Tuesday, November 4, 2014

frowsy sample sentences

When I opened his room, my nose is greeted by a frowsy smell of stale beer and stale smoke.

There I see a couple of frowsy stuffed chairs in their living room of which I refuse to put my belongings.

Eleanor belongs to that frowsy family living in wretched poverty.

The abandoned house was dank and frowsy and barely fit for human habitation.

demagogue sample sentences

The nation's voters ousted their incumbent president for a demagogue who persuasively capitalized on fears of another recession.

Always placing blame and finding fault is called being a demagogue.

Most likely a demagogue will be in control.

Too bad he allowed his sanctimony to turn him into just another self-righteous demagogue.

Given the silver-tongued, narcissistic demagogue that he is, it is not surprising that he is claiming credit.

Hitler's type of political leadership made him something of a demagogue.

This candidate has no real position on any of the issues; he is merely a demagogue trying to whip the people into a frenzy by encouraging their prejudices.

This man is just a demagogue with a lot of empty promises, but no true ideas.

The demagogue's plan to rouse the people into a frenzy was deflected by a true leader.

The Senator was a gifted demagogue, with particular skill in manipulating the press.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Umbrageous Sample Sentences

The yards are nicely carpeted with green, and rendered cool by umbrageous trees.

Let him leave the beaten line of travel, where the ravaging axe converts the umbrageous solitude into noisy blanks.

The wedding took place under the umbrageous limbs of a giant oak in the bride's backyard.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Insidious Sample Sentences

Most people with this insidious disease have no idea that they are infected.

The insidious playboy planned to con the heiress out of her fortune.

While Helen may seem like a nice woman, I believe she has an insidious side to her.

The car dealership used attractive insidious models to lure in buyers.

Although the medicine made Gabriel feel better at first, its effect was insidious and only lasted a short time.

Carol created an insidious plot to steal her best friend’s husband.

Even though he seemed honest and trustworthy, the cult leader was an insidious man who only wanted to trick his followers into giving him their assets.

Alcohol is an insidious beverage that convinces people to do silly things.

Because I was so trusting, I did not realize the insidious man was using me to get information about the bank where I worked.

The insidious witch put out cookies and candy to entrap naïve children.

After the police conducted their investigation, they realized the suspect had created an insidious scheme by which he tricked elderly people out of their medications.

He experienced the insidious influence of the corporate culture.

Climate change is insidious and uncertain, inviting denial and procrastination.

The temptation to be dishonest often comes in insidious ways.

Computer malware is insidious and dangerous but there are well known limits to the kinds of attacks that it can be used to mount.

It's the smaller stuff that represents a more insidious threat since it cannot be seen and therefore can't be avoided.

Plots in good crime fiction are so insidious that they get into your head and you don't even know that they're there.

The stalker was insidious in his attempts to reach his victim and outwit the police.

Jennifer spread insidious rumors of her opponent before the school election .

His evil, plotting ways fit into his insidious nature.

Her insidious lies finally caught up with her.

The investigators uncovered an insidious scheme to rob people of their life savings.

The insidious burglar was able to sneak into the house without being heard or seen.

The onset of the cold was so insidious that Tom hardly knew what had hit him.

He was unaware that an insidious cancer was consuming him.

The insidious disease had harmed most of the organs before it was diagnosed.

He should not have believed the insidious information given by the informer.

We have circulated the insidious information to trap the militant group.

Gambling is an insidious habit that is most difficult to break.

She fell captive to the insidious world of drugs at a tender age.

Fever Pitch Sample Sentences

I worked myself up to a fever pitch of enthusiasm.

New allegations brought interest in the scandal to a fever pitch.

Demand for the new car soon reached fever pitch.

The excitement kept building to a fever pitch as the singing and dancing reached a crescendo.

By the time the princess appeared on the balcony, excitement among the crowd was at fever pitch.

Tension reached fever pitch as reports came in of further bomb attacks in the north.

Research on this dreadful disease and its human counterpart continue at a fever pitch.

It was the best race of the day and the excitement was at a fever pitch.

During last quarters the football crowd was at fever pitch.

This year, because the nominees were so unexpected, the snubs so blatant, the shouts and murmurs hit fever pitch.

Excitement remained at fever pitch until the very end of the game.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Culpable Sample Sentences

Much as we believe he's culpable, we don't have any hard evidence.

I don't think he feels I'm culpable of a crime but he knows I'm holding back on him.

The judge found the man culpable of the crime and sentenced him to life in prison.

If you drive under the influence of alcohol, then you are culpable for any accidents you have as a result of driving in that condition.

The teacher who allowed the bullying in her class is just as culpable as the student bully.

Because you acted as the getaway driver during the robbery, you are also culpable of the robbery itself.

Drug dealers should be held culpable for the crimes committed by their drug users.

If anyone is culpable in this crumbling marriage, it is the cheating wife.

According to the police, the pharmacist is culpable of stealing drugs.

Even though each driver is trying to pass the blame, one of them has to be culpable for the accident.

The terrorist is culpable of many war crimes in his home country.

She's puzzled that people think her remotely culpable in the affair.

Cal's senior management is either incompetent or culpable.

The boy looked down with shame when his mother found out that it was he who was culpable for breaking her antique vase.

He has pleaded guilty to two counts of culpable driving.

She said the family had been told the culpable driving charge against Josefski was dropped due to a lack of evidence.

The man thought he did nothing wrong, but the judge new he was culpable and sent him to jail.

Saturday, September 6, 2014

GRAVITAS Sample Sentences

The new leader has an air of gravitas that commands respect.

I am not a fan of her, she is just a comic actress who lacks the gravitas for dramatic roles.

The new leader has a certain gravitas.

She had the controlled delivery of a singer, a light airiness combined with a certain gravitas.

When you go to an academic conference you expect to see some geeks, gravitas and graying professors giving lectures.

The times call for leaders of great ability and significant gravitas.

The gravitas of the candidates and the sharpness of their policy differences have both increased over the past few months.

She would give our diplomatic outreach a power and gravitas that it hasn't had for years.

We need a body that has the gravitas and perspective to do this, and another elected body will not work.

Journalists once had to achieve a certain gravitas before appearing on television as a political expert, but not anymore.

All three of these bands come from genres known more for youthful energy than for gravitas.

The director told the actress that she would have to play her character with great gravitas if she wanted to come across as convincing.

Most of gravitas of the regal palace owed itself to the grandeur of the architecture and its elaborate facades.

The only reason that people have faith in him is because he has the gravitas of a person who can take big decisions.

