Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Recumbent Example Sentences

Recumbent Example Sentences


a resting or reclining state

1 a : suggestive of repose : leaning, resting

b : lying down

2 : representing a person lying down

3 : (of a bicycle) having the seat positioned so that the rider's legs are extended horizontally forward to the pedals and the body is reclined

When Bert glanced at his father's recumbent form in the armchair, he immediately realized that he could use a good nap himself.

When we returned home, the exhausted babysitter was asleep and recumbent on the couch.

Is your cat going to lie recumbent on the windowsill all day long?

After drinking four beers, my father was recumbent in his favorite chair.

Heather was recumbent on a pool lounger when it started to rain.

As soon as the flight attendant announced we could lean back, I lowered my seat to a recumbent position.

The recumbent sunbathers were not happy when they were asked to evacuate the beach.

Since James just had a life-saving surgery, he is bound to be recumbent for a while.

Alan was recumbent in his bed when the police burst into his house and arrested him.

Because Tara did not want to be discovered in her sister’s room, she assumed a recumbent posture under the bed.

I enjoyed the ocean breeze from my recumbent position in the hammock.

Patients should sleep semi-recumbent for the next two nights.

The temple's first recumbent Buddha was carved in sandstone.

Mo has a hurt foot and is on a recumbent bike.

Only a fragment of her recumbent tomb still remains.

He looked down at the recumbent figure.

To his horror, he discerned a recumbent shape at the side of the line.

He could not, for he was lying recumbent and unconscious on the carefully tended garden.

It glided noiselessly towards the recumbent woman.

The assumption of the recumbent position is associated with shoulder pain.

My father sat on the sofa in a recumbent position.

I glanced at the recumbent form on the floor.

Thursday, December 14, 2017

Fructify Example Sentences

Fructify Example Sentences

1 : to bear fruit

2 : to make fruitful or productive

My parents are in a comfortable financial position, thanks to some investments that have recently begun to fructify.

It falls without producing fruit or seeds, due to its inability to fructify.

At age 18, her ambition to further her college education in law in England did not fructify as her parents were sick.

Monday, December 4, 2017

Maudlin Example Sentences

Maudlin Example Sentences


The definition of maudlin is someone who is overly sentimental, often in a tearful way or as a result of consuming alcohol. An example of someone who would be described as maudlin is a person who has had a few drinks and is now tearfully weepy about her lost loves.

1 : drunk enough to be emotionally silly
2 : weakly and effusively sentimental
showing or expressing too much emotion especially in a foolish or annoying way

Rather than give his aunt a maudlin greeting card, Jake looked for one that was more in line with her snarky sense of humor.

The girl’s performance was so maudlin that people started to boo her off the stage.

Upon being dumped by his girlfriend, Jason started to act in a maudlin behavior that annoyed everyone.

Sarah is such a drama queen that she behaves in a maudlin way to even the smallest incident.

When John drinks too many glasses of wine, he has a habit of telling maudlin stories that make him appear quite silly.

If you catch Edgar in a maudlin mood, you will find him very annoying.

Even though the reality show about the fives sisters is quite maudlin, it is still watched by millions of people each week.

I could not enjoy the movie because it was so maudlin it came across as incredibly foolish.

When the critics reviewed the singer’s latest album, they referred to it as a maudlin collection that would either bring listeners to tears or make them scream in anger.

Jane rarely talks about her dead husband because she hates to get maudlin in front of people.

Although Mitch loves Jessica, he does not like to be around her when she is putting on a maudlin performance for her friends.

You didn't invite me out here to listen to my maudlin rambling.

I really miss her so much that I sometimes get a little maudlin when talking about her.

He gets very maudlin after a few drinks.

She stopped watching maudlin movies and eating greasy ribs.

We saw a maudlin movie about an orphan who lost his parents in the war.

The anger had turned to resentment, and now the resentment was replaced by maudlin self-pity.

When scorned, they are very hurt and may overreact in an almost maudlin way.

I don't a bit blame him for being perfectly maudlin about her.

Her father was a maudlin, violent drunk, her mother terrified to the point of being suicidal.

Sunday, December 3, 2017

Pillory Example Sentences

Pillory Example Sentences


1 : a wooden frame for public punishment having holes in which the head and hands can be locked
a structure used for punishment or humiliation that is located on a pole or post and has openings in which a head and hands may be secured
2 : a means for exposing one to public scorn or ridicule
to make someone endure abuse, humiliation, disdain, or mockery

During the colonial period, thieves were often locked in a pillory in the town square where they would suffer public humiliation.

The suspected witch’s head and hands were secured tightly in the pillory.

