spoke to the witness in a precise, unequivocal manner.

He was a stolid man who did not even show his emotions at his mother’s funeral.

Although it takes a great deal to make me laugh, I would not consider myself to be a stolid person.

Even though the homeless little girl appeared to be hungry, my father remained stolid and did not give her any money for food.

Having seen his share of bloody crime scenes, the stolid police detective did not blink when he saw the five dead bodies.

Sister Mary Catherine rarely smiled in class so I could never tell if the stolid nun appreciated my humor.

To many, the British people are viewed as a stolid lot because they rarely appear impassioned about anything.

On the other hand, there are many who wish Americans were more stolid and less hot blooded.

The judge was shocked by the killer’s stolid indifference to the death penalty conviction.

Although the comedian told funny jokes, his audience was too stolid to appreciate his humor.

Because Sally endured so much abuse as a child, she grew up to become a stolid adult who was not distressed by much.

Stolid people are not liked by children.

His rival 's stolid indifference put the lawyer out of countenance.

Marcus' stolid face revealed none of the thoughts that danced in his mind.

The head of the company was a stolid human being .

Stolid people can generally be expected to take most things in stride.

The soldier's face showed no trace of emotion and was impassive and stolid.

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Abeyance Example Sentences


: a lapse in succession during which there is no person in whom a title is vested

: temporary inactivity : suspension

Our weekend plans were held in abeyance until we could get a weather forecast.

Immediately following the terrorist attack, pilots had to observe a period of abeyance where they could not depart from the airport.

Once the famine was over, the food rationing dictated by the government was put in abeyance.

Until after the murder trial, the inheritance will be placed in abeyance.

Trading on the stock market has temporarily been put in abeyance while the trade commission investigates financial misdeeds.

Jane’s cancer has returned after being in abeyance for nearly two years.

Due to budget cuts, employer contributions to retirement accounts are being put in abeyance.

Because of Justin’s helpful testimony, the judge agreed to an abeyance of his sentence.

Near the end of the legislative session, the congressmen put several topics of discussion on abeyance until the next meeting.

Since the divorcing couple was unable to agree on a financial settlement, the judge placed the case in abeyance until an agreement could be reached.

The vote is to be held in abeyance until all committee members are present.

In the middle ages the order fell into abeyance in both divisions of the Church, the abbess taking the place of the deaconess.

Academy Award Winners are in abeyance until they are announced to the public.

Culture education and Economic knowledge were in abeyance during The Dark Ages.

The defense attorney asked the court to put an end to the evidence abeyance.

She petitioned the King to terminate the abeyance in her favor.

My most recent article on security abeyance has been recently published in the British Journal of Management.

Any further departmental consideration of that piece of work shall be held in abeyance until the procedures set out below have been completed.

But my impression of a suspended sentence is that it is held in abeyance unless the defendant completes a period of time without a further criminal offense.

It is intended to reactivate this project, which has been in abeyance for some time.

Immediately following the terrorist attack, pilots had to observe a period of abeyance where they could not depart from the airport.

Her reason and moral sense were in abeyance, only her poor heart spoke.

He introduced a last-minute compromise that would approve, but hold in abeyance for two years.

Appellation Example Sentences

a name or title

Because there is no appellation on the product, consumers are confused about the brand's name.

Henry cheated on the bar exam so he does not deserve the appellation of attorney.

In high school my friends would often refer to me as Penguin, an appellation I earned because of my unusual walk.

The wine bottle’s appellation revealed the wine was prepared in Italy.

Since the kids’ shampoo does not include an appellation that identifies it as tear-free, I will not buy the product for my son.

It is not surprising that most restaurants near the Grand Canyon use the attraction’s appellation in their names.

When one refers to a wine’s appellation, one is speaking of the area or region in which the vintage was produced.

Only a few people are allowed to call William by the appellation of Bill.

As soon as I saw the city’s winding road, I knew why the path had the appellation of “The Most Crooked Street in the World.”