She radiates the gravitas of a woman who knows how to deal with people and handle complex situations efficiently.

Since you are covering a poignant and socially relevant topic in this seminar, make sure that you speak with gravitas.

He was chosen as the emcee because he has the gravitas required to conduct such a somber event.

I was intimidated by the elite, their erudite conversations and the gravitas that they exuded.

He was voted to be the next president because he showed gravitas which impressed the people of the country.

It is the gravitas in his personality that makes his subordinates obey him and give him so much importance at work.

I was amazed to see how a stubble and few tweaks in his hairstyle added so much gravitas to his appearance.

She is a lady with gravitas who has always been righteous and done things that benefit people around her.

It may take an actor with many years of experience to portray a character with so much gravitas.

The fake display of gravitas by the rest of the family members during the funeral was not appreciated.

He wanted to shoot the video in a way that it captured the gravitas of the grand museum along with all the history seeped inside its walls.

I expected a lot of gravitas in her as she was the CEO of the company, but she turned out to be quite frivolous.

You don’t need to carry a halo of gravitas behind your head just because you have become the manager of the company.

She spoke with gravitas about the serious thought and hard work that had gone into making this Easter bonnet parade the event it was.

UNCTUOUS Sample Sentences

The candidates suddenly going regularly to church is an unctuous effort to appear religious to the voters.

I have given an unctuous appraisal of the musical talent shown by the boss's daughter to gain his good side.

Find me a politician without an unctuous personality, and I’ll pay you a million bucks!

Nicky’s unctuous demeanor got on everyone’s nerves.

Turned off by the unctuous compliments, the woman turned down the man’s offer of a drink.

His unctuous hand gestures let everyone know he was upset about the encounter.

The head cheerleader made an unctuous effort to get the geeks to give her their prom queen votes.

Because she resembles a famous movie star, my friend receives unctuous attention when we go out to dinner.

His impression of the president was unctuous and poorly done.

When Janice walked into her party, she pretended to be surprised with an unctuous performance.

Harrison’s unctuous behavior made him seem as if he had spent every moment of his life in the theater.

Because she wanted to borrow his car, Sarah gave her father unctuous praise.

The soap felt unctuous when it slipped from my hands.

He seemed anxious to please but not in an unctuous way.

Dinner specials are described by waiters in the tones of unctuous coroners announcing the results of autopsies.

In the testing of unctuous materials that adhere readily to the skin, mesh wire screen may be employed instead of the sleeve.

The granite stone's i bought from the hardware store to pave the sidewalk in front of my house had a unctuous finish about them.

The unctuous quality of the suntan lotion made it easier to spread.

She looked as though she hadn't bathed in days, her hair was unkempt and unctuous.

Mistaking us for the millionaire's children, the hotel concierge overwhelmed us with her unctuous attentions.

The paper towel sopped up the grease from the unctuous bacon on top of it.

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

impervious sample sentences

The clouds looks heavy tonight I suggest you to bring a coat impervious to rain.

This carpet seems impervious to rough treatment since I've been using it for almost a decade now.

The new principal is impervious to criticism.

He clasped his arms behind his head and lay down, impervious to the cold.

The houses are built of clay with flat roofs impervious to fire.

It is true that she remained quite impervious to religious influences.

In her innocence she ruins all their plans and proves impervious to their attempts to bump her off.

These structures are often stable and impervious to meteor impacts.

The fabric is quick to dry and seems impervious to wrinkling.

Sam did not feel the punches or kicks, completely impervious to pain.

Germs are becoming impervious to treatments, a phenomenon blamed on overuse of antibiotics.

Due to his trauma, the man was impervious to pain.

The concrete floor was impervious to rain.

The old man was impervious to change.

Monday, August 25, 2014

Dilettante Sample Sentences

You can always tell a true expert from a dilettante.

His patronage was exercised, not from vanity or a mere dilettante love of letters, but with a view to the higher interest of the state.

Some soldiers have dilettante attitude toward the fighting.

When it comes to learning how to play the guitar, my daughter is a dilettante who will practice one day but not the next day.

The veteran reporters viewed the new guy as a dilettante who would not take his job as seriously as they took their careers.

Because Peter studied music composition for eight years, he is definitely not a dilettante in the field of music.

The critics did not see the heiress as a serious filmmaker, only as a dilettante who was bored with her life.

Although Gary purchased an expensive camera, he is a dilettante because he rarely takes pictures.

Even though I have only been employed for a few months as a computer programmer, I am not a dilettante because my work is very important to me.

Without any formal training, Kara is simply a dilettante and not a professional dancer.

It was obvious from the pianist’s poor performance that he was a dilettante who had no interest in cultivating his talent.

If Mark wants to be seen as more than a dilettante, he needs to take a few more art classes so he can demonstrate his knowledge of the subject.

As long as Jennifer is unwilling to put in the work, she will remain a dilettante and never become a famous actress.

Most of my readers don't know I'm a dilettante techno musician.

The article portrayed her as an outspoken, partying dilettante.

The dilettante felt that his superficial knowledge of art qualified him to judge the artist work.

This antiquated fussiness of the dilettante little nobleman was sickening to her.

The young dilettante volunteered at the museum for free admittance.

Rapport Sample Sentences

He quickly developed a good rapport with the other teachers.

She works hard to build rapport with her patients.

There is a lack of rapport between the members of the group.

Alison also has a strong rapport with the children in the school.

First you need to develop rapport with the audience; then you can bring humor in.

He had a good rapport with the clients.

Her huge sparkling eyes create an instant rapport with her audience.

It can be hard to develop rapport with a crowd from such a distance.

You need to develop a rapport with the interviewers & deliver your answers in a natural manner.

Your aim is to develop rapport during the meeting.

His storytelling style involves developing a rapport with the people he photographs through shared common interests and listening.

He had an endless ability for rapport with ordinary people.

Rapport, once established, will make your sales almost effortless.

Boost your social and communication skills, establish rapport and make friends.

He didn't have the luxury of building up a rapport with the nation's elite prospects over several seasons.

Hence professors have an easy rapport with those who have the innate sense of how to study and grow knowledge.

The theater of revolution is essentially participatory, requiring more than the usual rapport between actors and audience.

His ensuing road show tour to promote his populist agenda has showcased his rapport with voters.

So there was none of that familial domestic rapport she had with us.

And that is an image of a couple in total harmony of movement and thus in perfect emotional rapport.

Clearly they had developed a theatrical rapport that came through in the music.