In the classic novel, the man who stole the bread was placed in a pillory so he could be publicly mocked.

The museum has an actual pillory that was once used to punish criminals in the center of town.

Since the man could not pay his bills, he was locked in the public pillory until his family could pay his debts.

The mother will pillory her disrespectful daughter by making her stand on a busy street corner while holding a sign about her poor behavior.

By posting the nude pictures of Kate on Facebook, Jane hoped to pillory her former best friend who had stolen her husband.

Jack’s mother is a miserable woman who constantly tries to pillory her children so they will not challenge her authority.

Because Helen was angry with her husband, she chose to pillory him by announcing his infidelities at their anniversary party.

The filmmaker made a movie to pillory the politician who advocated against gay marriage while keeping a male lover himself.

The bully tried to pillory the boy by pulling down his pants.

When Jon attempted to pillory his ex-girlfriend by posting indecent pictures of her online, he got in a lot of legal trouble.

The brutal king is known to pillory rebels by binding them naked to a post in the town center.

The pillory was used for more serious offences such as sedition.

They call talk shows, both to praise and pillory.

The area around the pillory was a popular place of street entertainment.

He is instead sentenced to two hours in the pillory.

Punishments for crime included public executions, the pillory, lashes and fines.

He took steps to abolish the whipping post and pillory for misdemeanor offenses.

Punishments were usually public, such as confinement to the stocks or pillory.

He was in and out of prison and once endured the humiliation of the pillory.

His body was taken to a pillory,

She was indicted for blasphemy, fined, and sentenced to stand in the pillory.

Friday, December 1, 2017

Anachronism Example Sentences

Anachronism Example Sentences

1 : an error in chronology; especially : a chronological misplacing of persons, events, objects, or customs in regard to each other
2 : a person or a thing that is chronologically out of place; especially : one from a former age that is incongruous in the present
3 : the state or condition of being chronologically out of place
The definition of anachronism is a person or thing that is placed in a time period where it does not fit. If a movie about ancient Egypt showed a Pharaoh wearing a wristwatch, the wristwatch would be an example of an anachronism.

With social media and its instantaneous but faux connection, postcards are a quaint anachronism.

Since there were not laptop computers during the Civil War, the presence of a portable computer in the history film is a definite anachronism.

These days the habit of introducing yourself to a new neighbor with a welcome gift has become an anachronism.

Soon physical books will be completely replaced by e-books and will represent nothing more than an anachronism.

In today’s computer world, a floppy disk is an anachronism.

When I saw the ancient typewriter in the technology store, I knew I was looking at an anachronism.

It is always fun to go to my grandmother’s house and watch her anachronism, her large black and white television.

While some individuals still travel by train, most people view this mode of transportation as an anachronism.

An author’s use of an airplane in a story set in the 1700’s is an example of a literary anachronism because airplanes did not exist during this century.

Since the old mafia boss still took pride in family loyalty, he was considered an anachronism by the younger members of the mob who believed money was everything.

Because microwave ovens were not around in 1680, I had to circle this anachronism in your American colonies essay.

But his work seemed an anachronism to commentators on modern art.

Physical books will soon be a form of anachronism, as it has been steadily losing out on the competition to electronic books and electronic book readers.

Floppy disk is a form of anachronism in this world of DVD and flash drives.

If you want to look into an anachronism, all you have got to see is a typewriter.

Monday, November 27, 2017

Anneal Example Sentences

Anneal Example Sentences


1 a : to heat and then cool (a material, such as steel or glass) usually for softening and making less brittle; also : to cool slowly usually in a furnace
b : to heat and then cool (double-stranded nucleic acid) in order to separate strands and induce combination at lower temperature with complementary strands
2 : strengthen, toughen
3 : to be capable of combining with complementary nucleic acid by a process of heating and cooling

The welder was able to anneal the metal, heating it to make it stronger.

The exact temperature required to anneal steel depends on the ingredients of the alloy.

If you anneal the metal at too low a temperature, the correct binding process will not take place during heating or cooling.

If the glass maker does not properly anneal the pane, it is likely to crack with small temperature changes.

To make both metal and glass last longer, you might consider having someone anneal it through a heating and cooling process.

Monday, November 20, 2017

Bombinate Example Sentences

Bombinate Example Sentences


: to make a sustained deep murmuring, humming, or buzzing sound : buzz, drone

This motor is beginning to bombinate, it probably needs oiling.

We could hear the mosquitoes bombinate outside of our tent.

Sunday, November 19, 2017

Fervid Example Sentences


:very hot :burning
:marked by often extreme fervor (see fervor 1) a fervid crusader fervid fans
marked by great passion or zeal

The librarian delivered a fervid speech defending the classic novel against would-be censors.