The singer’s publicist announced the artist was once again changing the appellation by which he would be known.

We used to call him "Danny," but he recently let us know that he prefers the appellation "Daniel."

Monday, May 16, 2016

Hector Example Sentences


1 : to play the bully : swagger
2 : to intimidate or harass by bluster or personal pressure

Alfred was such a hector, he always bullies smaller kids at school.

Morally stern, Adams also admonished his son to make "a good account" of himself, and continued to hector him well into his adulthood.

He plans to hector the man until he agreed to buy his items.

Nobody will missed him when he is gone for he is such a hector.

Since he loved to hector, he was assigned to collect payments from creditors.

Sunday, May 15, 2016

Bellwether Sample Sentences

Meaning: someone or something that leads others or shows what will happen in the future

She is a bellwether of fashion.

At his brokerage firm, Ted is known as the bellwether because he always knows which stocks will become profitable.

The critic’s movie picks win many awards, and as such, are seen as a bellwether for the Academy Awards’ “Best Picture” nominations.

For the longest time, the groundhog has been used as a bellwether to predict the length of the winter season.

Nana always has pain in her knees before a rainstorm so we consider her to be our bellwether.

An easily influenced teenager, my niece sees her favorite actress as a style bellwether and tries to imitate her look.

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Belvedere Sample Sentences

a summerhouse on a height, or an open, roofed gallery in an upper story, built for giving a view of the scenery
a court in the Vatican, housing a collection of classical art


The couple wandered down to the belvedere at the edge of the bluff to take in the vivid colors of the sunset.

From the belvedere in the treasury of the palace, where the Sultan used to gaze down upon his fleet, you can look across the mouth of the Golden Horn.

I forgot to note the name of the artist so I called the belvedere curator and she told me the name Hirschl, and the title.

The top of the dome was fashioned into a kind of belvedere, with a small circular gallery.

Sunday, April 24, 2016

Omniscient Sample Sentences

having total knowledge; all-knowing

The novel opens with an omniscient narrator recalling memories of her twelfth birthday.

Melanie felt that it was important to know what every character was thinking, so she wrote her novel from an omniscient point of view.

He thinks he knows what is best for everybody, but as far I know he is not omniscient.

Without an omniscient narrator, the reader is intentionally left in the dark about the motivation of the antagonist until the very end of the story.

If the house had a brain, it would be omniscient because of all the cameras and communication devices in all the rooms.

If he were really as omniscient as he thinks he is, he would know that he needs to adopt a little humility.

Orwell’s disturbing novel, 1984, featured an omniscient government known as Big Brother who kept an eye on all the citizens of a dysfunctional country.

Unless you are omniscient, you can’t possibly predict what type of technology we’ll be relying on in twenty years.

She claims to have psychic abilities, but she never said she was omniscient.

If world leaders had the capability to be omniscient, there would probably be an end to all war.

If you were really omniscient, you wouldn’t have forgotten my birthday, and you would have brought me a sapphire necklace.

Deities are often thought of as omniscient, having the ability to see all things at once.

She got so many answers right, she must be omniscient.

He went to ask a question of the village elder, who was considered omniscient by his people.

Monday, April 18, 2016

Unctuous Sample Sentences


1 a : fatty, oily
b : smooth and greasy in texture or appearance
2 : plastic
3 : insincerely smooth in speech and manner

Anna was thankful that the unctuous man who first greeted her at the modeling agency would not be the person she would be working with.

Find me a politician without an unctuous personality, and I’ll pay you a million bucks!

Nicky’s unctuous demeanor got on everyone’s nerves.

Turned off by the unctuous compliments, the woman turned down the man’s offer of a drink.

His unctuous hand gestures let everyone know he was upset about the encounter.

The head cheerleader made an unctuous effort to get the geeks to give her their prom queen votes.

Because she resembles a famous movie star, my friend receives unctuous attention when we go out to dinner.

His impression of the president was unctuous and poorly done.