Yes, he found an appreciative biographer with whom he seems to have a warm rapport.

The counselor could talk to all the students about their personal lives because he had established a good rapport with them since their freshman years.

She made it a point to strike a rapport with her professor because she knew that she would need his extra help and guidance in the future.

Their common native place helped them to strike an instant rapport.

The rapport that the committee built with the government over so many years came crashing down because of a trivial disagreement.

The delegation was unsuccessful in building a rapport with their hosts as they didn’t understand each other’s languages.

Since sales people are generally amicable, it becomes easy for them to strike a rapport with even with random people.

Their professional rapport eventually grew into a long lasting friendship which later converted itself into a wonderful marriage.

Creating a rapport with the people you work with is a prerequisite of the professional world.

Her welcoming body language suggested that she was interested in saying hello and building a gradual rapport with me.

It will take some effort and initiative to build a rapport with your new classmates, especially if you are an introvert.

The lecturer made the presentation interactive and asked questions to his audience so that he could strike a rapport with them and make the evening engaging.

She is a difficult and obstinate person who is impossible to share a rapport with.

She was given an extension for the loan repayment only because she has a good rapport with the bank manager.

Even though she and I have been acquaintances for a while, we've never had the kind of rapport that would make us good friends.

Operose Sample Sentences

The operose volume offers up considerably more verbiage than useful information.

The laborer dreaded undertaking the operose task of moving the building material to the other side of the site by hand.

We will be submitting a letter complaining about his operose method.

Clearing the woods was an operose job.

The operose worker accomplishes much.

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Impugn Sample Sentences

He is planning to impugn his rival's character.

There is no reason to impugn and scrutinize her suggestions.

The mayor leaked news of the arrest to the media to impugn his opponent’s character.

How dare you impugn the integrity of our local councilman simply because of a Twitter rumor!

When the prosecutor tried to impugn the defendant’s character, the defense lawyer jumped to his feet and made an objection.

These findings are not meant to impugn your character.

Probation officers shall not impugn the decisions and directives of the court.

He didn't believe anyone took the time to impugn anyone's integrity.

Everyone was shocked when the student tried to impugn his lab teacher’s findings.

Even though I hate my ex-husband's girlfriend, I never try to impugn her character in front of my children.

An atheist is quick to impugn the concept of a higher power.

Although I had my ticket in my hand, the annoying attendant tried to impugn my entrance into the theater.

The confident politician felt no need to impugn the motives of his election challengers.

Since my daughter has not passed a single math test this year, I strongly impugn her teacher’s instructional skills.

It was the detective’s job to impugn all the statements made by the suspects.

Teens often impugn the restrictions put on them, like curfews and chores.

I started to impugn my mom when she told me I was a lazy person after I had just cleaned the whole house

He said the proposal on delegate selection was not meant to impugn anyone.

It was his habit to impugn the statements of others at every opportunity.

Friday, August 8, 2014

Diluvial Sample Sentences

The aftermath of super-storm Sandy has left many in a diluvial hell.

billingsgate sample senteces

When drunk or angry his language always devolve into billingsgate.

The assistant is now immune to billingsgate coming from his boss.

Friday, July 25, 2014

intercalate sample sentences

The technology uses metal ions to intercalate graphite fibers to increase the adsorption area.

I wish I could intercalate an extra day off to the weekend.

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Shambolic Sample Sentences

Most third world countries has a shambolic system of public transportation.

Her statements is quite doubtful due to her shambolic state of mind during the interrogation.

That shambolic room is where the crime scene took place.

Saturday, July 12, 2014

Extant Sample Sentences

He happened to be the most charming writer extant I know.

Museum collectors would love having ancient extant manuscripts.

There are few extant records from that period.

His will, which is extant, was signed on the fourth day before his death.

The extant literature on this view is substantial .

Some of the disparity stems from the Puritan strain extant even in the literary precincts of our culture.

Of course, the extant of that relationship is not yet known.

The goal was to determine the ranges of currently extant species.

No images of her as a young woman are extant.

The fact remains that there is only 1 copy extant.

Over the last decade, almost all of her extant writings have been translated and published or reprinted.

Some questions may be difficult to answer unequivocally based on extant data.

The rule of law must be extant before one can enforce law and order.

Some 60 of his sonnets, most of them in a burlesque vein, are extant.

The lack of extant monuments from these years is one reason for this elision.

We must move our selves from the extant past and look at life as being as old as the creator.

No definitive data exist, he says, but the majority of the extant evidentiary scraps support their side.

Or one could choose from among the forty or so extant calendars worldwide.

Let's go through the extant familiar forms of political dissent more rigorously.

The original steps were not extant, so he created new ones.

About eighty of these were performed, forty of which are extant, and they belong usually to the type known as romantic tragedy.

One of these is extant in the new edition of his works.

The first, the acts of which are extant under his name in the editions of the councils, is certainly genuine.

Head and neck posture in sauropod dinosaurs inferred from extant animals.

To further illustrate the point, he includes two x-rays of extant rabbits to show the extreme curve their necks make.

Even our wildest monsters are, upon closer inspection, usually a mere fusion of extant lifeforms and their parts.

The successful reintroduction could offer lessons for the reintroduction of other extant species.

But somehow, it appears that only one lineage survived to rapidly diversify into modern extant eukaryotes.

Then you won't have to cry because free money isn't always extant.

Regions where lineages have been extant the longest should have the highest variation.

However, modern science does allow us to draw some perfectly reasonable conclusions about our extant theories of the universe.

The fact is that human normal variation is subject to some constraints in terms of function and extant genetic variation.

Physicists are constrained from discovery by extant theory.

The leather scroll is believed to be the second-oldest extant version of the commandments.

One should learn to cherish who is extant in one's life, rather than fantasize about who one will meet tomorrow.

Daniel's copy of The Shadow of the Wind is the last one extant; someone is determined to destroy all the copies.

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Dissemble Sample Sentences

Her plan was to dissemble her intentions from her husband so she could successfully plan him a surprise party.

Rather than answer the reporter’s questions directly, the politician chose to dissemble his responses.

The con man did his best to dissemble his real motives from the wealthy widow.

While it may be easier to dissemble your true feelings from others, it is always best to be honest with those you love.

It is hard to feel pity for someone who makes a living by willingly choosing to dissemble their true intent for monetary reasons.

Even though Evelyn knew she was madly in love with Robert, she still felt she had to dissemble her true feelings to avoid being hurt.

Because he did not want to start an argument with his coworkers, Maurice chose to dissemble his political beliefs.