The candidate made a fervid speech that held the audience’s attention.

Because I am concerned about my daughter’s education, I am a fervid supporter of education reform.

Fervid attention from crazed fans has caused many celebrities to hire bodyguards.

The inventor’s fervid imagination allowed him to create many wonderful products.

Although Stewart was fervid about basketball, he really could not play the game very well.

I cannot be a fervid supporter of any company that harms the environment to make its goods.

When the defendant heard the guilty verdict, he made a fervid plea to the judge to be lenient on him.

The man’s fervid actions to save his wife were very heroic.

In hopes of getting an increase in her allowance, my daughter made a fervid statement regarding her need for new clothes.

The politician spoke with a fervid intensity that made people want to vote for him.

Their fervid attacks on image worship led to their expulsion.

The idea met with such fervid opposition that it has had to be at least temporarily abandoned.

After my fervid explanations I waited for Ray to say something.

I studied French and German and Latin with fervid devotion.

The lanky Ted Poston’s fervid dancing in the nightclub at the Hotel Metropol earned him the nickname Daddy Long Legs.

He had the fervid patriotism to devote his life to winning back the independence of his country.

Vacationers enjoy relaxing in the hot springs, with some claiming the fervid water has healing powers.

His fervent energy upon winning a trip to Italy made it impossible for him to sleep.

My mother fervently cleans the house as if she's waging a one-woman war against dirt.

The firm's top accountant had a fervid fascination with numbers.

The fireplace's fervid flames not only kept the family's living room warm, but also seasonally decorated.

The fervid actions of the husband ended up saving the life of his children as well as his wife.
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Saturday, October 28, 2017

Alfresco Example Sentences


: taking place or located in the open air : outdoor, outdoors
: open to the atmosphere

The restaurant has a lovely outdoor patio for customers who want to dine alfresco.

The park has a really nice restaurant where you can dine alfresco while watching the birds as they come pecking at your food.

The wedding was served alfresco, which turned out to be a bad idea when it started to rain late in the day.

Growing up, I dreamed of how awesome it would be to sleep alfresco while under a clear and star-studded sky.

Bob drives twenty miles every Sunday to visit a flea market where vendors hawk their wares in an alfresco setting, rain or shine.

We jumped into Charlie’s Jeep Wrangler and drove into town for alfresco drinks under the hot sun.

Thanks for agreeing to see me, he said, looking out the window at the multi-terraced alfresco dining area.

Whimsical furnishings also help instill a lightness of spirit for alfresco dining.

Simple but chic fare is a good rule of thumb for alfresco feasting.

The hotel grew to become a popular haunt by locals for alfresco dining and dancing.

A walled-in courtyard has a soothing fountain and a covered patio for alfresco dining.

You can eat inside or get walk-up service and munch on that burger alfresco.

With the summer season at its peak, now is the perfect time for alfresco dining.

We had an alfresco lunch yesterday.

The couple sat down for a charming alfresco dinner in the garden.

Thursday, October 12, 2017

Interdigitate Example Sentences

Interdigitate Example Sentences


: to become interlocked like the fingers of folded hands

A finger joint is formed when the "fingers" on the ends of two boards interdigitate for a secure fit.

They interdigitate like the teeth of a zipper.

Sunday, August 20, 2017

Depredate Example Sentences

Use Depredate in a Sentence


1 : to lay waste : plunder, ravage
2 : to engage in plunder

Rodents often depredate the uncovered seeds in those fruits partially eaten by pulp feeders.

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Perfunctory Example Sentences

Perfunctory Example Sentences

: characterized by routine or superficiality : mechanical
: lacking in interest or enthusiasm
: without concern or solicitude; indifferent

Clearly exhausted after a long day on her feet, our server gave us only a perfunctory greeting before taking our drink orders.

He did a perfunctory job cleaning his dad's car, finishing quickly but leaving a few spots still dirty.

They conducted a perfunctory examination.

He completed the act in a perfunctory manner.

My comments on the others are based on relatively perfunctory examinations of what is on the offer.

It was done in a perfunctory fashion.

The beauty queen waved so often that her greeting was simply perfunctory.

Since I was extremely ill, I was shocked when the doctor only gave me a perfunctory exam.

Because Anne has done the same tasks at work for many years, she does them in a perfunctory way.

When we went out to dinner last night, the bored hostess gave us a perfunctory hello.

While you may see this as a perfunctory job, you are still required to do it correctly!

Happy to be on his own, Tom only made perfunctory phone calls to his parents on holidays.

Since the manager had meetings all day, he only gave me a perfunctory interview.

When I called the office, the receptionist answered the phone in a perfunctory manner.

