Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Propitious Example Sentences


likely to have or produce good results

favorably disposed

being a good omen

tending to favor

Now is a propitious time to start a business.

The success of the first big movie in May was a propitious start for the summer season of blockbusters.

The beautiful Hawaiian weather made it propitious for sun bathing yesterday.

When the butterfly landed on her shoulder, Alicia took it as a propitious sign she would have a fantastic day.

Because her boss was having a great week, Sharon believed it was a propitious time to inquire about a salary increase.

After my parents turned their attention to my younger sister, I knew it was a propitious time for me to sneak out of the room.

The wrestler waited for a propitious moment to attack his opponent.

It is obvious from the dark clouds that it is not a propitious day for a beach party.

With the violin music in the background and the rose petals on the floor, the environment was propitious for Tom’s wedding proposal.

Since her father had just received a bonus at work, Helen felt it was a propitious moment for her to ask for a loan.

With gas prices getting lower and lower, there has never been a more propitious time for a road trip.

Because of the tax breaks offered by the state of Georgia, it is propitious the new vampire movie will be filmed in the Atlanta area.

The moment was propitious, and his efforts met with success.

His success depends not alone on skill and judgment, for some seasons, or days even, are found more propitious than others.

This is not the propitious time to grow wheat.

The timing for such a catch by the fielder seemed propitious for Indian Team.

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