When Janice walked into her party, she pretended to be surprised with an unctuous performance.

Harrison’s unctuous behavior made him seem as if he had spent every moment of his life in the theater.

Because she wanted to borrow his car, Sarah gave her father unctuous praise.

The skin is unctuous and of a deep-toned yellow colour.

I am was slightly annoyed by the unctuous waiter serving us dinner.

She looked as though she hadn't bathed in days, her hair was unkempt and unctuous.

The unctuous quality of the suntan lotion made it easier to spread.

The soap felt unctuous when it slipped from my hands.

He speaks in an unctuous tone.

Saturday, April 16, 2016

Equivocate Sample Sentences

When asked about her tax plan, the candidate didn't equivocate.

When things are not going Margie’s way, she will often twist the truth and equivocate to put things in her favor.

The crooked salesman went out of his way to equivocate the sales terms to the elderly couple.

Whenever the politician responded to questions, he would avoid eye contact and equivocate his answers.

The prosecutor hoped he could equivocate enough to trick the suspect into confessing.

In order to get people to buy the over-priced magazine subscription, you must know how to equivocate the fine print in the contract.

My sister is a chronic liar who will equivocate even when it’s easier to come out and tell the plain truth.

Rather than give you a straight answer, Henry will always equivocate his response.

As a judge, Helen has taken an oath to never deliberately deceive or equivocate while presiding in a court of law.

I want a man who will be honest with me and not equivocate to spare my feelings.

When Jim was asked about his most recent position during the interview, he seemed to equivocate with his response.

The politician was known to equivocate if asked about gay marriage.

I didn't like her new hairdo, but it was better to equivocate.

Please don't equivocate, tell me what you really think.

One of the first things a young diplomat learns is how to equivocate during policy statements.

Implacable Sample Sentences

He has an implacable hatred for his political opponents.

The little boy was implacable when his parents left him alone with the babysitter.

Even after being offered a free gift card, the angry customer remained implacable.

There was nothing Jason could do to please his implacable ex-wife.

Although the lawyer apologized for being late to court, he was still fined by the implacable judge who did not appreciate his tardiness.

The students were not happy about their teacher’s implacable policy of not accepting late homework.

After Sandra learned her son had wrecked her car, she was implacable and not willing to listen to any explanations.

With implacable determination, the police vowed to find the man who had killed one of their own.

Since the homeowner did not want to pay additional taxes, he was implacable in his opposition to the proposed tax increase.

Sam was implacable and not willing to accept his former friend’s apology.

When Jared learned the judge had dismissed the charges against his wife’s killer, he flew into an implacable rage.

More lasting still was the implacable hatred of those who had suffered from his cruelties.

The searching investigation which followed raised up against him many implacable enemies.

The representatives of two races, once implacable foes, have become allies.

She had an implacable anger toward her ex-husband.

There was no way to stop him; he was implacable in his drive to win.

The obstinate donkey was so implacable he just would not stop.

You are my implacable enemy.

Friday, April 1, 2016

Vagary Sample Sentences

When the temperature dropped to freezing conditions on a summer day, it was a vagary of the weather.

Hank’s outburst in church was a vagary that simply came out of nowhere.

Because Kim has a bipolar disorder, she is known to display a vagary without any warning.

Today’s stock market vagary cost investors millions of dollars.

When the vagary of the earth’s alignment blocks out the sun, a lunar eclipse occurs.

The vagary of the economy plays a role in the fixing of the interest rates.

Because gamblers are familiar with the vagary of the gaming tables, they know luck can change in a hand.

Leslie’s vagary at the party made everyone wonder if she had consumed too much alcohol.

Although the detectives had encountered lots of killers with strange habits, nothing prepared them for the vagary of their latest suspect.

The vagary of the weather has us concerned about our outdoor wedding.

The storm still raged, and she thought it was a vagary of the lightning.

After Bob made a fool of himself, Sam quickly got up on stage so he could cover up the vagary.

