Saturday, December 26, 2015

Gaffe Sample Sentences

I was not aware that my professor was a woman, so when I called her "Sir" I had to apologise for my gaffe.

Because of the quarterback’s gaffe, our team lost the big game.

Clarice made a social gaffe when she wore jeans to a formal event.

After the actress tripped over her dress, she realized millions of people had seen her gaffe.

The blogger made a gaffe when he referred to the football player by another athlete's name.

Because you are human, you are bound to make a gaffe every now and then.

Thursday, December 17, 2015

Unclubbable Sample Sentences

However fascinating her research is, the professor is decidedly unclubbable and not likely to make a good dinner party guest.

Monday, December 14, 2015

Inveigh Sample Sentences

Because one politician chose to inveigh on the subject of immigration for an hour, the debate went on all afternoon.

No matter how angry I get, I will not inveigh my feelings using social media.

The entire purpose of the article was to inveigh on the topic of gun control.

Too often, bloggers inveigh on political topics when they know very little about politics.

There is nothing worse than a person who thinks his only purpose at a party is to inveigh on every person he dislikes.

Although I did not like the movie, I did not dislike it so much that I will make the time to inveigh about the film online.

There are not enough words for me to inveigh how angry I am right now!

During the trial, the prosecutor took every opportunity to inveigh his feelings about the defendant.

When approached by the reporter, it was not difficult at all for the victim’s mother to inveigh her thoughts on her daughter’s attacker.

If you make the decision to inveigh your employer’s name in the office, you should expect to be fired within a short period of time.

The detective had, indeed, good reasons to inveigh against the bad luck which pursued him.

Uncle Tom's Cabin was written to inveigh against slavery.

He's been known to take any opportunity to inveigh loudly.

Fulminate Sample Sentences

An avid cyclist, Justine would often fulminate against automobile drivers who ignored bike lanes and otherwise created hazards for those riding on two wheels.

We need to fulminate against high taxes imposed by the new mayor.

Friday, December 4, 2015

Radicalize Sample Sentences

The war has radicalized an entire generation of young people.

Thursday, December 3, 2015

Obsequious Sample Sentences

She's constantly followed by obsequious assistants who will do anything she tells them to.

The princess had obsequious servants who showered her with attention.

At work, the obsequious assistant complimented her manager so much that she quickly advanced up the corporate ladder.

When he receives obsequious service, Lawrence always leaves a huge tip.

Extremely obsequious, most puppies want nothing more than to please their masters.

Since it was constantly stroked by her obsequious entourage, the singer’s ego was gigantic.

An excellent waiter is one who is obsequious and caters to a guest’s every need.

From his obsequious behavior, it was obvious Jackson was smitten with his wife.

It infuriates me that your obsequious personality makes you agree with every word I say!

Jane is the teacher’s favorite because she is so obsequious in class.

While the car salesman was overly obsequious, I did not feel comfortable buying a car from him.

The obsequious new associate made sure to compliment her supervisor's tie and agree with him on every issue.

I believe that his obsequious behavior toward his grandmother is to ensure being included in the will.

The princess only seemed to encourage the obsequious behavior of her court to enhance her own feeling of superiority.

There is nothing like an obsequious little puppy to relax you after being barked at all day at work.

That obsequious Mark comes in early every day and sits in the boss's chair before the boss himself arrives just to warm the seat for him.

Do not treat me with affected and obsequious manners.

The movie star traveled with an entourage of obsequious attendants who indulged her every whim and waited on her hand and foot.

He was most obsequious, and seemed ready to do everything for my comfort.

I'll only answer if you are more obsequious in your question.

The obsequious salesman begged me to buy the car he was selling.

He was so obsequious when the boss was present, that his co-workers shunned him in disgrace.

Monday, November 30, 2015

Paragon Sample Sentences

As a paragon of purity, a nun would never dress inappropriately.

The editors of the magazine described the supermodel as a paragon of beauty.

When talking to the class, the teacher described John’s essay as a paragon that everyone should strive to reproduce.

The minister of my church is viewed as a paragon of virtue.

Since I am in poor health, I am not a paragon of wellness.

Mark was recognized as a paragon of integrity when he returned the stolen diamond ring to its owner.

In the movie, the angel represents the paragon of goodness that will save the world.

