Wednesday, January 29, 2014

draggy sample sentences

It sounds very draggy, very druggy and dated as a result.

Flags are notoriously draggy--their motion generates vortices that pull on them.

The swiftness of the story carries the onlooker from one exciting scene to another without any draggy sequences.

No more draggy boring opportunity meetings!

The movie's funny moments outpace the draggy ones.

And director Junichi Suzuki has done nothing to overcome the film's draggy pace.

passim sample sentences

Readers will have no trouble determining the editor's opinions about the text, as her strongly worded footnotes appear passim.

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Logy Sample Sentences

I was feeling logy after eating such a big meal, so I decided to take a brief nap.

I often feel logy before putting on a record that I'm slated to review, like I'm getting up in the morning for work.

Monday, January 27, 2014

paradigm sample sentences

Her recent book provides us with a new paradigm for modern biography.

I wanted to learn about the Freudian paradigm of psychoanalysis.

They plan to conduct a new study that will challenge the current evolutionary paradigm.

Maybe if you got out of the paradigm you're stuck in you'd see things for how they really are.

Some are still trying to adjust to the new paradigm.

Plastic presents new kinds of concerns because it requires a radically different paradigm of toxicity.

It is better to evolve, refine and expand the existing paradigm.

It takes forward thinking to establish a new paradigm, and it will come, probably sooner than you can imagine.

She has long advocated for a paradigm shift in scholarly writing.

Our science teacher showed a paradigm of human body to make us understand it clearly.

The economic paradigm of communism has not worked very well in practice, although it sound terrific when Marx first presented it.

Sister Mary Catherine is considered a paradigm of virtue by everyone in the church.

John’s programming paradigm has taken the computer world by storm.

After the terrorist attack, the government created a new paradigm for domestic security.

Even though Liza is an unconventional teacher, she still supports the educational paradigm that is used by most of the veteran teachers at her school.

Handsome, intelligent, and kind, Trent is the paradigm of the perfect man.

Starting over with this new construction paradigm will delay the completion of the building by two months

In the normal economic paradigm, price determines demand.

Justine is a paradigm of honor in a room full of corporate vultures.

Conflate Sample Sentences

The professor warned us to be careful not to conflate the two similar theories.

It is vital that we do not conflate today with tomorrow.

You will have a problem in presenting since you conflate these two as if they are identical concepts.

Let's not completely conflate our national self-interest with self-righteous moral judgment.

Your questions are highly leading and conflate many issues.

Don't conflate the movie business with the theatre business.

Here you mistakenly conflate expertise with credentials.

It is best not to conflate gossip with the truth.

Saturday, January 25, 2014

stymie sample sentences

I'm afraid that my project is stymie because we lack funds to support it.

The advanced math problems will always stymie me.

Don't let that puzzle stymie you.

U.S.despite its best efforts could not stymie North Korea from carrying out nuclear explosions.

I would not say a word to stymie anything my son would wish to do.

The changes must not be allowed to stymie new medical treatments.

Friday, January 24, 2014

acephalous sample sentences

The larva is acephalous since it has no head capsule.

We found an acephalous skeleton in that abandoned house.

Chaos and crime will prevail in an acephalous society.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Pratfall Sample Sentences

They have never called attention to themselves so demandingly, only to pratfall so comically.

That's a pretty expensive pratfall although museum authorities say the painting can be repaired.

More embarrassed than hurt by her pratfall, Ana went on with the show.

She can deliver punch lines with as much skill as she can take a pratfall.

Snappy Sample Sentences

The show is well acted, and the dialogue is snappy.

We'd travel along the fields and blooming flowers and we'll ride a car with a snappy engine.

She writes snappy, clever lyrics and memorable music.

The laptop felt pretty fast before, but now it's really snappy.

I want you to think of a snappy headline that will catch everyone's eye in less than half an hour.

With all his snappy posts and ripostes, you may have come to think of him as quick-witted.

Rose may not be profound or snappy with a quote but she is sincere.

We had tried our darndest to think of snappy words to get our ideas into the press.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Anarchist Sample Sentences

Those anarchists should be arrested since they were becoming to bothering.