In an attempt to dissemble his affair from his wife, Matt bought a cell phone which he kept hidden in his car.

Although I am willing to help you as much as I can, I will not lie and dissemble the truth about your work history.

Perhaps a defense attorney’s greatest skill is his ability to dissemble information from the jury.

The need to keep it positive, even if it's not, puts stress on the spouse who must dissemble.

It never occurred to him to patronize students or to dissemble his thoughts.

If asked about your relationship or seen outside the campus, don't dissemble.

Now he can dissemble all he likes, but the truth is he chose not to and that was conveniently ignored.

Yet, no matter how great the man, the true lawyer cannot dissemble.

And it is hard to find any sympathy for companies that dissemble or hold back information.

Worse for him, the bosses would dissemble when he asked why he failed to make the grade.

And following ancient custom, Belgium may dissemble at will, being a sovereign state.

Its method has been: do little but dissemble in the hope that the problem goes away.

Who knows not how to dissemble knows not how to reign.

I will not dissemble the first emotions of joy on the recovery of my freedom, and, perhaps, the establishment of my fame.

In a television interview the politician tended to dissemble rather than to answer questions truthfully.

Our president is an honest, sincere person with no need to dissemble

Schadenfreude Sample Sentences

A delightful sense of schadenfreude engulfed her when she saw that the dirty and disheveled beauty queen had humiliated herself.

She had a feeling of schadenfreude when the boy who dumped her was unable to find a date for the dance.

Why do some people feel a sense of schadenfreude instead of showing compassion.

Pity and schadenfreude both arise from the contemplation of somebody else's misfortunes.

Summer was a strange woman who took joy in the suffering of others and always experienced schadenfreude when her friends were miserable.

When the winning team saw their rivals saddened by defeat, they felt a sense of schadenfreude.

Jeremy had a feeling of schadenfreude when his ex-wife’s second marriage failed.

Because I wish the best for all people, I do not feel schadenfreude when others have problems.

Jill felt schadenfreude when the girl who stole her boyfriend was not elected to the homecoming court.

From behind his telescope, the police detective watched in schadenfreude as the thief walked into the trap.

After Mike learned his mother’s attacker had been caught, he felt a huge degree of schadenfreude.

I must admit I experienced a bit of schadenfreude when I heard my annoying boss had been fired.

Since Glen does not want other students to get better grades than him, he feels schadenfreude when his classmates fail their tests.

There is a quite a bit of schadenfreude involved when one watches one's enemies suffer.

There was some sense of schadenfreude as private sector bosses can now look on and watch civil servants face the pay and recruitment freezes.

Vaunted Sample Sentences

We were able to overcome our opponents' vaunted defense and achieve an upset victory which will take us to the finals.

"The vaunted school for years has sent its best students to the nation's top conservatories."

His wrist refuses to instill his volleys with their vaunted sting.

Many of the vaunted new democracies are riddled with corruption, and weakly led.

Even the vaunted medical degrees are not working out via debt vs potential income.

But trading outfits can lose many times that amount in the blink of an eye, even with vaunted

As for the vaunted hub strategy, many within the company viewed it as little more than a press release.

The tension between the government's vaunted localism and the realities of planning reform is a sore point.

Each vaunted scientific breakthrough brings with it new challenges to our health system.

No, it wasn't crushed by bills for its vaunted welfare state.

If they are really not vaunted climbers, they are even less celebrated sprinters.

Jim vaunted about his ability to beat any game for the PlayStation console.

The highly-vaunted Eiffel Tower in Paris was an impressive site on our trip to France.

The highly-vaunted Eiffel Tower in Paris was an impressive site on our trip to France.

For all her vaunted writing talent, Pauline has yet to find a publisher for her book.

There was little on-stage evidence of the much- vaunted angst between the band members.

Thursday, July 3, 2014

misbegotten sample sentences

Many hoped that the newly-elected administration would focus on ending what they perceived to be a misbegotten war.

Scaling back political goals related to a misbegotten, failing war does not spell victory in any language.

Buried deep inside this misbegotten comedy is the glimmer of an idea.

It is difficult to conceive a more persistently blinkered and misbegotten set of policy responses to a crisis.

The sooner this misbegotten currency is out of our lives the better.

The danger lies when those with political power seek to ally the faithful for their own misbegotten ends.

Even so, attributing surprising powers to the moon is not as misbegotten an idea as it sounds.

Along the way, on any topic whatsoever, you find some scientists that wander down some misbegotten path and get stuck.

Pursuing a misbegotten authenticity, the filmmakers enclose us in claustrophobic unhappiness.

Despite this, he argued that the idea of the university as a womb for the development of new products is misbegotten.

Perhaps it had something to do with a misbegotten notion that this would help him with the prospective jury pool.

His misbegotten son eventually became the source of their family pride for being so successful.

They took a misbegotten journey to Indianapolis.

The tavern looked like some misbegotten combination of a Western saloon and a navy galley.

Newspapers chastise a man for some misbegotten indulgence while themselves behaving like schoolboys peeping through a hole in the girls'.

Many people in the United States have misbegotten ideas about education.

David had a very misbegotten plan, that fell through.

bestiality sample sentences

I was shocked by the bestiality of their behavior.

I can no longer live in that house after I've seen the bestiality of the family who owns it.

The kind of content seen is also very troubling: children are seeing images of rape, sexualised violence and bestiality.

If you thought there was nothing left to reveal about sex, then perhaps you haven't given bestiality enough consideration.

Monday, June 30, 2014

Hegemony Sample Sentences

They discussed the national government's hegemony over their tribal community.

The hegemony of the Aztecs, who dominated the other tribes from the central valley of Mexico, was oppressive.

She too had her projects of expansion and hegemony, and by the Chino-Japanese War she had gained a start over her rival.

The president of the company has hegemony over his employees.

While I cannot tell my husband what to do, I do have some hegemony over his actions.

Because of the hegemony of the veteran congressmen, the political rookies found it hard to get a bill on the docket.

When the dictator was chased out of the country, his hegemony over the people came to an end.

Even though the United States continues to see itself as a global power, its hegemony in the world is fading.

As the leader of his church, the Pope has hegemony over millions of Roman Catholics.

My sister’s possessive boyfriend had a strange hegemony over her.

Because the gang leader’s hegemony was so strong, the gang members always did what they were told without question.

The musical icons are the individuals who will have a lasting hegemony over many generations of music lovers.