Saturday, March 19, 2016

Kismet Sample Sentences

As a romantic, I believe kismet will lead me to my one true love.

Some people believe the killer’s kismet is his own execution.

When the man met the woman of his dreams, he said it was kismet.

Perhaps it was kismet Jim won the lottery right after he lost his job.

Although Gail hates coffee, kismet led her into the coffee shop where she reconnected with an old friend.

It was kismet when June broke her leg and met her future husband in the emergency room.

If kismet does not interfere and allow someone to see the smoke signal, the injured man will die in the freezing canyon.

Bill believes kismet caused him to miss the plane that crashed into the ocean.

Because Carol believed in kismet and knew God had a plan for her, she was not upset when her husband asked for a divorce.

The psychic tried to convince me she knew my kismet.

The actor said kismet was responsible for his fame.

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Rankle Sample Sentences

Meaning: to cause anger, irritation, or deep bitterness in
to feel anger and irritation

The ongoing roadwork has begun to rankle local owners who worry that the closed-off streets are hurting their businesses.

The fact the plane is leaving two hours late is certainly going to rankle the passengers.

When the prince decided to date a commoner, he knew his romantic choice would rankle his parents.

Releasing the killer from prison is sure to rankle the victim’s family.

If I tell my husband how much money I spent at the store, I am certain the figure will rankle him.

Your open invitation to pray will undoubtedly rankle the atheists in the room.

Even though Jimmy was upset with his wife, he did not allow his anger to rankle and influence his entire day.

The plan to tear down the historical church and build a strip mall is going to rankle all the religious activists in the community.

According to the media, the current poll results are going to rankle the politician who appears to be losing his political seat.

The boy’s lazy behavior began to rankle his parents.

Because Heather is already stressed, it will not take much to rankle her and worsen her mood.

The lazy behaviour of the students began to rankle their teacher.

Lack of hard work and self-reliance may well rankle any employer.

The bad news will rankle him.

It doesn't take much to rankle my boyfriend when it comes to fashion.

Trumpery Sample Sentences

Meaning: a : worthless nonsense
b : trivial or useless articles
archaic : tawdry finery

I saw a man driving a wagon loaded with household trumpery.

His usual conversation is pure trumpery.

Oleaginous Sample Sentences

Meaning: Of or relating to oil.
Falsely or smugly earnest; unctuous: oleaginous flattery.

The office manager greeted the corporate bigwigs with an oleaginous welcome that should have embarrassed him.

He was frequently pilloried for his oleaginous approach to famous guests.

His lover's oleaginous charms were insufficient, it seems.

To avoid abrasions most all Scandinavian operators use some kind of oleaginous substance.

Thursday, March 3, 2016

Disavow Sample Sentences

He could not disavow his actions, belauded as they were by half the world, and so he had to repudiate truth, goodness, and all humanity.

When news of the band’s breakup surfaced, the manager had to disavow any part in the undoing.

Her parents planned to disavow any knowledge that she was calling off the wedding.

When she retired, she had to disavow her former position with the CIA.

In order to disavow her part in the robbery, the criminal had to testify against her conspirators.

No one knew that his ultimate plan was to disavow his role in the assassination.

She now seems to be trying to disavow her earlier statements.

You need to find the strength to disavow your racist intent and seek forgiveness or may your like never darken the door of this nation again.

A show apparently designed to disavow the notion that pop music success is easy, painless or enduring.

I disavow any agreement with you since you didn't fulfill your obligations.

The boy was told to disavow use of drugs amongst his peer group.

We will give you all possible support but should you be captured , we will disavow all knowledge of you.

The suspect stubbornly continued to disavow any part in the kidnapping plot.

Monday, February 29, 2016

Petulant Sample Sentences

Her tone was petulant and angry.

My brother is a petulant and fussy man who is always blaming everyone else for his problems.

He was a petulant child who was aggravated by the smallest things.

When the movie started, the petulant infant would not stop crying because of the loud noise.

After being fired, Joshua behaved like a petulant toddler and threw a major tantrum.