Kate gave us no more than a perfunctory glance as a greeting.

You should know my initial review is based solely on a perfunctory examination of the project.

If he is not in the mood to give you an interview, he will give you his standard, perfunctory answers.

They said a perfunctory hello to each other and sat down for serious discussion regarding their business.

She gave a perfunctory glance to the dossier, not knowing that she was missing out on recognizing a glaring error.

Perfunctory thank you emails for gifts were sent out to everyone after the party was over.

After showing a perfunctory interest in his ailing health, she quickly moved on to talking about other superfluous things.

What started with a perfunctory handshake at a party has turned into a lifelong friendship.

She received nothing but a cold, perfunctory apology note from her boss for making false allegations on her in front of everybody.

They put in perfunctory effort to mend their damaged relationship just to make their parents feel good.

The inspection was quite perfunctory.

Angela took her seat amid the wondering looks of the people, and the minister went on in a perfunctory way with his prayers and his hymns.

His examination had been perfunctory.

The obligatory inspections were perfunctory.

She said it almost perfunctory and pressed on.

When he did his responses were curt and perfunctory.

His nod to the prior and prioress was so perfunctory as to.

His monologue seemed more perfunctory and less spirited than before.

The young doctor gave me a perfunctory 20 second check by feeling my.

With that perfunctory end to the exchange, he grabbed his son by.

This time the fanfare was quite perfunctory, the voice distinctly cold.

I’ll try the cathedral, Caris said, and with a perfunctory wave she left.

We had a sort of perfunctory supper together, and I think it cheered us all up somewhat.

His telephone did not ring and none of his colleagues said anything other than the perfunctory greeting.

The arrogant student showed only a perfunctory interest in the professor's lecture on microbiology since he'd taken the course before.

In his lectures he reveals himself to be merely a perfunctory speaker.

Thursday, August 10, 2017

Elan Example Sentences

Elan Example Sentences

: vigorous spirit or enthusiasm
: vigorous and lively enthusiasm
: Elan (noun) means style or flair. It refers to elegance or grace in a person.
Elan can also be used to describe enthusiasm, vivacity or passion towards someone or something.
Add the word elan to your vocabulary by using it to describe someone with a lot of charm and pizzazz. Associate it with a dance performance, an artistic expression or a person’s way of presentation.

Jeremy told the story of his trip to Mexico with such élan that by the next week people were begging him to share it again.

She signed the autograph with elan, as if it was something she did every day.

He performed with elan without getting scared of a packed auditorium.

The wealthy can have the luxury to live every aspect of their lives with elan.

The presentation was made with so much elan that it impressed the bosses instantly.

She moves about the dance floor with grace and elan than no other dancer can match.

The politician tackled the anger of the crowds with much composure and elan.

The actor is renowned for the range of characters he can portray with elan.

Did you know that she has a rare talent of switching between multiple American accents with elan?

The lecture was delivered with so much elan that the audience was convinced of every word that was said by the speaker.

I am disappointed because I can’t seem to carry off this dress with the same elan that model did on the runway.

When she switches to French from English, her voice magically picks up a certain elan.

No one can match the charm and elan of President Barack Obama.

The pianist plays the piano with as much elan as he plays the guitar and the French Horn.

I was more in awe of the elan with which he spoke, rather than his good looks or personality.

CEO’s are expected to have elan and suaveness because they are constantly in the public eye.

Social etiquette and grooming has enhanced the elan with which she presents herself in front of the society.

He is not a particularly good actor, it’s just his elan that charms women.

Although they were folk performers, their elan was more impressive than their urban counterparts.

Wearing oversized sunglasses, fitter denims and an expensive looking bag, she strutted around the mall with elan.

Celebrities are chained to portraying sophistication and elan all the time, because that is the kind of behavior which is expected of them.

Lady Gaga’s fans are bound to think that she wears all her zany costumes with much elan.

He is the heart of every party because his elan lights up the entire place.

The elan with which the song was sung reminded me of the classical singers of yesteryears.

The teacher was popular in the school because she taught her students with elan.

The philanthropists inaugurated the charitable initiative with full elan and gusto.

The elan with which the host compeered the show made it worth the expensive entry fees.

The talent agency is looking for young women in the age group of 18 to 25 who carry themselves with elan.

The queen’s jewelry collection and wardrobe are bound to be exquisite and full of elan.

Among many dynamic skills that a person requires to become an emcee, eloquence and elan are the highest contenders.

Definition of Elan

vigorous and lively enthusiasm

Examples of Elan in a sentence

Displaying energetic elan, the dancer’s dynamic enthusiasm wowed the crowd.

