Monday, January 27, 2014

paradigm sample sentences

Her recent book provides us with a new paradigm for modern biography.

I wanted to learn about the Freudian paradigm of psychoanalysis.

They plan to conduct a new study that will challenge the current evolutionary paradigm.

Maybe if you got out of the paradigm you're stuck in you'd see things for how they really are.

Some are still trying to adjust to the new paradigm.

Plastic presents new kinds of concerns because it requires a radically different paradigm of toxicity.

It is better to evolve, refine and expand the existing paradigm.

It takes forward thinking to establish a new paradigm, and it will come, probably sooner than you can imagine.

She has long advocated for a paradigm shift in scholarly writing.

Our science teacher showed a paradigm of human body to make us understand it clearly.

The economic paradigm of communism has not worked very well in practice, although it sound terrific when Marx first presented it.

Sister Mary Catherine is considered a paradigm of virtue by everyone in the church.

John’s programming paradigm has taken the computer world by storm.

After the terrorist attack, the government created a new paradigm for domestic security.

Even though Liza is an unconventional teacher, she still supports the educational paradigm that is used by most of the veteran teachers at her school.

Handsome, intelligent, and kind, Trent is the paradigm of the perfect man.

Starting over with this new construction paradigm will delay the completion of the building by two months

In the normal economic paradigm, price determines demand.

Justine is a paradigm of honor in a room full of corporate vultures.

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