My oldest sister is a petulant woman who complains constantly.

Because she whined about everything on the movie set, the studio head described the actress as petulant.

While I can be a bit moody, I am not petulant because I do not let small issues get to me.

Although Margaret had a valid complaint, there was no reason for her to act petulant and call the waiter names.

When Henry lost the chess match, he acted like a petulant little boy and knocked over the game board.

Because he was annoyed by the lack of service in the bar, the customer shook his head in a petulant motion.

Are you really so petulant that you will hold a grudge against someone for twenty years?

She's a miserable, petulant woman who's rude to everyone she meets.

He whined like a petulant child when he lost the tennis match.

Pundit Sample Sentences

During the trial, the prosecutor will call upon a pundit of forensics to link the evidence to the suspect.

John is the pundit in our science class who usually knows all the test review answers.

Although Jill has never been to Greece, she often speaks about the culture as though she is a pundit of the country.

The attorney is often asked to provide insight as a pundit for the primetime legal drama.

Without a psychiatric pundit to testify on my client’s poor mental state, I doubt if the jury will believe an insanity defense.

The columnist was a well-known pundit who enjoyed misstating the positions of his detractors.

The pundit widely criticized the capital punishment ruling.

The political pundit has made many predictions, but few of them have come true.

Glean Sample Sentences

Investigators have been able to glean some useful information from the seized documents.

From several library resources, Sara was able to glean enough information to write her research paper.

I was not able to glean much information from my uncle’s intoxicated ramblings.

During my chat with the famous educator, I was able to glean a wealth of knowledge about teaching.

The researchers were able to glean a great deal of information about the medicine’s effects during the experiment.

To glean information on current events, Susan watches news channels as often as she can.

Before the elections, I always watch the debates so I can glean information on the candidates and their platforms.

The elderly librarian cannot understand why students prefer to glean their facts from computers instead of from books.

An experienced eavesdropper, Kelly was able to easily glean information about the couple seated near us at dinner.

The company uses survey results to glean consumer opinions about their product line.

Whenever I talk to my supervisor, I take advantage of the opportunity to glean ways in which I can do my job better.

I took my time to see what secrets I might glean from their abode.

We glean information, everyday , from the internet, like now.

I was not able to glean much information from my uncle’s intoxicated ramblings.

Thursday, January 28, 2016

Jeremiad Sample Sentences

Mrs. Whinge waggled a finger at us and launched into a doleful jeremiad about how we would come to no good end.

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Effete Sample Sentences

We should consider replacing that effete leader with someone who is much more capable.

The effete man was scared of his own shadow and hid in the closet during thunderstorms.

Since Jason is an effete boy who fears confrontation, he will more than likely not make his high school football team.

The huge wrestler made fun of the effete man who entered the ring to challenge him.

Because the art critic felt the painting was effete, he reviewed it quite harshly and referred to it as a spiritless effort from the painter.

A wise general knows effete men who lack courage never win battles.

By nature, Cheryl is an effete woman who finds it difficult to stand up for herself.

The professional football player became angry when the press referred to him as an effete athlete who had no passion for his sport.

Because the old man was upset about his wife’s death, he became effete and refused to eat.

The detective pretended to be wheelchair bound as part of his effete man disguise.

After the surgery, the effete patient was unable to walk for several days.

Sunday, January 17, 2016

Nettle Sample Sentences

My brother will often nettle me by reading my diary.

If you nettle a bee, you should be prepared to run.

My employee’s habit of coming in to work late is starting to nettle me.

Although Elaine tried to nettle me by describing her great date with my ex-boyfriend, I did not let her comments bother me.

Mary does not like to sit outside because the mosquitos always nettle her.

Friday, January 15, 2016

Limn Sample Sentences

The hero created a limn of the castle grounds into the ground so they could devise a plan of attack.

Monday, January 11, 2016

Esoteric Sample Sentences

The medical research was so esoteric that only a few physicians could actually understand the results.