Completing the task with elan, the spirited intern hoped her enthusiasm would earn her a position with the company.

The singer’s technique was lacking, but the elan of her vivacious performance helped her shine above the other competitors.

No other author at the conference was able to write with such elan or vigor.

Replacing the bubbly receptionist’s elan wouldn’t be easy since none of the new hires were as energetic.

My grandmother’s zest for life and elan even at the delicate age of eighty, are truly inspirational.

Their elan in everyday situations is entrenched in our collective consciousness.

The stride had more grace and elan to it than awkwardness.

He gracefully rolled off opponents and took his hits with elan.

Everybody's doing it with more elan, too.

Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Edacious Example Sentences


1 : having a huge appetite : ravenous
2 : excessively eager : insatiable
3 : devoted to eating
4: devouring or craving food in great quantities

Living with three edacious teenagers, Marilyn and Roger were dismayed by how much they had to spend on groceries week after week.

The edacious eater refused to leave the dinner table until he had devoured each bite.

Because her son was such an edacious eater, the mother had to cook two pots of chili to fill him up.

The edacious eater wreaked havoc on the buffet, eating seven plates full and that was just dessert!

It seemed that the boy had an edacious love for eating and couldn’t get full off of any meals.

Looking for ways to distract the edacious toddler, the greed eater’s parents were always on a hunt for non-food related activities.

Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Engender Example Sentences

Engender Example Sentences


1 : beget, procreate
2 : to cause to exist or to develop : produce
3 : to assume form : originate
4 : to cause a feeling or attitude to exist

The restaurant hoped the act of giving out free ice cream would engender customer loyalty.

By revealing the president’s secrets, the reporter hoped to engender feelings of distrust among the public.

Although I do not like my ex-husband, I would never want my opinion to engender my children to dislike their father.

Some people believe violent video games engender feelings of hostility in young people.

Watching wealthy CEOs fly about in private jets does not engender public empathy towards big business.

The best teachers are those who engender their students to believe in their own successes.

The cult leader tried to engender a fear of society among his followers.

Sadly, the heartbroken girl had to learn that love does not always engender love from others.

While the cancer commercials are not visually appealing, the government hopes they will engender a negative attitude towards smoking.

Hopefully, the recent gun violence in our country will engender politicians to take action on gun reform.

Continued interference by the West in the affairs of Iran, could engender another war.

Poor intelligence capabilities engender high security risks.

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Erstwhile Example Sentences

Erstwhile Example Sentences


: in the past : formerly

What had erstwhile been acres of wetland was eventually developed into a thriving residential neighborhood.

Darren stared at his erstwhile friend in disbelief.

He seemed unaware of his erstwhile enemy’s nearness.

Grunting and groaning noises suddenly came from the direction of the erstwhile leader.

Before she began using a pseudonym, the author was erstwhile known by another name.

Both inmates promised to leave their lives of crime erstwhile.

Todd was an erstwhile member of the Glee Club before becoming the director.

We were erstwhile companions at boarding school.

He has forsaken his erstwhile conviction of being a liar.

The neat layout of this erstwhile royal township is in evidence even today.

Monday, May 8, 2017

Panacea Example Sentences

Panacea Example Sentences


: a remedy for all ills or difficulties : cure-all
: something that will make everything about a situation better

I don't know if hybrid cars are a panacea for the world's environmental issues, but they seem to be a step in the right direction.

Unfortunately there is no panacea that will make cancer instantly vanish from your body.

The software patch is supposed to be a panacea for all of the security risks in the program.

While the president acknowledges the country’s problems, he does not offer a panacea to cure them.

Beverly hoped her doctor would write her a prescription for a panacea that would make her sinus headache permanently disappear.

If you believe money is the panacea for all difficulties, you will be shocked to learn you cannot purchase happiness with cash.

Many people believe chicken soup is a panacea for any respiratory illness.

For many women, chocolate is the panacea that makes them forget all their problems.

The weight loss company wants you to believe their latest product is an instant panacea for obesity.

Does anyone know what panacea I can use to heal my broken heart?

Alcohol is an antidepressant and not a panacea for emotional troubles.

Yoga has always been a panacea for stress.

There's no panacea to make idiot an intelligent.

Thursday, May 4, 2017

Visceral Example Sentences

Visceral Example Sentences


1 : felt in or as if in the internal organs of the body : deep
2 : not intellectual : instinctive, unreasoning
3 : dealing with crude or elemental emotions : earthy
4 : of, relating to, or located on or among the internal organs of the body : splanchnic
5 : based on emotional reactions rather than on reason or thought

He had a visceral dislike of Europe.

The advertising creates a visceral sensation of fear for which reason it also sells well.

