Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Voluble Example Sentences

: easily rolling or turning : rotating
: characterized by ready or rapid speech : glib, fluent

After my grandfather drinks a few beers, he becomes voluble and will not stop talking.

The voluble politician was never at a loss for words.

When I left a message on Jack’s answering machine, I spoke at a voluble pace to beat the twenty-second cutoff.

In order to break the record for the fastest speaker in the world, you must be capable of talking at an extremely voluble speed.

My father cannot understand my mother when she yells at him in a voluble tone.

Because of a brain injury that affected Matt’s speech pattern, he is not a voluble speaker.

Tongue twisters are designed to be spoken by voluble presenters.

Although Julian is normally a voluble speaker, he appeared speechless when he won the award.

Sheila was a voluble council member who never hesitated to express her opinion on any subject.

After consuming too much alcohol, the usually silent monks became voluble and chatted for hours.

She is an extremely voluble young woman who engages in rapid conversations.

His speech was voluble.

He grew more voluble at the approach of danger.

She always besieged the bench with voluble excuses, explanations, apologies and prayers.

The minister was very voluble, but there was little substance to what he said.

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