Although the principal has hegemony status over the students, she is a kind woman who treats all of the children as if they were her own.

The super hero had much hegemony over the villains.

The British hegemony of India ended in the early 1900's.

Genghis Khan had hegemony over most of Asia by the year 1279.

The hegemony of a patriarchal society is prevalent in many Asian countries.

The two countries battled for hegemony of the country and it was a long-fought battle.

Pragmatic Sample Sentences

His pragmatic view of public education comes from years of working in city schools.

The scientist had a pragmatic approach to dealing with the water crisis.

While many parents rely on theory when governing their children, I prefer a more pragmatic approach.

My mother is quite pragmatic in nature and never does anything without rationalizing it first.

Despite his young age, my son is already very pragmatic in regards to organizing his priorities.

The king was a pragmatic ruler who always sought the sensible advice of his advisers.

Even though a theoretical solution would be great, a pragmatic solution would have a more positive effect on the crisis.

I try to provide my children with pragmatic advice instead of counsel that is simply based on rumor and theory

Because the preacher was a pragmatic man, he only bought his children practical birthday presents.

Although my professor believes many of the great educational theories, he always takes a pragmatic approach to teaching.

If you are traveling a great distance, the pragmatic approach is to take a plane.

A pragmatic approach was taken to public sector reform.

He was pragmatic with regard to having an understanding of ministering to people where they were at.

He was a successful and pragmatic ruler, always doing the think that made the most sense and was most fitting.

Thursday, June 26, 2014

accoutrements sample sentences

He wins laughs with such apparently archaic accoutrements as a ventriloquist's dummy and a ukulele.

They will report on board in working suits, carrying their arms and accoutrements.

Most action figures come with tiny accoutrements that are almost certain to get lost.

Local priests have as their patrons, for the buildings and the accoutrements of a costly church, the local thief.

The way in which the producer reminds one of the accoutrements needed in the old days for traveling by auto is humorous.

subterfuge sample sentences

They obtained the documents by subterfuge.

He speaks as he sees, without political subterfuge.

The simplest way to gage the likely interest for big properties is to ask local estate agents - and use a little subterfuge.

Investigators often resort to subterfuge in an attempt to make criminals admit wrongdoing.

Conspiracists argue that landing on the moon was an act of subterfuge.

Teachers who rig tests are playing a role in the ever-growing subterfuge in the classroom.

When my girlfriend asks me, "Does this make me look fat?" I subterfuge by saying no.

From now on, he will no longer subterfuge to his family and instead focus on living an honest lifestyle.

If you don't want to be involved with the subterfuge, tell the truth.

Done with the subterfuge, Kevin is going to come clean about his drug addiction.

Magazines partake in the subterfuge by photoshopping models to look vastly thinner.

Playing to the referee does not always require such subterfuge.

The more subterfuge a newspaper uses, the weightier the public interest defence that is needed.

If you've had to resort to subterfuge, tell us about it in the comments section.

It was determined that the abolishments were not done as a subterfuge for political reasons.

The practice would generally be regarded as a subterfuge upon the part of the judge.

When her subterfuge was uncovered, her partners removed themselves from the project.

Sunday, June 15, 2014

codswallop sample sentences

That is a load of codswallop.

It is a genuine pity that it is utter codswallop.

bellicose sample sentences

They should suspend those bellicose hockey players who always seem to spend more time fighting than playing to teach them a lesson.

Instead of living in towns its bellicose inhabitants occupy isolated fortified buildings, and are constantly at war.

The diplomatic situation became for the moment very acute, but after a short period of bellicose talk the common-sense of both countries prevailed.

John had a bellicose personality which made him a fierce competitor during wrestling competitions.

His bellicose behavior at the party ensured that he would not be invited again.

Since she was constantly abused by her ex-husband, it is not surprising that she comes across as bellicose to men who approach her.

The patient who took the new drug suddenly became erratic and bellicose.

After eating too many cupcakes, the young boy jumped on the couch and began to leap around in a bellicose manner.

Talk trash about my father again and I'll show you how bellicose I can be!

The bellicose man approached me, eager to fight.

If you must get bellicose with me, then I'll call the police.

Your bellicose nature will get you into serious trouble someday!

His words, characteristically, had been strident and bellicose.

She looks so traditionally feminine that her foul mouth and bellicose nature are amusing surprises.

Throughout our talk I could not escape the impression that at least some of his more bellicose threats were mere acting.

The old gentleman was in a bellicose mood as he reminisced.

When the dog was confronted by strangers, he tended to be a bit more bellicose and combative.

He expressed alarm about the government's increasingly bellicose statements.

Some nations are traditionally bellicose and are constantly at war with their neighbours.

My bellicose temper has gotten me into more fights than I would like to remember.

Because of her bellicose nature, she had a difficult time making friends.

Michael’s bellicose attitude got him into trouble.

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Brobdingnagian Sample Sentences

A Brobdingnagian billboard stood at the entrance to the theme park.

Stylish togs for people who complain that department stores cater only to the brobdingnagian.

He wandered among the brobdingnagian machines and found nothing.

We have a brobdingnagian Christmas tree.

Offal Sample Sentences

The city's offal-strewn alleyways were often a haven for stray dogs and vermin.

Our proposed ban on bovine offal for human consumption would not affect these uses, I assume.

Sophie's inconsequential and useless existence leaves her healthy, well-off and happy as a dog rolling in offal.

Segments of pigeon were served with smoked potatoes and strewed atop an action painting of offal gravy.

In the case of beef offal, particularly livers, there is a slightly larger market.

The presence of free food in the form of offal and bait attracts many birds to fishing operations

Decedent was dumping a load of offal from a tractor trailer.

He was in the process of dumping offal into a bin when the tailgate malfunctioned.

After sitting out all day in the sun, the offal smelled awful.

Friday, May 16, 2014

bijou sample sentences

I have a collection of bijou from around the world that I plan to be auctioned later on.

He gave me this wonderful bijou as an anniversary present.

I think your new boyfriend has a good taste since he lived in a a bijou residence.

Instead of being flattened the old shop-houses were renovated and turned into bijou modern homes.

Instead of being flattened the old shop-houses were renovated and turned into bijou modern homes.

When she saw it Mary fell in love with the bijou country cottage and determined that she would one day owned it.

Saturday, April 26, 2014

malarkey sample sentences

He thinks everything politicians say is just a bunch of malarkey.

The claims were just a lot of malarkey.

You've been watching too much cable news and falling for all that malarkey .

He was snookered by a lot of malarkey.