My husband is a paragon of patience who never complains about sitting for hours while I try on shoes.

A paragon of punctuality, Mary is never late for an event.

The chocolate cake contained five types of chocolate and was a paragon of richness.

That vase is an absolute paragon.

In the novel, Constanza is a paragon of virtue who would never compromise her reputation.

They thought she was a paragon of cold case crime-fighting, but she turned out to have planted or doctored evidence in over two dozen cases.

If you want to produce a shining paragon of journalistic excellence, it will take time.

Monday, November 23, 2015

Foreshorten Sample Sentences

The past is a giant foreshortened with his feet towards us.

A low vantage point provides the opportunity to dramatically foreshorten the dimensions of the building.

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Haruspication Sample Sentences

The diviners of the Etruscan civilization used haruspication to foretell the future.

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Sinecure Sample Sentences

The king was in the habit of rewarding his loyal supporters with sinecures.

Even thought we all thought of the job as a sinecure, Jane took her position very seriously and always worked late into the evening.

Dr. Phillips will receive a nice title but will not have to do much teaching as a sinecure in our university’s history department.

Since John’s father owns the company, John has been named a sinecure in the business although he knows nothing about the firm.

The elderly man’s position as vice-president is a sinecure that only exists as a tribute for his sixty years of company service.

Even a small child could manage the role of a sinecure because it requires no actual skill or effort.

Once Frank learned about the excessive amount of work he was required to do in the company, he realized his position was not a sinecure.

Because the senior professor holds a sinecure at this college, he can pass most of his work off to the less experienced educators.

Since Ben takes pride in working hard, it is not surprising he turned down his grandfather’s offer of a sinecure at the family firm.

As Jan is not a fan of getting her hands dirty, she did not hesitate to accept the sinecure that would allow her to sit at a desk and supervise others.

In the European country, the title of king is a sinecure because the person who bears it has no official power.

With such material, his work could not be a sinecure.

Though his position was little more than a sinecure, he still felt proud.

His new job with his father was a lifetime sinecure.

Sunday, November 1, 2015

Convivial Sample Sentences

Being known as a convivial host, he is always invited in every important social gatherings by the elites.

I should get ready for the convivial gathering I will attend this evening.

Carl was a convivial party host who made everyone feel at home.

If you cannot be convivial, then you should not invite people over for dinner.

A letter through the mail is so much more convivial than an online post or text.

Since I removed the modern furnishings from my dining room, the area looks more warm and convivial.

The welcome mat on my front porch is a convivial item that greets all my houseguests.

Although I was the new girl in class, I was not anxious because all my classmates were so convivial to me.

John’s eyes are bright and sparkly whenever he is in a convivial mood.

Even though churches are supposed to be welcoming places of worship, the church near my apartment building is not convivial to new members.

My sister acted convivial to the mechanic so he would not charge a high price for her car maintenance.

If you were more convivial to your employees, they would probably stop quitting their jobs.

There was a convivial atmosphere at the college reunion.

They spent a convivial evening at the party.

Despite the convivial atmosphere however, I felt unable to get into the festive spirit.

There's no room for somber thoughts on convivial occasions such as fiestas, weddings, and reunions.

The family was a convivial one, often taking tours and trips with their friends.

Vapid Sample Sentences

Songs with vapid lyrics will most likely be ignored and not gain popularity.

I kind of think that my old unmarried aunt is a vapid woman.

To me, baseball is a vapid sport that quickly puts me to sleep.

Although the actress was nominated for several awards, she was still criticized for her vapid portrayal of the world leader.

The vapid entertainment did not hold the children’s attention.

Because we did nothing but sit in the hotel room, our vacation was vapid and uninteresting.

For a teenage girl, there is nothing more vapid than having your mom participate in your sleepover.

Nathan was not impressed by the vapid cartoons his little brother enjoyed watching.

Because Carol was heavily medicated, all of her responses were vapid.

The vapid lecture seemed to go on for days.

Since Bill was nervous, his first standup routine was confusing and vapid.

Even though it lacked a great deal of color, the picture on the wall was not vapid.

She gave me a vapid look as I attempted to make small talk with her.

Their vapid grinning and nonchalant nodding of heads told me that they were not really listening to what I was saying.

She has succumbed to a vapid lifestyle after the death of her husband.

