Saturday, December 22, 2018

Compendious Example Sentences

Compendious Example Sentences

: marked by brief expression of a comprehensive matter : concise and comprehensive
: something that has been explained in a concise or brief way

Synonym: compact, succinct, summary, pithy, short and to the point, concise, condensed, compressed, abridged, summarized, synoptic, capsule; informal, snappy

The small book included a short and compendious overview of the history of Feudal Japan.

Cliff notes give concise and compendious summarizes of commonly read books.

Reading the compendious version of the novel, the reader couldn’t help but feel that something was missing from this concise version.

The compendious collage showed a brief history of the couple’s relationship in picture form.

Learning little from the witness’s compendious summary of the event, the detective decided he needed a more detailed description of what happened.

They have produced a most compendious document taking into account all the evidence they had.

One cannot give a compendious answer on such a large subject.

He was always generous in sharing his compendious knowledge and providing students and colleagues with ideas.

Thursday, December 20, 2018

Frenetic Example Sentences

Frenetic Example Sentences

: marked by excitement, disorder, or anxiety-driven activity : frenzied, frantic
: fast, harried
: fast and energetic in a rather wild and uncontrolled way.

synonyms: frantic, wild, frenzied, hectic, fraught, feverish, fevered, mad, manic, hyperactive, energetic, intense, amped-up, fast and furious, turbulent, tumultuous

My husband doesn’t go to a movie unless it is full of the frenetic action of car chases, mob scenes, fights, and intense special effects.

Yesterday the sales floor was even more frenetic than usual because of the big clearance sale.

Although most people believe that the celebrity couple maintains a frenetic lifestyle, all the stories are pure publicity schemes.

After two hours of frenetic frolic, the puppies finally curled up in a ball for a nap.

After the concert, the frenetic crowd surged through the exit doors and began to dance in the street.

When they got home, they found that the apartment had been turned upside down, as if someone had conducted a frenetic search for something valuable.

This exercise program is so excellent for weight loss because the frenetic tempo of the music really helps burn the calories.

Although the Emergency Room seemed no more than a hive of frenetic activity after the bus crash, every doctor and nurse was performing at top efficiency.

When the game went into sudden death overtime, the crowd remained on their feet, cheering with frenetic energy.

Most brides will experience a frenetic day going from one place to another and spend a lot of time on their feet.

With soft soles and flexible styles, these shoes are the staple godsend of frenetic secretaries, busy corporate executives, and active soccer moms who still possess a flair for fashion.

After weeks of frenetic activity, the job was finally finished.

She rushes from job to job at a frenetic pace.

It generated much excitement and frenetic activity.

There was frenetic trading on the Stock Exchange yesterday.

Even as I battled my fears with frenetic bursts of activity, whenever I slowed down I knew I was unprepared.

He was seventy and continually engaged in frenetic schemes to bolster up his old age.

Many of us go to workplaces rife with dissatisfactions, unrealistic expectations and frenetic changes.

Her writing is hectic and frenetic, but at the same time utterly controlled.

Monday, December 10, 2018

Dingy Example Sentences

Dingy Example Sentences

: gloomy and drab
: filthy, discolored, often dark or depressing

bedraggled, befouled, begrimed, bemired, besmirched, black, blackened, cruddy, dirty, draggled, dusty, filthy, foul, grimy, grotty [chiefly British], grubby, grungy, mucky, muddy, nasty, smudged, smutty, soiled, sordid, stained, sullied, unclean, uncleanly, gloomy, dark, dull, badly/poorly lit, murky, dim, dismal, dreary, drab, somber, grim, cheerless; shabby, faded, worn, dowdy, seedy, run-down

He's been staying in a dingy motel.

The bed sheets were pretty dingy so we threw them in the laundry pile.

Their secret hiding place was a dingy room in the basement.

Her dress was a dingy grey that was two sizes too big and could have used a wash.

It wasn’t surprising that Catherine felt sad all the time when she lived in a room that was so dingy, dark, and depressing.

She wore a dingy dress that was discolored from years of sweat and little washing.

Meredith woke to a dark and dingy room covered in cobwebs.

The baseball player’s lucky hat was looking dingy and on the verge of falling apart but he refused to wash it.

He wore a flat gray cloth cap, a dingy wool-colored greatcoat, and cowhide boots.

Inspect your walls and trim for cracks and dingy paint.

A recent tour found the interior dingy and run-down.

Truth be told, the convention hall looked a bit dingy.

