Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Askew Sample Sentences

His hair and clothes were disheveled and his glasses were askew on the bridge of his nose.

I’ve tried straightening out the poster three times, but it still looks askew.

Even though his toupee is almost always askew, he is a funny, endearing character who is welcome at any get-together.

When Mia came home and hung her new painting on the wall, she noticed that it was askew in the frame.

The first thing Elizabeth noticed when she walked up the sidewalk to her house was that the curtains were askew, as if someone had been watching her from the window.

The rebellious young prince would rather have been playing in his room, and he sat through the ceremony with his crown askew and a scowl on his face.

When I arrived to take Granny to the doctor, I knew that all was not well because she was wearing her pajamas and her lipstick was askew on her mouth.

Because the door had been installed askew, it had a tendency to swing open suddenly if I hadn’t closed it securely.

Not waiting to knock, Marshall burst through the door with his eyes wild and his hat sitting askew on the side of his head.

The detectives looked around the apartment for clues and noticed that the rug seemed to be set askew under the coffee table.

After she noticed that he was wearing his tie and jacket askew, further examination showed that he was also wearing mismatched socks.

After the flood receded, the bridge was found to be askew of the roadway.

After the earthquake, all the pictures in the museum where left hanging askew.

After several attempts to hang the picture it remained askew.

Your clothes are all askew.

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