Friday, December 1, 2017

Anachronism Example Sentences

Anachronism Example Sentences

1 : an error in chronology; especially : a chronological misplacing of persons, events, objects, or customs in regard to each other
2 : a person or a thing that is chronologically out of place; especially : one from a former age that is incongruous in the present
3 : the state or condition of being chronologically out of place
The definition of anachronism is a person or thing that is placed in a time period where it does not fit. If a movie about ancient Egypt showed a Pharaoh wearing a wristwatch, the wristwatch would be an example of an anachronism.

With social media and its instantaneous but faux connection, postcards are a quaint anachronism.

Since there were not laptop computers during the Civil War, the presence of a portable computer in the history film is a definite anachronism.

These days the habit of introducing yourself to a new neighbor with a welcome gift has become an anachronism.

Soon physical books will be completely replaced by e-books and will represent nothing more than an anachronism.

In today’s computer world, a floppy disk is an anachronism.

When I saw the ancient typewriter in the technology store, I knew I was looking at an anachronism.

It is always fun to go to my grandmother’s house and watch her anachronism, her large black and white television.

While some individuals still travel by train, most people view this mode of transportation as an anachronism.

An author’s use of an airplane in a story set in the 1700’s is an example of a literary anachronism because airplanes did not exist during this century.

Since the old mafia boss still took pride in family loyalty, he was considered an anachronism by the younger members of the mob who believed money was everything.

Because microwave ovens were not around in 1680, I had to circle this anachronism in your American colonies essay.

But his work seemed an anachronism to commentators on modern art.

Physical books will soon be a form of anachronism, as it has been steadily losing out on the competition to electronic books and electronic book readers.

Floppy disk is a form of anachronism in this world of DVD and flash drives.

If you want to look into an anachronism, all you have got to see is a typewriter.

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