Demonstrations of thousands of people, including many anarchists, against the vicious and violent reaction from the state became a regular occurrence.

If our town were ruled by anarchists, everyone could do what they wanted all the time.

Asking for a something that has order and organization to it is the exact opposite of what you would get from a true anarchist.

There is a famous book that has been blacklisted called the anarchist cookbook written by anarchist for anarchist.

Anarchist believe in chaos and disorder.

Hitlers Nazi regime was the worst nightmare for any anarchist not because of all the slaughtering but because it was extreme order.

There are probably anarchists in the world because they think government officals spend tax dollars partying here.

The anarchist, nonchalant and rebellious, hung out with punks at concerts.

Monday, January 13, 2014

veneer sample sentences

The coopting of tribal leaders also lends a veneer of respectability to the occupation forces.

There is no frontal, just more of the walnut veneer familiar from the crossing.

The desktop is finished in a rosewood effect veneer to match the veneer on the pool table.

The table is finished in an attractive light maple veneer.

The sun shone thinly through the window, settling on the wardrobe with its thin layer of dust over shiny polished wood veneer.

The table football features extra thick apron sides which are finished in a mahogany veneer.

Where the edge will not be subject to physical knocks, a wood veneer can be applied.

The veneer on the old dresser was peeling terribly.

His father's veneer of knowledge caused the young
lad to flunk his exam.

His father's veneer of knowledge caused the young
lad to flunk his exam.

After more than half a century of dominance, the brick veneer house is under threat.

I recall that when I was in my early teens the garage at the back of the brick veneer used to flood whenever it rained heavily.

The table top had a veneer of gold and ivory, which made it look elegant and much more expensive than it actually was.

I bought an antique dresser with a very unusual wood veneer on the front of the drawers.

She is really not very nice at all, the smile is nothing but a veneer.

sycophant sample sentences

When her career was riding high, the self-deluded actress often mistook sycophants for true friends.

Hoping to get the best mark in class,the sycophant flattered his teacher at every

Friday, January 10, 2014

Enmity Sample Sentences

There's a long history of enmity between them.

His comments earned him the enmity of his coworkers.

Within one week, he'd incurred the total enmity of the entire lighting crew.

I said it to satisfy your mind that I had no enmity of feeling toward the lady, on my side.

There is no personal enmity between the two groups.

It's that sort of behavior that has earned them such enmity.

International observers say continued enmity between the countries amounts to a grudge match.

There was no enmity among us.

They were mortal enemies, an enmity that spilled over decades later.

There is no enmity among scientists when a well-established theory is overturned in favor of a better one.

The exercise was excruciating, given the enmity and distrust that existed between the opposing sides.

The enmity between two families are so deep rooted, country has become hostage to them.

To begin with, enmity between the two parties has not been growing simplistically and steadily.

Those who deem the meeting a failure are ignorant of the deep-seated enmity between the two parties.

From personal experience, he developed an implacable enmity toward totalitarian regimes.

The testimony was emotional, and the parties hold much enmity against the other.

Because of the enmity that exists between my cousin and my niece, I had them seated at different tables at my wedding.

I never understood my daughter's enmity toward her sister in law until one day I met the woman at the mall and she began to tell me all her family members' private business.

The enmity between the two litigants was obvious to everyone in the courtroom.

Despite a long, close, and tense match, the defeated player felt no enmity toward the new champion.

Having to work on the project together only increased the enmity between Ralph and Jane.

Because the two brothers are both in love with the same girl, there is a great deal of enmity between them.

A wise parent can administer discipline without the incident resulting in enmity.

After learning John was the one who stole his truck, Henry felt a great deal of enmity towards him.

If nothing is done to ease the tensions in the war-torn country, eventually the enmity between the civilians and the military will boil over into another war.

A part of healing is letting go of the enmity you feel towards people who have wronged you in the past.

Since my sister looked at my diary, I can focus on nothing but my enmity for her.

Because of the enmity between the two gangs in my neighborhood, it is not safe to venture outside at night.

Please tell me what I did that caused our friendship to change into enmity!