If she continues to talk to him in that vapid tone of hers, he is likely to reach his limit and break up with her very soon.

Sunday afternoons are really boring because there is nothing to do except watch vapid TV shows or stupid action movies.

Sometimes, even the best of actors do the most vapid of movies and actually get away with it without tarnishing their careers.

Her vapid behavior at the party was enough let everyone along with the hosts know that she had been forced to attend.

Everybody finds it impossible to fathom how that hot girl at school possibly got involved with such a vapid nerd.

Since this juice has been kept in room temperature for so long, it has turned sour and vapid.

She can’t get along with her boyfriend’s sister because she is completely vapid, having no personality or interests of her own.

She did not take part in the vapid conversation.

Nobody wants a university to be an educational factory which turns out mindless, dull, vapid, students.

The tea was vapid and did not have a lively taste.

The city council meetings were notable for vapid discussions and proposals.

The boy had a vapid personality, and he rarely laughed.

His boredom was only intensified by the vapid lecture.

EFFERVESCE Sample Sentences

Elisabeth was stoic, always holding her feelings close; and Emily was the effervescent, impulsive optimist.

Simon, who is enthusiastic and effervescent, was brimming over with excitement as he represented his idea in class.

After a few delicious braces of effervescent beers and lots of scrumptious inhaling of tobacco, I started to really take it easy.

Ruddy Sample Sentences

Sean's ruddy complexion was intensified after a brisk walk in the cold night air.

There is a ruddy glow in the sky.

Burley's blood rushed to his face, giving a ruddy and dark glow to his swarthy brow.

Most of the stars are white, but many are of a somewhat ruddy hue.

The figure of a thick-set man, with the ruddy brown face of robust health, was seen in the back drawing-room.

The fire cast a ruddy glow over the room.

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Hydric Sample Sentences

These plant is one of those kind which needed a hydric habitat.

Manqué Sample Sentences

Natalie is an actress manqué who moved to New York 10 years ago and is still looking for her first big break.

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Iniquity Sample Sentences

The use of illegal narcotics is not only a destroyer of personal health but also an iniquity that undermines our society.

When I went to my brother’s college dorm, I saw drunken boys exhibiting iniquity towards girls.

My grandmother, who grew up in a small town where people never locked their doors, saw big cities as dens of iniquity because of their crime rates.

Because the dictator killed all his enemies, he was seen as a symbol of iniquity.

Those who are quick to criticize the bad deeds of others should first look at their own acts of iniquity.

Although my parents were both ministers, I have seen my share of iniquity.

Our priest calls the nightclub on the highway a nest of iniquity.

As a result of being scarred by the iniquity of others, Henry grew up to become a very mean man.

Peter abandoned a life of iniquity and became a contributing member of his local church.

While Megan wanted to do volunteer work every Saturday, her husband chose to stay home and watch movies about sin and iniquity.

The purpose of the film is to describe how the iniquity of war leaves so many children without parents.

His iniquity has made him a much hated figure in the community.

Contemn Sample Sentences

He is one of those arrogant critics who contemn the general public's taste in art.

Rather than to contemn and ridicule, it were better to study the manifestations of that mysterious power.

Askew Sample Sentences

His hair and clothes were disheveled and his glasses were askew on the bridge of his nose.

I’ve tried straightening out the poster three times, but it still looks askew.

Even though his toupee is almost always askew, he is a funny, endearing character who is welcome at any get-together.

When Mia came home and hung her new painting on the wall, she noticed that it was askew in the frame.

The first thing Elizabeth noticed when she walked up the sidewalk to her house was that the curtains were askew, as if someone had been watching her from the window.

The rebellious young prince would rather have been playing in his room, and he sat through the ceremony with his crown askew and a scowl on his face.

When I arrived to take Granny to the doctor, I knew that all was not well because she was wearing her pajamas and her lipstick was askew on her mouth.

Because the door had been installed askew, it had a tendency to swing open suddenly if I hadn’t closed it securely.

Not waiting to knock, Marshall burst through the door with his eyes wild and his hat sitting askew on the side of his head.

The detectives looked around the apartment for clues and noticed that the rug seemed to be set askew under the coffee table.

After she noticed that he was wearing his tie and jacket askew, further examination showed that he was also wearing mismatched socks.

