Saturday, March 31, 2018

Rectitude Example Sentences

Use Rectitude in a Sentence

1 : the quality or state of being straight

2 : moral integrity : righteousness (morally correct behavior or thinking; righteousness)

3 : the quality or state of being correct in judgment or procedure

: being morally correct

: conduct according to moral principles; strict honesty; uprightness of character

: correctness of judgment or method

: behavior that is correct and moral

: righteousness as a consequence of being honorable and honest

synonyms: righteousness, goodness, virtue, morality, honor, honorableness, integrity, principle, probity, honesty, trustworthiness, uprightness, decency, good character

Maddie is a model of rectitude.

Not all of his colleagues share his personal frugality and public rectitude

He gained a great reputation both for rectitude and vigour.

Jake’s rectitude prevented him from lying to the police about his actions.

Although the restaurant has received bad press lately, it normally is recognized for its rectitude in providing outstanding customer service.

Sheila’s sense of rectitude kept her from keeping the lost hundred dollar bill.

When the valedictorian made her speech, she encouraged her classmates to seek out lives filled with honesty and rectitude.

Aidan’s rectitude inspired him to give his lottery winnings to charity.

While Jim’s brother was often rude, Jim was always a model of rectitude, treating everyone with kindness.

Because Helen was familiar with Sheila’s ethical rectitude, she did not invite her to participate in the group’s robbery.

Kevin’s rectitude at making ethical decisions made him a top candidate for the position.

When Allen mugged the elderly woman, it became obvious to everyone that he was no longer being guided by his rectitude.

Since my father is in prison, I do not consider him to be a good example of moral rectitude.

Alexander is a man of unquestioned moral rectitude.

Most of them led lives of exemplary moral rectitude.

The only shield to his memory is the rectitude and sincerity of his actions.

Honesty and rectitude are two of the aspects for the judgement of the social moral standards.

Never turn aside from the path of rectitude.

My father and I were visiting the family of a stern judge who was renowned for his unflinching rectitude and respectability.

Adelina feels offended that her husband would doubt her loyalty knowing the depth of her love and the rectitude of her character.

They worry that he has strayed from the path of fiscal rectitude.

A mayor who preached moral rectitude squired his new girlfriend around town.

His rectitude would win praise from the media.

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