Don't give me any of that malarkey about you're friends were all doing it as well.

That guy at the tiller is talking a bunch of malarky.

Mangle Sample Sentences

He threatened to mangle the sheets if he did not receive a refund.

The thresher will easily mangle an automobile.

The coat sleeve was mangled in the gears of the machine.

Some journalists get it mostly right, some mangle what I have said beyond repair.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

sententious sample sentences

They succeeded, becoming prosperous, and piety mingled with smugness made the whole family insufferably sententious.

To be really bad, a film should be pretentious and sententious.

Angela’s boss welcomed her sententious comments, which were succinct and to the point.

He makes all those sententious remarks and uses cliched maxims just to appear clever and important.

He thought his speech would come off as intellectual and profound, but I found it to be sententious and pompous.

Monday, March 10, 2014

gritty sample sentences

I admire her gritty determination to succeed.

Rosanne may not have her father's gritty charisma but she shares his sense of truth in music, with a sensuous, poised style all her own.

We'd love to see you take on a really gritty role.

His grimly businesslike speech was a gritty, almost masochistic exercise in the taking of responsibility.

He found his summer town unpretentious, gritty, endearing.

This isn't the sort of show you watch when you're looking for gritty realism.

The world is a gritty, messy place, and there are no perfect solutions.

His reputation as a gritty defensive player has grown dramatically this postseason.

feckless sample sentences

She can't rely on her feckless son.

Anyone who knows us will be aware that we're not feckless.

In the end he is just a feckless man who no longer cares for his wife's ideals, or even for himself.

I hate Jean's feckless boyfriend who helped her to become an addict.

The judge called him feckless for not having job to pay child support.

In your feckless attempt to fix my washer, you broke it.

Your feckless behavior has led to the cat going missing.

nexus sample sentences

April's diary became the nexus to her daughter and it's estranged father.

What separates the groups is a whole nexus of conditioning and background.

The company maintains that because it has no physical presence in the state, it has no nexus requiring it to collect tax.

But the trend toward stability also is about finding the nexus between fashion and function.

Our cover package deals with the nexus between social mobility and income inequality.

Saturday, March 8, 2014

cleave sample sentences

The ship's bow is about to cleave through the water.

The axe was made of a metal strong enough to cleave even the strongest marble.

You should cleave the ingredients in making the sauce.

ubiquitous sample sentences

The company's advertisements are ubiquitous.

Cell phones had become ubiquitous, and people had long ceased to be impressed by the sight of one.

Caught between ubiquitous marketing and conflicting science, many consumers can't tell what to believe.

On the downcast, rainy day the fog was ubiquitous.

Many household appliances have become ubiquitous.

Where did that ubiquitous odor originate.

Students and teachers are usually ubiquitous in schools.

Slap bracelets were an ubiquitous fashion in the early 1990's.

Parks and playgrounds are ubiquitous in the city.

Fast food restaurants are a ubiquitous feature of the American landscape.

Since my sister loves the color pink, she made sure the hue was ubiquitous during her wedding.

Because the police presence was ubiquitous at the parade, everyone felt very safe.

A ubiquitous symbol of love found everywhere on Valentine’s Day is the heart.

The phrase “going green” is one of the latest ubiquitous phrases being tossed around by corporations.

In the summer months, tourists are ubiquitous at every beachfront hotel in Florida.

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Piddling Sample Sentences

He was paid a piddling amount of money.

We ate our crackers, nuts, and other piddling snacks representing lunch.

He responded by naming one piddling novel that he'd remove.

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Mongrel Sample Sentences

She owns several dogs, including a mongrel named Stella.

I want that scruffy little mongrel in the pet shop window to be my guard dog.

I like walking my dog, a very old mongrel.

The black and white mongrel was only six weeks old, and was taken straight away to the Blue Cross Rescue Center in Burford.

Our search begins at a local shelter filled with pit bulls, old guard dogs and a three-legged mongrel.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

pilfer sample sentences

My mother often pilfer bond papers and other office supplies from work.

What sort of person would pilfer lunches from the office refrigerator?

Being a company spy, it is her duty to pilfer information and ideas from our rival company.

Looters drop by to pilfer whatever scraps of metal still wink of profit.

The rebels did not hinder them at checkpoints or pilfer their belongings.

It was bad enough when sitcoms used to pilfer the stories of romantic comedies.

The fun begins when two youths head for a neighboring town to pilfer exam papers.

Hungry people scaled utility poles to pilfer bits of copper wire to swap for food.

I am not sure why they broke into my office, there was nothing to pilfer there.

He could use his own password to connect from outside of the building and pilfer information and perhaps funds.

So are you copyright compliant or a silly bunny about to inadvertently pilfer another's hard work, sweat and tears.

They finally discovered that Mary had begun to pilfer money from the cash register after catching her on camera.

deracinate sample sentences

It is recommended to deracinate every other plant in the row to allow the survivors room to grow.

He is violent so we have to deracinate him from other mental patients.

They deracinate their newly adopted son for him to have a fresh start.

He felt compelled to surgically deracinate himself, altering his nose, his lips, his hair.

No one by taking thought, can deracinate the mental habits of, say, twenty years.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

filch sample sentences

I'm planning to filch her bracelet.

His idea is very good and I will filch it and use it as my own.

You can't trust him, I saw him filch this guys wallet.

If you don't keep a a close eye on that known thief, he will filch everything he can from you.

He would filch jokes from other comedians, antagonise or horrify audience members.

Buying and selling stocks without the customer's permission is only one of the common abuses brokers use to filch accounts.

Highly opportunistic feeders, caracaras generally prefer carrion to live prey and will frequently filch meals from other birds.

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Regnant Sample Sentences

There was increasing pressure on the regnant king to produce an heir.

Let them think forward and visualize the effect if this idea should become regnant.

In her regnant artistic sway the press has had a manifest hand.

We should not rake the current religious bias regnant in America today as necessarily universal for all cultures.

The pride of lofty lineage and severe isolation was regnant over all.

Saturday, February 8, 2014

parvenu sample sentences

Most journalist viewed the young senator as an upstart parvenu.

That parvenu along with his family became so arrogant and boastful with their sudden riches.

Everyone in town was a parvenu, so there was no great weight of tradition or social order with which to contend.

Amanda, the beautiful sister, can't forgive him for being the parvenu who saved her life.

Emma's friends considered her a parvenu because of her recent inheritance.

Fred was the perfect example of a parvenu; he had inherited millions of dollars from his father's shipping business and he refused to act like the snobby people in his town.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

refulgence sample sentences

The winning photo captured the refulgence of a full moon on a clear autumn night.

