Sunday, June 15, 2014

bellicose sample sentences

They should suspend those bellicose hockey players who always seem to spend more time fighting than playing to teach them a lesson.

Instead of living in towns its bellicose inhabitants occupy isolated fortified buildings, and are constantly at war.

The diplomatic situation became for the moment very acute, but after a short period of bellicose talk the common-sense of both countries prevailed.

John had a bellicose personality which made him a fierce competitor during wrestling competitions.

His bellicose behavior at the party ensured that he would not be invited again.

Since she was constantly abused by her ex-husband, it is not surprising that she comes across as bellicose to men who approach her.

The patient who took the new drug suddenly became erratic and bellicose.

After eating too many cupcakes, the young boy jumped on the couch and began to leap around in a bellicose manner.

Talk trash about my father again and I'll show you how bellicose I can be!

The bellicose man approached me, eager to fight.

If you must get bellicose with me, then I'll call the police.

Your bellicose nature will get you into serious trouble someday!

His words, characteristically, had been strident and bellicose.

She looks so traditionally feminine that her foul mouth and bellicose nature are amusing surprises.

Throughout our talk I could not escape the impression that at least some of his more bellicose threats were mere acting.

The old gentleman was in a bellicose mood as he reminisced.

When the dog was confronted by strangers, he tended to be a bit more bellicose and combative.

He expressed alarm about the government's increasingly bellicose statements.

Some nations are traditionally bellicose and are constantly at war with their neighbours.

My bellicose temper has gotten me into more fights than I would like to remember.

Because of her bellicose nature, she had a difficult time making friends.

Michael’s bellicose attitude got him into trouble.

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