This is a body of work, which, beneath their overtly visual romance, is almost visceral in its melancholy.

It created a visceral thrill that carries you along through the film's two hours.

His visceral reaction of punching the wall left him with a broken hand on top of his broken heart.

The visceral descriptions in the shark story were so vivid that I actually felt a little nauseated.

Because some of the scenes in the movie were so visceral, I’m afraid certain images will be imprinted on my mind forever.

On my trip to Disney World, I was happy to leave the intellectual adult side of me behind while I rediscovered the purely visceral wonder of my childhood.

Many of our astronauts have commented that the visceral experience of traveling through space is like nothing they have ever experienced on Earth.

I believe Dr. Seuss’s books are so popular because the combination of language, rhyme, and unique images has a visceral effect on children and adults alike.

Although I admit that there’s definitely a visceral power in his art, I can’t look at it for very long because I find it so disturbing.

As a detective with an almost perfect record for solving difficult cases, he relies on his visceral sense, in other words his gut feelings, to lead him in the right direction.

Of all the issues that drive people apart politically, the Pro-Life/Pro-Choice discussions usually provoke the most visceral responses.

Piers has a visceral style of writing that makes all of his novels and stories very memorable.

I felt a reflexive, visceral pull.

His response was visceral and immediate.

We need the right song that resonates on a visceral level.

Visceral fear and despair swept over him in a great wave.

His approach to acting is visceral rather than intellectual.

She had a visceral dislike of all things foreign.

I never overcame a visceral antipathy for the monarchy.

Visceral processing helps us make rapid decisions about what is good, bad, safe, or dangerous.

Our writer, Annie, has a visceral fear of over-sized spoons.

I just knew he'd come ,I just did was almost visceral,the knot in my stomach is never wrong!

He was sure to win as is visceral speech moved everyone during elections.

Many humans have a visceral fear of the dark.

My visceral inclination was to not get in the elevator with that man.

My visceral reaction while walking into the cave was to run away from it like a mad woman.

Sunday, April 23, 2017

Factoid Example Sentences

Factoid Example Sentences


an invented fact believed to be true because of its appearance in print
a briefly stated and usually trivial fact

It was an interesting factoid, but he didn't let it influence his decision.

She always had a fascinating factoid to keep the conversation going.

Friday, April 21, 2017

Bucolic Example Sentences

Bucolic Example Sentences


: of or relating to shepherds or herdsmen
: relating to or typical of rural life
: pleasing or picturesque in natural simplicity
: relating to the countryside

The postcard image was beautiful and featured a bucolic white house in a dark green pasture.

My husband and I chose a peaceful bucolic town in the country for our summer retreat.

Even though I was born in the city, I still prefer the quiet of a small bucolic village any day.

When I was younger, I dreamed of living in a bucolic cabin near a calming creek.

There is something about inhaling the bucolic scents of the green outdoors that makes you feel younger.

Because I am a city girl, I cannot wait to get away from this farm and this bucolic lifestyle!

Sadly, big corporations do not seem to care about destroying bucolic environments to build big buildings.

While I live in the city now, I grew up in a bucolic little town filled with valleys and hills.

I could not believe my sister's vision of the perfect life included a bucolic house in the middle of nowhere.

The charming people of this town are just as much a part of the bucolic setting as the Southern mansions are.

He drank in the sights and sounds of the bucolic world around him and for the first time in days felt relaxed.

The cottage lay in a bucolic setting of fields and open pasture.

The bucolic community is illiterate.

Birds, bees and the odd wasp provide a gentle soundtrack to the bucolic harmony.

Vida really nailed the wistful bucolic feeling that I was hoping for in the vocals.

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Tatterdemalion Example Sentences

Tatterdemalion Example Sentences


a person dressed in ragged clothing
ragged or disreputable in appearance
being in a decayed state or condition

He came from one of those tatterdemalion towns of the rust belt where the factories closed down decades ago.

He was a ragamuffin, a tatterdemalion, not to be taken seriously.

The tatterdemalion crowd is commendably good-humored.

Thursday, April 6, 2017

Cloying Example Sentences

Cloying Example Sentences


disgusting or distasteful by reason of excess
excessively sweet or sentimental
disgust or sicken (someone) with an excess of sweetness, richness, or sentiment
too sugary

After a while, the softness of his voice becomes cloying.

Jill is no longer impressed by cloying lines of devotion after having her heart broken countless times.

While Kelly and Kyle clearly love each other, their public displays of affection are often cloying to the point of being nauseating.

The anniversary card was cloying so I knew my unsentimental husband had not purchased it himself.

As a comedy, the film had too many cloying scenes that made it seem like a poorly written drama.

