Monday, December 14, 2015

Inveigh Sample Sentences

Because one politician chose to inveigh on the subject of immigration for an hour, the debate went on all afternoon.

No matter how angry I get, I will not inveigh my feelings using social media.

The entire purpose of the article was to inveigh on the topic of gun control.

Too often, bloggers inveigh on political topics when they know very little about politics.

There is nothing worse than a person who thinks his only purpose at a party is to inveigh on every person he dislikes.

Although I did not like the movie, I did not dislike it so much that I will make the time to inveigh about the film online.

There are not enough words for me to inveigh how angry I am right now!

During the trial, the prosecutor took every opportunity to inveigh his feelings about the defendant.

When approached by the reporter, it was not difficult at all for the victim’s mother to inveigh her thoughts on her daughter’s attacker.

If you make the decision to inveigh your employer’s name in the office, you should expect to be fired within a short period of time.

The detective had, indeed, good reasons to inveigh against the bad luck which pursued him.

Uncle Tom's Cabin was written to inveigh against slavery.

He's been known to take any opportunity to inveigh loudly.

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