After the flood receded, the bridge was found to be askew of the roadway.

After the earthquake, all the pictures in the museum where left hanging askew.

After several attempts to hang the picture it remained askew.

Your clothes are all askew.

Deprecate Sample Sentences

Unfortunately my mother-in-law’s urge to deprecate me is stronger than her urge to inspire me.

Coach Jones is a good coach because he does not deprecate his players even when they make mistakes.

When you are teaching someone, you have to remember to not deprecate their efforts to a point where they simply want to stop trying.

It is very hard for me not to deprecate my husband's cleaning habits when he is constantly leaving a mess in the kitchen.

Before you deprecate my actions, you should first review your own behavior!

Your children will not respect you if you constantly deprecate them.

After twenty years of marriage, John suddenly started to deprecate his wife's every move.

The picky woman was quick to deprecate even the best customer service.

Although I am an atheist, I do not go out of my way to deprecate the opinions of those who believe in a higher power.

If I had a supervisor who would not deprecate my efforts so much, I would probably be more productive at work.

Do not deprecate their actions until you know the whole story.

Thursday, September 3, 2015

LOUCHE Sample Sentences

Candy live in a louche neighborhood where people went looking for illegal drugs.

Bluestocking Sample Sentences

Her literary, witty comments confirms her a bluestocking teacher.

Don't marry a Jewess or a bluestocking or a woman who is queer in any way.

Graduating in a prestigious school made her a free-thinker and a bluestocking.

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Rigmarole Sample Sentences

Rather than go through the annual rigmarole of filling out tax forms, Maureen would rather pay an accountant to do her taxes for her.

If the sweepstakes involves rigmarole that requires me to answer a large number of questions, then I have no interest in the contest.

Jill deleted the password on her phone to avoid the rigmarole of typing in the code every time she wanted to use the phone.

Because the application process does not contain a lot of rigmarole, most applicants can usually complete it within fifteen minutes.

I was happy when my professor ignored the rigmarole of student introductions and went straight into our first lesson.

Now that John has made his first film, he knows how to avoid the rigmarole that can delay a movie’s production.

His explanation involved some rigmarole that I couldn't follow.

We had to go through the whole rigmarole of registering a complaint with management.

Saturday, August 29, 2015

Palter Sample Sentences

He is unwilling to palter over the price of the car.

I knew she is a palter when my employee told me that she is saying bad thing behind my back.

Moot Sample Sentences

Since the team would have lost anyway, it's a moot point whether the umpire's call was right or not.

Federal legislation will override the states’ concerns and make them moot.

Since the judge has decided the child will live with her mother, the custody argument between the parents is moot.

Bill’s case was considered moot and quickly dismissed by the local judge.

Because your facts come from an unverified source, your research paper is moot.

If the store is sold out of the videogames, then driving to the store is a moot idea.

Given that the prisoner has already been sentenced to death, adding an extra thirty-year sentence is moot.

As a waitress, whether or not you like your customers is a moot point.

It was moot of Jim to ask the purchase price of the car when the vehicle had already been sold.

Since I have no money, the debt collectors should know their collection efforts are moot.

When Jason died in a car crash, Evelyn’s plans to divorce him became moot.

Whether the profit model will work or not is a moot point if we don’t get more funding to keep the company afloat.

We could argue about this forever; it’s a moot point, in my opinion.

My boss' strong comments rendered my opinion moot.

Whether or not you wanted to attend the tennis match is now moot, since it's been cancelled due to rain.

He argued that the issue had become moot since the board had changed its policy.

Monday, August 24, 2015

TROUPER Sample Sentences

She's been a real trouper about the whole thing.

Alan had been a well-known Broadway trouper before making his screen debut.

Sangfroid Sample Sentences

He displayed remarkable sangfroid when everyone else was panicking during the crisis.

The professional gambler seemed to take both his wins and his losses with remarkable sangfroid.

Even as the building fell around him, the fireman maintained his sangfroid and rescued the little girl.

The surgeon knew he had to keep his sangfroid during the complicated surgery.

Although Jane was nervous standing in front of the judge, she held on to her sangfroid and did not let her nerves get the best of her.

The police officer showed incredible sangfroid when he calmly took on the biker gang without any assistance.

