Thursday, January 10, 2019

Venal Example Sentences

Venal Example Sentences

1 : capable of being bought or obtained for money or other valuable consideration : purchasable; especially : open to corrupt influence and especially bribery : mercenary

2 : originating in, characterized by, or associated with corrupt bribery

willing to do dishonest things in return for money; willing to take bribes

Synonyms: corrupt, corruptible, bribable, open to bribery, purchasable, buyable, grafting; dishonest, fraudulent, dishonorable, untrustworthy, unscrupulous, unprincipled; mercenary, avaricious, grasping, rapacious; informalbent, crooked, warped, shady; raresimoniacal, simoniac

Their generosity had been at least partly venal.

The courts of law are venal and can take decades to decide a case.

Because the mayor was a venal man, he had no problem accepting bribes from real estate developers.

The venal police officer accepted the money the drug dealers gave him to look away from their illegal deals.

While the chemical company claimed to be environmentally friendly, it was actually managed by a venal executive who refused to pay for the proper disposal of wastes.

The venal minister lied to the members of the church when he told them donations would earn them a place in heaven.

When the politician was revealed as a venal woman who took bribes from lobbyists, she was quickly removed from office.

The venal storeowner charged the immigrants more than he charged the local residents of his community.

Since a venal con artist raised Carl, it is not surprising that Carl grew up to be a thief.

Some venal radio stations will not play music from independent labels unless they are offered bribes to do so.

Because we did not see Jake as a venal man, we were completely shocked when he threw the boxing match for money.

It was very easy for the wealthy defendant to sway the venal judge with the offer of a blank check.

Politicians are often accused of being venal, but seldom stupid.

Douglas has had great success playing flawed, even venal characters.

Her expose portrayed him as a vile, venal man.

She did what she did out of ideology, not for venal motives.

There are tons of jokes about venal politicians.

They are accused of being involved in venal practices.\

The venal policeman accepted the bribe.

Venal judges are a disgrace to a country.

Those battling to win seats in the election tomorrow are viewed as more venal, corrupt and conniving than any fantasy TV we watch.

They're venal and corrupt and must be stopped.

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