Her voice was a lyric soprano of gorgeous refulgence and limpidity.

He got the first prize in oral declamation contest due to his refulgence delivery.

The catch the crowd's attention with their refulgence performance.

Saturday, February 1, 2014

pusillanimous sample sentences

The senator called his opponent pusillanimous pawn of special interest groups.

Jane is pusillanimous when it comes to making decisions and must rely on others for feedback.

He is a pusillanimous student because he is too afraid to speak out against someone who is bullying others.

Everyday we hear the secrets of life, reduced to cheap jokes,poetry and friendly advice,they'd rather see us pusillanimous,absorbent in their chorus of correctness,but I don't want to hear it anymore.

You like to be diplomatic and shrewd in reactions Its a shame some take you for being pusillanimous.

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

draggy sample sentences

It sounds very draggy, very druggy and dated as a result.

Flags are notoriously draggy--their motion generates vortices that pull on them.

The swiftness of the story carries the onlooker from one exciting scene to another without any draggy sequences.

No more draggy boring opportunity meetings!

The movie's funny moments outpace the draggy ones.

And director Junichi Suzuki has done nothing to overcome the film's draggy pace.

passim sample sentences

Readers will have no trouble determining the editor's opinions about the text, as her strongly worded footnotes appear passim.

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Logy Sample Sentences

I was feeling logy after eating such a big meal, so I decided to take a brief nap.

I often feel logy before putting on a record that I'm slated to review, like I'm getting up in the morning for work.

Monday, January 27, 2014

paradigm sample sentences

Her recent book provides us with a new paradigm for modern biography.

I wanted to learn about the Freudian paradigm of psychoanalysis.

They plan to conduct a new study that will challenge the current evolutionary paradigm.

Maybe if you got out of the paradigm you're stuck in you'd see things for how they really are.

Some are still trying to adjust to the new paradigm.

Plastic presents new kinds of concerns because it requires a radically different paradigm of toxicity.

It is better to evolve, refine and expand the existing paradigm.

It takes forward thinking to establish a new paradigm, and it will come, probably sooner than you can imagine.

She has long advocated for a paradigm shift in scholarly writing.

Our science teacher showed a paradigm of human body to make us understand it clearly.

The economic paradigm of communism has not worked very well in practice, although it sound terrific when Marx first presented it.

Sister Mary Catherine is considered a paradigm of virtue by everyone in the church.

John’s programming paradigm has taken the computer world by storm.

After the terrorist attack, the government created a new paradigm for domestic security.

Even though Liza is an unconventional teacher, she still supports the educational paradigm that is used by most of the veteran teachers at her school.

Handsome, intelligent, and kind, Trent is the paradigm of the perfect man.

Starting over with this new construction paradigm will delay the completion of the building by two months

In the normal economic paradigm, price determines demand.

Justine is a paradigm of honor in a room full of corporate vultures.

Conflate Sample Sentences

The professor warned us to be careful not to conflate the two similar theories.

It is vital that we do not conflate today with tomorrow.

You will have a problem in presenting since you conflate these two as if they are identical concepts.

Let's not completely conflate our national self-interest with self-righteous moral judgment.

Your questions are highly leading and conflate many issues.

Don't conflate the movie business with the theatre business.

Here you mistakenly conflate expertise with credentials.

It is best not to conflate gossip with the truth.

Saturday, January 25, 2014

stymie sample sentences

I'm afraid that my project is stymie because we lack funds to support it.

The advanced math problems will always stymie me.

Don't let that puzzle stymie you.

U.S.despite its best efforts could not stymie North Korea from carrying out nuclear explosions.

I would not say a word to stymie anything my son would wish to do.

The changes must not be allowed to stymie new medical treatments.

Friday, January 24, 2014

acephalous sample sentences

The larva is acephalous since it has no head capsule.

We found an acephalous skeleton in that abandoned house.

Chaos and crime will prevail in an acephalous society.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Pratfall Sample Sentences

They have never called attention to themselves so demandingly, only to pratfall so comically.

That's a pretty expensive pratfall although museum authorities say the painting can be repaired.

More embarrassed than hurt by her pratfall, Ana went on with the show.

She can deliver punch lines with as much skill as she can take a pratfall.

Snappy Sample Sentences

The show is well acted, and the dialogue is snappy.

We'd travel along the fields and blooming flowers and we'll ride a car with a snappy engine.

She writes snappy, clever lyrics and memorable music.

The laptop felt pretty fast before, but now it's really snappy.

I want you to think of a snappy headline that will catch everyone's eye in less than half an hour.

With all his snappy posts and ripostes, you may have come to think of him as quick-witted.

Rose may not be profound or snappy with a quote but she is sincere.

We had tried our darndest to think of snappy words to get our ideas into the press.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Anarchist Sample Sentences

Those anarchists should be arrested since they were becoming to bothering.

Demonstrations of thousands of people, including many anarchists, against the vicious and violent reaction from the state became a regular occurrence.

If our town were ruled by anarchists, everyone could do what they wanted all the time.

Asking for a something that has order and organization to it is the exact opposite of what you would get from a true anarchist.

There is a famous book that has been blacklisted called the anarchist cookbook written by anarchist for anarchist.

Anarchist believe in chaos and disorder.

Hitlers Nazi regime was the worst nightmare for any anarchist not because of all the slaughtering but because it was extreme order.

There are probably anarchists in the world because they think government officals spend tax dollars partying here.

The anarchist, nonchalant and rebellious, hung out with punks at concerts.

Monday, January 13, 2014

veneer sample sentences

The coopting of tribal leaders also lends a veneer of respectability to the occupation forces.

There is no frontal, just more of the walnut veneer familiar from the crossing.

The desktop is finished in a rosewood effect veneer to match the veneer on the pool table.

The table is finished in an attractive light maple veneer.

The sun shone thinly through the window, settling on the wardrobe with its thin layer of dust over shiny polished wood veneer.

The table football features extra thick apron sides which are finished in a mahogany veneer.

Where the edge will not be subject to physical knocks, a wood veneer can be applied.

The veneer on the old dresser was peeling terribly.

His father's veneer of knowledge caused the young
lad to flunk his exam.

His father's veneer of knowledge caused the young
lad to flunk his exam.

After more than half a century of dominance, the brick veneer house is under threat.

I recall that when I was in my early teens the garage at the back of the brick veneer used to flood whenever it rained heavily.