Even though Frank and Joanna tried to stay together for the children, the enmity between them eventually led Frank to move out of the house.

Their deep, longstanding enmity has become a part of the legend.

After being teased as a boy for wearing his older brother’s hand-me-downs, Ben had a particular enmity for thrift stores.

The soccer players are filled with enmity towards the other team because they are losing.

The prison guard noticed the enmity in the air.

Hauberk Sample Sentence

The first figure has a knee-length hauberk with integral mail coif and a simple helmet with nasal.

During the early century, man used to wear hauberk as an armor for defense.

The man dressed in a short mail hauberk draws a sword.

The hauberk was burdensome, and the helm weighed upon his head.

Thursday, January 9, 2014

bigot sample sentences

He was labeled a bigot after making some offensive comments.

The bigot is like the pupil of the eye; the more light you put upon it, the more it will contract.

Stop being a political bigot and putting words in our mouths.

The sincerity of either man can only be doubted by the bigot and the fool.

It's not a big shame to be a bigot these days.

Many of his political opponents consider him a racist bigot.

Anyone can be a bigot, in any context.

Obviously this writer is just another arrogant bigot full of himself.

Perhaps it's worth making it clear that they'll relax the law for her because she has the right to be a bigot.

To be a bigot means that you hold negative views of a group despite evidence.

The person who stands proclaiming to know the truth is often called a bigot.

They misunderstand the old man in the shop, who they assume to be a redneck bigot.

Her mother often accused her of sounding like a racist bigot, saying she ought to exercise more control over her thoughts.

In my view it's best never to give bigots who preach hatred against a minority a platform anywhere, whatever the reason.

At least the one on the right is logical, so they can't be ignorant bigots.

Momma was such a bigot, that she didn't even acknowledge the new black neighbors when they said "hello".

He's a raging bigot in full flight, yet you instantly understand the fount of his anger.

He basically pointed out I was an ignorant bigot.

Jake is such a bigot every time he sees a blonde girl, he thinks she is dumb.

The bigot was a lonely old man who thought everyone was inferior to him.

Because Helen is very close-minded, many people consider her to be a bigot.

Although Jason does not have any friends outside of his race, I do not consider him to be a bigot.

My mother is a self-proclaimed bigot who believes all teenagers are bad.

While my aunt claims she is an open-minded Christian, she is actually a bigot who criticizes most religions.

Even though everyone thought Hazel was a bigot, she was always willing to listen to the opinions of others.

Because Donald is a bigot, he is always looking for a reason to dislike a particular group of people.

Elaine is a racist bigot who refuses to speak to anyone of a different race.

The man who lives next to me is an unpleasant bigot who disagrees with everyone in the neighborhood.

As soon as the elderly bigot learned minorities were moving into her community, she sold her house and moved into an apartment.

obfuscate sample sentences

Politicians keep obfuscating the issues.

Their explanations only serve to obfuscate and confuse.

Your interpretations are supposed to clarify and improve understanding, not obfuscate issues and confuse lenders.

The purpose of writing is to communicate, not to obfuscate.

The purpose of speaking is to communicate, not to obfuscate.

It's unfortunate that the rich and famous can buy attorneys to twist and obfuscate the facts and that the less fortunate of us can't.

Listen to it once, and by all means do it before you bother to read CD notes that might obfuscate your listening experience.

The loan contract was filled with legal words meant to obfuscate trusting borrowers.

Because I am a sympathetic teacher, I avoid using language which will obfuscate my students.

Surprisingly, the efforts of the translator only served to obfuscate an already confusing conversation.

The last thing I want to do is obfuscate the concept by trying to explain it too rapidly.

The arrogant doctor went out of his way to obfuscate my condition.

While the professor did not want to obfuscate the scientific theory, he had to rush through his explanation because the class was coming to an end.

If you will obfuscate the store clerk with some crazy questions, I will steal the candy.

The con man hoped to obfuscate the elderly woman by using large words to describe his investment plan.

Because I am honest, I never try to obfuscate my true intentions!

If you want people to read your writing, make it simple and never obfuscate your ideas.