When the sound system stopped working, the experienced singer preserved her sangfroid and continued her performance.

The professional gambler retained his sangfroid after losing a million dollar hand.

At eight, my little girl is already a skilled liar who can keep her sangfroid without blinking during parental interrogation.

Jake’s sangfroid led his principal to believe he was not concerned about his suspension.

Since the thief had been stealing from art museums for over twenty years, he never lost his sangfroid, not even when he accidentally set off an alarm.

The diver knew the only way to survive the shark attack was by maintaining his sangfroid and not panicking.

Portly Sample Sentences

I see that my sixth grade best friend is now a portly gentleman who clearly didn't get enough exercise.

Helen walked with the portly grace of the grande dame that she was in the fashion show.

The portly man was having difficulty climbing out of the small car.

The well-dressed gentleman was bald and portly.

The portly gentleman in the black suit is the one who treated us to a meal in the ship's main dining room.

The portly woman could barely fit through the door.

The portly man found to his dismay, that he needed to go shopping for larger pants.

Because the portly woman was unhappy with her weight, she joined a weight loss program.

Because the portly woman was unhappy with her weight, she joined a weight loss program.

When the portly boy sat on the bench, his weight caused it to break in half.

Portly people are more likely to have health problems such as diabetes and high blood pressure.

Since the portly man is so huge, he often buys two airplane seats to be comfortable.

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

capper Sample Sentences

The capper to the campaign rally was an appearance by the candidate himself.

She was smart, she was pretty, but here's the capper—she was kind, unlike the other girls.

brickbat Sample Sentences

The candidates resorted to hurling brickbats at one another.

For all the brickbats it has received, it's a good plan.

OBSTREPEROUS Sample Sentences

My head aches for staying in a a room full of obstreperous children for an hour.

The Fifth Avenue St. are full of an obstreperous crowd protesting the government's immigration policy.

Because my nephew is obstreperous, he often gets in trouble at school.

The teenagers became obstreperous when their school team lost the football game.

When my husband drinks too many beers, he becomes obstreperous.

When my husband drinks too many beers, he becomes obstreperous.

The football fans were obstreperous throughout the championship game.

Since the defendant was obstreperous during the trial, he was kicked out of the courtroom by the judge.

The obstreperous teenagers were asked to leave the movie theater.

After winning the battle, the obstreperous troops had to be calmed down by their commanding officer.

If you see me at a dance club with my friends, you might think I am obstreperous because I like having a fun time.

When you are inside of a library, you should be quiet not obstreperous.

The obstreperous puppy whimpered all night and kept everyone awake.

The drunk was obstreperous when being arrested.

I will not tolerate any obstreperous behavior.

My obstreperous nephew refused to go to school.

The obstreperous child threw tantrums in public.

The obstreperous child threw tantrums in public.

The restaurant owner ejected the obstreperous customer.

The obstreperous children made it hard for their parents to take them any where.

He is disliked by all because of his obstreperous demeanor.

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Volition Sample Sentences

Rachel left the church of her own volition, not because she was excommunicated.

Despite my parents' preference, I have decided to attend an out-of-state college on my own volition.

Nathan plead guilty to the crime on his own volition and against his attorney’s wishes.

When the turkey is done, its thermometer will pop up by its own volition.

Of his own volition, Matt lowered his gun and waited for the police to arrest him.

Impatient for the class to end, Maggie walked out of the room by her own volition.

Because of his personal doubts about his abilities, Jason will not act on his volition to accept the promotion.

Once the bear realizes there is no food in the trashcan, he will leave the property of his own volition.

You should choose the people you vote for on your own volition and not by the preferences of others.

When the front door seemed to open of its own volition, everyone in the room ran behind the couch.

On his own volition, Hank decided he needed to enter rehab to manage his drug addiction.

Her arms slid around his neck of their own volition and she eagerly returned his kiss.

Lug Sample Sentences

I am asking you to please lug my bags inside the house.

She had to lug her suitcases out to the car by herself.

Hannah said that we will be seeing great sceneries in this trip so I is no choice but to lug this heavy camera around all day.

Sunday, July 26, 2015

Pugnacious Sample Sentences

There's one pugnacious member on the committee who won't agree to anything.

She is famous for being a movie reviewer who is spirited, even pugnacious, when defending her opinions.