I refuse to read cloying romance novels even for my wife!

The young couple just discovering love for the first time put on cloying shows of public displays of affection.

The models gave cloying smiles to the audience.

It did not completely remove pit stink, and the perfume was a cloying grape scent.

That same, cloying burnt smell hung in the room.

The cloying vanilla fog stretched out and settled in.

She took a few more sniffs of the cloying malodorous air.

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Ignominious Example Sentences

Ignominious Example Sentences


: marked with or characterized by disgrace or shame : dishonorable
: deserving of shame or infamy : despicable
: humiliating, degrading
very embarrassing; shameful or disgraceful

Some of his friends considered the job of janitor to be an ignominious fate for the laid-off executive.

The prison guards degraded themselves with their inhumane, ignominious treatment of the prisoners.

When the boxer got knocked out in the first round, everyone knew it was the beginning of an ignominious defeat for him.

Since Charles struck out at bat three times, he is credited as the reason our baseball team suffered such an ignominious loss in the state playoffs.

Because he divorced his wife and later married her sister, Henry has an ignominious reputation among the townspeople.

While our computer teacher was not arrested for stealing school property, she still made an ignominious departure from the building after being interviewed by the police.

After being unable to hold back opposing forces, the American troops made an ignominious retreat.

By getting drunk and dancing on table tops, Sarah displayed ignominious behavior at the party.

The basketball player’s downfall was caused by his ignominious steroid use.

Once upon a time, unwed pregnant women were frowned upon and viewed as ignominious members of society.

After being excommunicated from the church, the priest made an ignominious exit from the building.

When Carrie was discharged from the army because of her ignominious behavior, she found it difficult to locate a job.

He deserved better than the ignominious dismissal he received.

Saturday, March 18, 2017

Furtive Example Sentences

Furtive Example Sentences


marked by quiet, caution, and secrecy

1 a : done in a quiet and secretive way to avoid being noticed : surreptitious
b : expressive of stealth : sly
2 : obtained underhandedly

Julia and I exchanged furtive glances across the room when Edward asked who had rearranged his CD collection.

The records showed furtive criminal activity.

She gave a furtive look at the deserted shops on the opposite side of the road.

He watched her furtive glances, waiting for the signal to approach.

Crissy walked outside in a furtive manner so that her parents would not see her.

Students who cheat on tests employ their furtive tactics to avoid getting caught.

Though he was furtive with his tears, I could still visibly see them.

In the stakeout, investigators recorded video footage, furtive to the people of interest, to make a strong case.

Because the thief was furtive, nobody discovered that he stole thousands of dollars in merchandise.

When family went out for lunch, the furtive dog pawed his way up the counter and snagged a bone.

When the boss was not looking, the furtive employer sent text messages to friends.

Timothy made furtive glances to his crush rather than making apparent eye contact.

Mexican prisoners made a furtive escape by digging a tunnel, leaving police officials in disbelief in how this was secretly accomplished.

Jonny waited until everyone left the room to do his furtive nose-picking.

I laugh when I think about all the stupid strategizing and furtive plotting that went on between friends.

The more furtive your attempts, the likelier everyone will be to think that you are doing something wrong.

I don’t want to collaborate with him because his way of doing things is very furtive.

He lives a furtive life.

She has her own furtive motivations to do things which she tells no one about.

We are not allowed to engage in furtive transactions that happen beyond the walls of this organization.

My daughter’s furtive efforts of going on dates were caught by me.

We will be as furtive as we can, but we cannot guarantee a flawless robbery unless we are technically well-equipped.

He looked furtive in camouflaged trousers, a flying jacket and a hat with ear-muffs, like a soldier on some commando exercise.

I went and stood among them and listened to their furtive, secretive talk.

His furtive behaviour was, however, more like that of a desert bandit.

He plucks the envelope and tucks it under his leg, fast and furtive.

They cast furtive glances over their shoulders.

Alvin planned his work in a furtive manner.

She had been watching him with furtive glances, waiting for the signal to approach.

He gave a furtive look at the deserted shops on the opposite side of the road.

Before being handcuffed, he shot a furtive glance at his accomplice.

Monday, March 13, 2017

Recuse Example Sentences


: to disqualify (oneself) as judge in a particular case; broadly : to remove (oneself) from participation to avoid a conflict of interest

The judge had to recuse herself from the case when the defendant turned out to be her cousin.

Because his nephew was competing, the judge had to recuse himself from scoring that event.

After it was discovered that a contestant was a relative, the reality show producer was forced to recuse himself from the casting process.

A baking competition judge had to recuse herself when her own pie was chosen as a finalist.