He was dressed a common soldier with dingy looking white uniform.

A dingy cloth hung in the doorway that led back into the house.

For nearly a month, he has been locked in a dingy cell.

The dingy white buildings are long overdue for a fresh coat of paint.

Friday, September 21, 2018

Shoddy Example Sentences

Shoddy Example Sentences

: a reclaimed wool from materials that are not felted that is of better quality and longer staple than mungo
: a fabric often of inferior quality manufactured wholly or partly from reclaimed wool
: inferior, imitative, or pretentious articles or matter
: pretentious vulgarity
: cheaply imitative
: hastily or poorly done : INFERIOR
: badly made or done

discreditable, disgraceful, dishonorable, disreputable, ignominious, infamous, notorious, shady, shameful, shy, unrespectable. poor-quality, inferior, second-rate, third-rate, cheap, cheapjack, trashy, jerry-built; informaltacky, chintzy, rubbishy, junky, tinpot, cheapo, cheesy, schlocky, low-rent, careless, slapdash, sloppy, slipshod, crude;
negligent, cursory

They gave a shoddy performance.

We're not paying good money for shoddy goods.

The shoddy porch collapsed one day after it was built.

As soon as the judges heard the young woman’s shoddy performance, they voted her out of the competition.

The shoddy toy was broken when it arrived in the mail.

Because of shoddy accounting practices, our firm is being audited.

I refuse to pay the plumber for such a shoddy job!

He accused the garage of shoddy workmanship on the bodywork.

I'm normally quick to complain about shoddy service.

It is a fairly shoddy way to treat an employee.

I always complain about bad service or shoddy goods.

He was accused of shoddy workmanship.

The shoddy performance of the networks and cable news channels is indefensible.

Blame for shoddy work is frequent.

He called for checks to discover whether corrupt officials are being bribed to connive in shoddy construction.

They refused him sick pay when he was off ill, which is a shoddy way to treat an employee.

I took over a good-sized firearm retail store three months ago and have run into a lot of shoddy products.

Many years of shoddy work has resulted in the pathetic shape of city roads.

Some patients have disappeared from the system because of shoddy record-keeping.

You can make shoddy products, or you can make high-quality ones that people want.

Glad that other people have picked up on the shoddy journalism in this article.

Her art work didn't inspire me,it was rather shoddy.

Besotted Example Sentences

Besotted Example Sentences

: blindly or utterly infatuated
: intoxicated or stupefied especially with drink
: to be smitten, strongly infatuated, in love with to the point that one feels as if they are drunk or intoxicated
: obsessed

synonyms: infatuated with, smitten with, in love with, head over heels in love with, obsessed with; doting on, greatly enamored of; informalswept off one's feet by, crazy about, mad about, wild about, carrying a torch for, gaga about/for/over, stuck on, gone on

The husband seems besotted with his wife and horribly jealous of the bird she's protecting.

We issued into an empty street through a half-open door, staggering like besotted revellers.

When news of their engagement broke, the besotted couple was enjoying a break in the Bahamas.

He became besotted with his best friend's sister.

I have known my wife for five years, but I am as besotted with her today as I was the moment I first saw her.

The besotted mother treated her child like a princess, despite the fact that she risked spoiling her.

Tim is a besotted basketball fan who dreams of playing for the Knicks.

Laura is besotted with her husband to the point that become frantic when he comes home late from work.

Whiffing my Aunts freshly backed loaves of bread while still in the oven, I was besotted by the smell.

Besotted by wine, Tyrone becomes stone drunk every time he attends a wedding.

He is besotted by her youth and beauty.

They had one date and he was utterly besotted.

The stories had besotted her mind with fear and superstition.

Sunday, September 9, 2018

Unencumbered Example Sentences

Unencumbered Example Sentences

: not having any burden or impediment
: free of debt or other financial liability
: you're free of baggage: either you literally don't have a lot of stuff to carry, or you're emotionally care-free
: free of to move forward or advance

Synonyms: burdenless, unburdened

Because she had her official transcripts, the woman was unencumbered to move on to any college she wanted.

The program’s funds were unencumbered and the director was able to spend the money on anything that was needed.

After the broken-down car was moved out of the road, the street was unencumbered and other motorists could drive past.

The inmate has been released from prison and is free to live an unencumbered lifestyle if he stays out of trouble.

Camp-life makes me feel fancy-free and unencumbered, since there are no rules or responsibilities in the woods.

