Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Appellation Example Sentences

a name or title

Because there is no appellation on the product, consumers are confused about the brand's name.

Henry cheated on the bar exam so he does not deserve the appellation of attorney.

In high school my friends would often refer to me as Penguin, an appellation I earned because of my unusual walk.

The wine bottle’s appellation revealed the wine was prepared in Italy.

Since the kids’ shampoo does not include an appellation that identifies it as tear-free, I will not buy the product for my son.

It is not surprising that most restaurants near the Grand Canyon use the attraction’s appellation in their names.

When one refers to a wine’s appellation, one is speaking of the area or region in which the vintage was produced.

Only a few people are allowed to call William by the appellation of Bill.

As soon as I saw the city’s winding road, I knew why the path had the appellation of “The Most Crooked Street in the World.”

The singer’s publicist announced the artist was once again changing the appellation by which he would be known.

We used to call him "Danny," but he recently let us know that he prefers the appellation "Daniel."

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