The pugnacious little boy constantly talks back to his mother.

John’s pugnacious behavior causes him to have few friends.

While my twin sister is quite pugnacious, I prefer to avoid confrontations.

Of course, I would prefer a docile pet over a pugnacious one any day!

Unfortunately, Harriet becomes pugnacious after only a few drinks.

Because the pugnacious actor argues with everyone, it is hard for him to find work.

I wish my pugnacious Chihuahua did not nip at guests all the time.

My teacher is pugnacious and reprimands the class often.

During cross examination, the defendant was pugnacious.During cross examination, the defendant was pugnacious.

After Paddy had been at the bar drinking for a few hours he became extremely pugnacious and offered to fight the local priest.

The pugnacious nature of the senator made the acceptance of the resolution acceptable.

Because of his pugnacious nature, he argues frequently with peers and has very few friends in our classroom.

The President was in a pugnacious mood when he spoke to journalists about the rebellion.

Darkle Sample Sentences

It is going darkle as I went farther into the tunnel.

It was his role to darkle and obscure the meaning of the picture.

The woman's boquet had darkle flowers to match her darkle hair.

ADUMBRATE Sample Sentences

I would like to adumbrate a plan for our escape from this prison.

With assistance from the victim, the sketch artist will adumbrate a picture of the robbery suspect.

The artist chose colors to adumbrate the trees in the forest so they would seem mysterious and shadowy.

When my mother lit the candle in the darkness, it was nice to see the light adumbrate our shadows on the wall.

The photographer dimmed the light so it would adumbrate the model and surround her with shadows.

On Halloween, it is said that the moonlight will adumbrate a dark silhouette around every witch who walks the Earth.

The dim stage lights adumbrate the actor and make him appear like a ghostly version of himself.

When the sun rises, it will adumbrate the bridge and create a great photo opportunity.

James will adumbrate his character ideas so the animator will know how to bring his cartoon to life.

As the flashlight batteries grow weaker, the light will only adumbrate a dim glow.

The purpose of the summary is to adumbrate the movie’s plot.

I would appreciate if you could adumbrate your marketing plan for next year.

I am sorry, I had to adumbrate the details, but I was not able to give you the full story at this time.

Thursday, July 9, 2015

apoplectic sample sentences

She was positively apoplectic with anger when she realized she had been cheated.

The coach was so apoplectic when the player missed the free throw that he threw his clipboard onto the court.

The victim’s family was apoplectic when the case against their son’s killer was dismissed.

When the cashier refused to give me the correct change, I became apoplectic and threatened to call the police.

The apoplectic husband threatened to kill his wife’s lover.

Because Matt always appears apoplectic, he is being forced to take an anger management course by the traffic court judge.

My strict father was apoplectic when I arrived home five hours late.

calaboose sample sentences

She is more than 100 years old and got her name because of the crime that landed her in the calaboose.

The horizontal ray struck through the grating of the "calaboose" at the corner of the godown I was skirting.

garderobe sample sentences

On our tour of the castle, the guide made sure to point out the garderobe.

Monday, June 8, 2015

anathema sample sentences

After the world learned of his heinous crimes, the dictator was considered an anathema.

The epidemic which killed dozens of small children was an anathema to the residents of the town.

While he presented himself as a godly man, the priest committed several unethical acts that made him an anathema to members of his congregation.

The children hate wearing uniforms to school and view the dress code as an anathema.

I consider my mother-in-law an anathema because she always makes snide comments to me.

Since the beginning of time, blind faith has been an anathema to science.

The amount of money celebrities spend on clothing and jewelry is anathema to most poor people.

Because my daughter hates the taste of broccoli, she considers it to be an anathema.

An atheist is viewed as an anathema by many so-called Christians.

Saturday, May 30, 2015

COMEUPPANCE sample sentences

One of these days, he'll get his comeuppance for treating people so arrogantly.

As with many action movies, this one ends with a wild chase and an over-the-top fight sequence in which the bad guys finally get their comeuppance.

I'd love to see this arrogant, self-serving fraud get her comeuppance.

I enjoy seeing nasty people recceive their just comeuppance.

Mingy Sample Sentences

This mingy portion of food they served me wont appease the hunger i'm feeling right now.

The company's mingy Christmas bonuses haven't exactly helped to boost the employees morale.