The CEO decided to recuse himself from the hiring process when his niece applied for a position.

Complicit Example Sentences

Definition of complicit
: helping to commit a crime or do wrong in some way

Complicit Example Sentences

He was complicit in the cover-up.

He was complicit in his own ruin.

I want the names of every individual complicit in this illegal operation.

She stopped short of revealing her other crew members who were complicit with him.

She was not the only widow made to feel as if she had been complicit in an unspeakable crime.

By keeping her son's affair a secret, Maddie became complicit in it.

Irenic Example Sentences


: favoring, conducive to, or operating toward peace, moderation, or conciliation

The former senator's irenic nature made her an ideal candidate to be a foreign ambassador.

His words coming out of his mouth is harsh and unyielding, very much unlike his usual meek and irenic manner.

We should use irenic remarks upon speaking to the leader of the labor unions.

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Ramify Example Sentences


1 : to split up into branches or constituent parts
2 : to send forth branches or extensions
3 : to cause to branch

If his attitude continues, he is only going to ramify the problem.

These plants ramify early and get to be very large.

The holes of this rat do not run deep, but ramify horizontally just below the surface of the ground.

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Voluble Example Sentences

: easily rolling or turning : rotating
: characterized by ready or rapid speech : glib, fluent

After my grandfather drinks a few beers, he becomes voluble and will not stop talking.

The voluble politician was never at a loss for words.

When I left a message on Jack’s answering machine, I spoke at a voluble pace to beat the twenty-second cutoff.

In order to break the record for the fastest speaker in the world, you must be capable of talking at an extremely voluble speed.

My father cannot understand my mother when she yells at him in a voluble tone.

Because of a brain injury that affected Matt’s speech pattern, he is not a voluble speaker.

Tongue twisters are designed to be spoken by voluble presenters.

Although Julian is normally a voluble speaker, he appeared speechless when he won the award.

Sheila was a voluble council member who never hesitated to express her opinion on any subject.

After consuming too much alcohol, the usually silent monks became voluble and chatted for hours.

She is an extremely voluble young woman who engages in rapid conversations.

His speech was voluble.

He grew more voluble at the approach of danger.

She always besieged the bench with voluble excuses, explanations, apologies and prayers.

The minister was very voluble, but there was little substance to what he said.

Tuesday, January 31, 2017

KIbitzers Example Sentences

one who looks on and often offers unwanted advice or comment
one who offers opinions

Our new neighbor is one of those nosy kibitzer who always knows who is dating whom.

Friday, January 27, 2017

Omnibus Example Sentences


1 : of, relating to, or providing for many things at once
2 : containing or including many items

The publisher issued the author's first three novels combined in an omnibus edition.

The omnibus legislative bill affected a broad range of constituencies.

The money was part of an omnibus spending bill approved by Congress.

Friday, January 13, 2017

Effrontery Example Sentences

shameless boldness : insolence

The little squirt had the effrontery to deny eating any cookies, even with the crumbs still on his lips.

I was shocked by the mugger’s effrontery to kiss me after grabbing my bag.

When the defendant put his feet up on the table, the judge scolded him for his effrontery.

My cheating husband has the effrontery to accuse me of being disloyal to him.

Although I have an advanced degree in business, my boss still had the effrontery to ask me to bring him coffee.

William’s wife had the effrontery to bring her lover to the family Christmas party.

After eating two steak dinners, Charles had the effrontery to tell the waitress he was broke.

While Matt may have enjoyed dancing on top of the table, the bar owner was not pleased with his effrontery and banned him from the bar.

The two policemen laughed at the effrontery of the criminal who tried to disguise himself by dressing as a woman.

When the speaker stripped down to his underwear, everyone in the audience was shocked at his effrontery.

In a show of effrontery, the politician offered to wash the cars of all donors who contributed at least fifty thousand dollars to his campaign.

He has the same imperturbable and persuasive effrontery in protesting that he is doing one thing at the moment when his energies are concentrated on doing the opposite.

He had the effrontery to accuse me of stealing her pen.

He had learned well that effrontery is often the best weapon of an adventurer.

"You have the unspeakable effrontery to stand there and admit it."

"You may judge of my astonishment," His Majesty wrote, "at his effrontery in accusing you."

This was sheer effrontery of Macmillan when he was the one who was destroying democracy.

He stood close to her, and the effrontery in his eyes repelled the old, vanishing self in her, yet drew all her awakening sensuousness.

It consisted of enormous voids of stone catch-basins sometimes surrounded by stone posts, with monumental effrontery.

And he stared at Marius intently with his epic effrontery.

Twisting his mustache, he let his gaze travel up and down the shrinking queen with an effrontery that made her wince.