The table top had a veneer of gold and ivory, which made it look elegant and much more expensive than it actually was.

I bought an antique dresser with a very unusual wood veneer on the front of the drawers.

She is really not very nice at all, the smile is nothing but a veneer.

sycophant sample sentences

When her career was riding high, the self-deluded actress often mistook sycophants for true friends.

Hoping to get the best mark in class,the sycophant flattered his teacher at every

Friday, January 10, 2014

Enmity Sample Sentences

There's a long history of enmity between them.

His comments earned him the enmity of his coworkers.

Within one week, he'd incurred the total enmity of the entire lighting crew.

I said it to satisfy your mind that I had no enmity of feeling toward the lady, on my side.

There is no personal enmity between the two groups.

It's that sort of behavior that has earned them such enmity.

International observers say continued enmity between the countries amounts to a grudge match.

There was no enmity among us.

They were mortal enemies, an enmity that spilled over decades later.

There is no enmity among scientists when a well-established theory is overturned in favor of a better one.

The exercise was excruciating, given the enmity and distrust that existed between the opposing sides.

The enmity between two families are so deep rooted, country has become hostage to them.

To begin with, enmity between the two parties has not been growing simplistically and steadily.

Those who deem the meeting a failure are ignorant of the deep-seated enmity between the two parties.

From personal experience, he developed an implacable enmity toward totalitarian regimes.

The testimony was emotional, and the parties hold much enmity against the other.

Because of the enmity that exists between my cousin and my niece, I had them seated at different tables at my wedding.

I never understood my daughter's enmity toward her sister in law until one day I met the woman at the mall and she began to tell me all her family members' private business.

The enmity between the two litigants was obvious to everyone in the courtroom.

Despite a long, close, and tense match, the defeated player felt no enmity toward the new champion.

Having to work on the project together only increased the enmity between Ralph and Jane.

Because the two brothers are both in love with the same girl, there is a great deal of enmity between them.

A wise parent can administer discipline without the incident resulting in enmity.

After learning John was the one who stole his truck, Henry felt a great deal of enmity towards him.

If nothing is done to ease the tensions in the war-torn country, eventually the enmity between the civilians and the military will boil over into another war.

A part of healing is letting go of the enmity you feel towards people who have wronged you in the past.

Since my sister looked at my diary, I can focus on nothing but my enmity for her.

Because of the enmity between the two gangs in my neighborhood, it is not safe to venture outside at night.

Please tell me what I did that caused our friendship to change into enmity!

Even though Frank and Joanna tried to stay together for the children, the enmity between them eventually led Frank to move out of the house.

Their deep, longstanding enmity has become a part of the legend.

After being teased as a boy for wearing his older brother’s hand-me-downs, Ben had a particular enmity for thrift stores.

The soccer players are filled with enmity towards the other team because they are losing.

The prison guard noticed the enmity in the air.

Hauberk Sample Sentence

The first figure has a knee-length hauberk with integral mail coif and a simple helmet with nasal.

During the early century, man used to wear hauberk as an armor for defense.

The man dressed in a short mail hauberk draws a sword.

The hauberk was burdensome, and the helm weighed upon his head.

Thursday, January 9, 2014

bigot sample sentences

He was labeled a bigot after making some offensive comments.

The bigot is like the pupil of the eye; the more light you put upon it, the more it will contract.

Stop being a political bigot and putting words in our mouths.

The sincerity of either man can only be doubted by the bigot and the fool.

It's not a big shame to be a bigot these days.

Many of his political opponents consider him a racist bigot.

Anyone can be a bigot, in any context.

Obviously this writer is just another arrogant bigot full of himself.

Perhaps it's worth making it clear that they'll relax the law for her because she has the right to be a bigot.

To be a bigot means that you hold negative views of a group despite evidence.

The person who stands proclaiming to know the truth is often called a bigot.

They misunderstand the old man in the shop, who they assume to be a redneck bigot.

Her mother often accused her of sounding like a racist bigot, saying she ought to exercise more control over her thoughts.

In my view it's best never to give bigots who preach hatred against a minority a platform anywhere, whatever the reason.

At least the one on the right is logical, so they can't be ignorant bigots.

Momma was such a bigot, that she didn't even acknowledge the new black neighbors when they said "hello".

He's a raging bigot in full flight, yet you instantly understand the fount of his anger.

He basically pointed out I was an ignorant bigot.

Jake is such a bigot every time he sees a blonde girl, he thinks she is dumb.

The bigot was a lonely old man who thought everyone was inferior to him.

Because Helen is very close-minded, many people consider her to be a bigot.

Although Jason does not have any friends outside of his race, I do not consider him to be a bigot.

My mother is a self-proclaimed bigot who believes all teenagers are bad.

While my aunt claims she is an open-minded Christian, she is actually a bigot who criticizes most religions.

Even though everyone thought Hazel was a bigot, she was always willing to listen to the opinions of others.

Because Donald is a bigot, he is always looking for a reason to dislike a particular group of people.

Elaine is a racist bigot who refuses to speak to anyone of a different race.

The man who lives next to me is an unpleasant bigot who disagrees with everyone in the neighborhood.

As soon as the elderly bigot learned minorities were moving into her community, she sold her house and moved into an apartment.

obfuscate sample sentences

Politicians keep obfuscating the issues.

Their explanations only serve to obfuscate and confuse.

Your interpretations are supposed to clarify and improve understanding, not obfuscate issues and confuse lenders.

The purpose of writing is to communicate, not to obfuscate.

The purpose of speaking is to communicate, not to obfuscate.

It's unfortunate that the rich and famous can buy attorneys to twist and obfuscate the facts and that the less fortunate of us can't.

Listen to it once, and by all means do it before you bother to read CD notes that might obfuscate your listening experience.

The loan contract was filled with legal words meant to obfuscate trusting borrowers.

Because I am a sympathetic teacher, I avoid using language which will obfuscate my students.

Surprisingly, the efforts of the translator only served to obfuscate an already confusing conversation.

The last thing I want to do is obfuscate the concept by trying to explain it too rapidly.

The arrogant doctor went out of his way to obfuscate my condition.

While the professor did not want to obfuscate the scientific theory, he had to rush through his explanation because the class was coming to an end.

If you will obfuscate the store clerk with some crazy questions, I will steal the candy.

The con man hoped to obfuscate the elderly woman by using large words to describe his investment plan.

Because I am honest, I never try to obfuscate my true intentions!

If you want people to read your writing, make it simple and never obfuscate your ideas.