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Pussyfoot Sample Sentences

He should stop being a pussyfoot and tell us what he wants to do.

I hate politicians who try to pussyfoot around hot-button issues.

Saturday, May 9, 2015

Saltation Sample Sentences

The thief has prepared himself in saltation over the neighbors fence but they caught him.

Friday, April 24, 2015

Tyro Sample Sentences

An example of a tyro is a person attending their first painting class.

The tyro politician was not prepared for the dirty side of politics.

That young gentleman is a tyro in business.

Saturday, April 18, 2015

Wimple Sample Sentences

A thick fog wimpled the shoreline so that the only thing that could be seen from the distance was the light winking from the top of the lighthouse.

The nun wore a wimple.

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Stentorian Sample Sentences

The foreman barked out his orders in a stentorian tone that could be heard clearly over the din of the factory's machinery.

I could no longer stand my mother-in-law's stentorian voice!

The commander of the royal force needs to carry a stentorian voice.

The uproar in the hall was suddenly silenced by the deep, stentorian admonitions of the vice principal.

The carnival barker addressed the milling crowds in a stentorian voice.

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Palisade Sample Sentences

A 1.8 meter high palisade fence will be erected between the rear gardens of each property with screen walls to the front.

The houses were surrounded by a wooden palisade on top of a steep bank.

The outer palisade held off the attackers.

The soldiers could not get over the rock wall palisade and just got killed by the archers.

The tribe built a wooden palisade around their village to protect it from raiders.

The gate of the palisade was now opened, and the captain of the guards allowed the prisoners to lie down on the glowing pavement within.

Monday, April 6, 2015

Mordant Sample Sentences

I know a writer famous for her mordant humor.

I've read a mordant review of the movie I recently watch that compared it to having one's teeth pulled for two hours.

He was a good speaker, lucid in his lectures, persuasive in conversation; and he had a mordant wit.

An example of a mordant person is someone who is always making cruel and sarcastic remarks to others.

His mordant satire was hurtful.

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Laconic Sample Sentences

He had a reputation for being laconic.

The valedictorian delivered a laconic speech, contrast to the salutatorian's lengthy speech.

A person with few words is laconic.

If trials were laconic, then it wouldn't take years to find a verdict.

To save valuable time, give me a laconic explanation of what happened.

If you were laconic with your lectures, then we could leave class 15 minutes early.

I don't have all day, so be laconic with your answers.

The laconic way you speak with people baffles me considering you want a talk show.

A man of a few words, he has proven himself to be laconic.

My chattering best friend couldn't be any different from her more reserved, laconic older brother.

The laconic cowboy raised an eyebrow and just grinned when the girl finished her tirade.

Though the speech was laconic in nature, it told worlds about why it is important to follow directions.

Casual acquaintances always thought my father was laconic, but the truth was that he just had a very, very limited vocabulary.

The speech was laconic, but still very effective.

Refluent Sample Sentences

Watching the refluent ocean will make you feel that you are being swept away too.

Saturday, March 14, 2015

Fracas Sample Sentences

The police broke up the fracas in the bar and threw both combatants in the lockup.

We saw that the police were preparing for any fracas that might follow the soccer game.

The resulting fracas ended with riotous fighting in the streets.

Several others who participated in the fracas were also roughly handled.

The fracas over file sharing has prompted many proposals, but no grand solution.

The fracas began, the police said, when someone threw a bottle or a brick at a car.

Six of the students were arrested but not charged after the fracas.

His spirited, quotable commentary made the whole election fracas worthwhile.

The fracas moved into a nearby field, where the witnesses lost sight of it.

My friend and I got into a fracas over who saw the cute boy first.

The drunken soccer hooligans fracas resulted in their being hauled off to jail.

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Gimcrack Sample Sentences

A remarkable amount of money is spent on gimcracks and other unnecessary items each year.

That woman has enough gimcracks to fill up a novelty company's mail-order catalog.

It's both fascinating and unnerving with its gimcrack gadgets and reputation for being haunted.

The shelves groan with an array of gimcrack gifts from fans.

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Commensurate Sample Sentences

She was given a job commensurate with her abilities.

The work should be commensurate with the seriousness of the crime.

The job grade will be commensurate with relevant experience.