Only a couple of people I know share your esoteric thoughts on those religious principles.

While the writing appeared simple, its meaning was esoteric in the fact only a number of scholars could comprehend it.

Janice loved her country and found it difficult to agree with the esoteric ideas of the terrorists.

Although I did okay in math class, I always considered trigonometry to be an esoteric subject which was best left to the mathematicians.

Gerald was an eight-year-old genius who had esoteric interests much different from kids of a similar age.

When the scientists were not looking for a cure for the disease, they spent their time reviewing esoteric documentation on past experiments.

Unlike the other professors, Margaret was very familiar with esoteric literature from the Middle Ages.

Only the children of royal families are allowed in the esoteric organization.

Eric made an esoteric joke that only he and his brother understood.

She has an esoteric fetish of shoes and latex clothes.

John joined an esoteric club.

My little sister's esoteric associates were the members of her make-believe tea party.

The astronomers spent the night debating esoteric theories about Mars.

My son is slightly eccentric so I’m not surprised that he has esoteric interests.

She is writing a research paper on the esoteric rituals of the tribe, for which she has received a prestigious fellowship.

Amongst everything that she puts on the internet, her unintelligible, esoteric tweets always gain more popularity.

The more you use esoteric jargon, the less popularity you will gain amongst your students.

Many people think of philosophy as an esoteric subject but it’s really amazing once you begin to understand it.

She tried to complicate her answer in the test because she knew that her teacher loved everything verbose and esoteric.

The esoteric blog found no followers. It was meant only for the select few who could understand the highfalutin language of academia.

There are some elements of the controversy that have been purposefully kept esoteric.

Just because some people are vague and esoteric, it doesn’t mean they know more than others.

Didactic Sample Sentences

While the professor’s lectures were designed to be didactic, they only served to confuse the students.

Although the fiction books are not meant to be didactic, they are quite informative.

Even though my parents drive me crazy, I know they think they are being helpful by giving me didactic advice.

The purpose of the didactic presentation was to teach us all about the dangers of cigarette smoking.

Eileen created a didactic software program to help students learn their multiplication facts.

Because Mrs. Jones came up with lessons that were not only didactic but also fun, everyone thought she was a fantastic teacher.

In its analogy of beauty versus ugliness, the poem tries to be didactic while delivering an important lesson on self-image.

Since you are taking a trip to Europe, you might want to review this didactic guidebook on the subject of European travel.

His didactic style of teaching involves a large number of student-led discussions.

In the past, didactic plays were used to teach morals to the audience.

Her "novels for children" are certainly didactic, and they are certainly moral.

The projector and the audio system are used in this college for didactic purposes.

I don't like the class because it tends to get too didactic.

My parents was being didactic when they warned me about premarital sex.

My parents was being didactic about doing the right thing.

The teacher deliberately chose a slightly didactic story so that she could entertain and educate kids simultaneously.

Most mythical stories that seem entertaining at the outset, turn out to be purely didactic on deeper reflection for that this the purpose with which they are written.

Texts that attempt to be overtly didactic often put readers off instantly.

Considering that it is a didactic play, it might be a good idea to take your kids along.

Their parenting style is so didactic and controlling that their kids are likely to absorb nothing from them.

The critic’s review was more didactic than informative or reflective because he waxed eloquent about how movies should be made.

I am tired of my father’s didactic lectures that he doesn’t miss giving me at every possible occasion.

Being didactic with your daughter all the time is not going to get you anywhere.

My teacher is a didactic woman who will leave no stone unturned to ensure that her students become ethical people.

Students would like to hear inspiring instead of didactic interviews in their free time.

The textbook was didactic without being completely boring.

The novel was purely didactic and was lacking any trace of creativity.

The book seemed to her like a didactic literature intended to teach people a moral lesson.

The lecturer upon retirement ended up being increasing didactic towards his wife.

He had a didactic approach of teaching that often left his students disturbed.

I could not sit through another didactic seminar on self-realization.