You will receive a salary commensurate with your responsibilities.

Lately there has been growing recognition that the balance needs to be redressed to enable children to have status commensurate with their needs.

Starting salary is commensurate with educational qualifications and experience.

Malarkey Sample Sentences

He thinks everything politicians say is just a bunch of malarkey.

You've been watching too much cable news and falling for all that malarkey.

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Savant Sample Sentences

My sister is a savant in the field of medical ethics.

The cooking speaks of a light hand and a savant use of herbs and spices.

My uncle was considered a savant in the fields of Egyptology and English literature.

The idiot savant surprised everyone when he stated all of the things that he remembered.

Although he could barely dress himself, the idiot savant could play complex music on the piano after only a few hearings.

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Mundane Sample Sentences

They lead a pretty mundane life.

Prayer and meditation helped her put her mundane worries aside.

My mundane life of working at a dead-end job for the last decade is getting old.

From the exciting to the mundane, I will share all of my experiences with you.

Though his friends were having a fun time at the bar, Kevin settled for a mundane evening at home.

Mundane thinking will only take you so far in innovation.

If you want to escape from the mundane, get out of this boring town!

Don't settle for a mundane weekend on the couch - go skydiving!

I wish we had a dishwasher to handle the mundane task of washing dishes every night.

Bob's mundane afternoon consists of taking out the trash, cleaning the dishes, watching a soap opera, and squeezing in a nap.

Your mundane reasons for why you plop on the couch instead of working towards a career are not acceptable.

What I fear is that my conclusions appear trivial and mundane.

To the layman our modes of space travel can seem a little mundane.

You may be assigned mundane tasks like scheduling appointments

It may well disappoint us with it's mundane results but to have the truth would be priceless.

It cannot be stressed enough how much the discussion has moved on from these mundane issues.

Sometimes taking a break from academic writing and doing something mundane is a good idea.

The continuing structural changes are insidious because they are so mundane.

Unreasonable people are not always gifted at such mundane tasks.

Whether you wish to travel domestically or internationally, romantic travel for newlyweds need not be mundane.

Tom found working in the factory assembly line to be mundane and not very challenging.

As I crossed the field I could see the farm & the mundane brick outhouse that sat unused for years.

She began the mundane chore of washing the dishes, as she did every day.

My lunch today has the same old mundane bologna sandwich

She hates her job because she is asked to do mundane tasks every day.

I don’t mind doing a job which is low paying, I just don’t want it to be mundane.

She does not want to pursue a government job even though it will offer her security for life because she thinks it will be mundane.

This book is about finding beauty and meaning in our otherwise mundane existence.

People are deluded by the glamour of celebrities, thinking that their lives are far away from the mundane, which in reality is not true.

The entire family moved to a countryside home because they were getting fed up of their mundane city lives.

I am sick of everybody giving me mundane advice. I am in need of genuine mentorship.

Adults love fairy tales as much as kids because it gives them the hope that even their own mundane lives will be touched by magic one day.

Her report was rejected because the conclusions she drew from them appeared very mundane to the judges.

The person who innovates and creates extraordinary items from the mundane is worthy of being called a true artist.

Grandma's deep faith and appreciation of life help her to approach even the most mundane tasks with a happy heart.

Listening to music makes mundane tasks more bearable.

Bored with the mundane routine in her life, she decided to book a summer trip to Europe.

His creativity and love of anything romantic keeps our marriage from becoming stale and mundane.

A bottle of fine wine and a single rose turned our typically mundane night into a very romantic evening.

She tires easily of mundane household tasks, so she goes out to eat frequently and hires a cleaning lady four times per month.

He considered his father's work at the family bakery to be completely unfulfilling and mundane and he sold the business as soon as his dad passed away.

Her vivid imagination keeps her entertained as she performs the mundane activities of her work day.

A sense of purpose in ones life can elevate mundane tasks to meaningful experiences.

After a mundane Saturday of grocery shopping, cooking and cleaning, a night out with the girls is well deserved.

The restaurant was mundane because of its repeating chairs and tables.

After an exciting vacation, we faced another mundane semester of school.

Kate led an unvarying life of repetitive tasks that became overbearingly mundane.

Hawkshaw Sample Sentences

The firm hired a hawkshaw to find out who was fencing stock from their warehouse.