Unencumbered by the demands of the mass market, modern architects were free to express their aesthetics in state-financed housing projects.

When you want to try all manner of wicked and wild moves on the surfboard, you need a good pair of freestyle board shorts to let you do whatever you want while feeling completely unencumbered.

If your gold is unencumbered it means that the gold is subject to physical delivery at any time and is not influenced by the financial abilities of the storage provider.

Her photographs have the look and feel of mere snapshots, as unmediated realism, unencumbered by artifice and self-conscious construction.

A company's unencumbered view of its supply chain provides a competitive advantage by being able to react to constantly changing requirements.

He had abandoned that deep melancholy and sadness, and he felt himself much lighter and unencumbered.

The plaintiff still holds all the shares as his own absolutely unencumbered property.

The way to ensure that there aren't hungry people in the world is to give peasants land, unencumbered by debt peonage.

Quiddity Example Sentences

Quiddity Example Sentences


: whatever makes something the type that it is : essence
: the inherent nature or essence of someone or something.
: a distinctive feature; a peculiarity.
: an odd or peculiar habit
: the quality or qualities that make a thing what it is

Synonyms: crotchet, curiosity, eccentricity, erraticism, idiosyncrasy, individualism, kink, mannerism, oddity, peculiarity, quip, quirk, singularity, tic, trick, twist, being, essence, essentiality, nature, quintessence, soul, stuff, substance

Rembrandt's genius was his unparalleled ability to render a person's quiddity in a single portrait.

The quiddity of motherhood was reflected in Ms. Dowling because she was always baking cookies and tending to her child’s needs.

The actual quiddity of his leadership skills shined through when Timothy was able to easily convince a crowd of people about his viewpoint.

The stout and prestigious photograph of the prominent soldier showed the quiddity of his power.

When someone’s first baby is born, they experience the true quiddity of life because they know this was meant to be.

Even though the boy always lied, he actually realized the quiddity of each lie that he told.

Sunday, September 2, 2018

Coeval Example Sentences

: of the same or equal age, antiquity, or duration
: similar in age or length of time
: having the same age or date of origin
: a person of roughly the same age as oneself

Synonyms of coeval. coetaneous, coexistent, coexisting, coextensive, coincident, coincidental, concurrent, contemporaneous, contemporary, coterminous, simultaneous, synchronic, synchronous.

Once Jenny and I realized our parties were coeval, I decided to host my event on another day.

As soon as I get on campus, I plan on requesting a schedule change because two of my classes are coeval.

It’s impossible for me to attend both of my children’s events because they are coeval and occurring at the same time.

Since my sister and I are twins, we have coeval birthdays.

The detective knew the eight murders were related because of the coeval fact they occurred during the same time period.

Monday, April 9, 2018

Maladroit Example Sentences

Use maladroit in a sentence

: lacking skill, cleverness, or resourcefulness in handling situations
: awkward and somewhat incompetent
: awkward; clumsy; bungling

Any project, however carefully planned, is doomed to fail under maladroit management.

The nervous boy was maladroit and stuttered over his words as he invited the girl to the dance.

When the maladroit waiter served us, he spilled wine on my dress and dropped my plate on the floor.

The maladroit robber locked himself inside of the bank vault.

Since Kurt is a maladroit dancer, I refuse to be seen in public with him when he dances.

The cartoon is based on a maladroit detective who is incapable of solving cases without the help of his intelligent dog.

Both parties are unhappy about the maladroit handling of the whole affair.

She can be a little maladroit in social situations.

The young man's maladroit remarks about the hostess embarrassed everyone at the party.

That waiter is so maladroit that he dropped the ashtray into my soup.

The chairman was criticized for his maladroit handing of the press conference.

A maladroit movement of his hand caused the car to swerve.

His handling of the negotiations was maladroit.

Some of his first interviews with the press were rather maladroit.

Our new supervisor is clever in matters in which his predecessor was maladroit.

When I am tired, I may be a little clumsy and maladroit at finding the appropriate words in my article.

In the comedy movie, Woodcock falls in love with a shy, maladroit German waitress at the country hotel where he happens to be staying.

So I find it easy to forgive the people who actually wanted to help but were just maladroit.

Though maladroit and slightly silly, Yumi is also very kind and friendly.

Similarly, the character of Mitch is something of a social maladroit, chivalrous but dull.

In some of their efforts, Mr. Cheney and his agent, Mr. Libby, appeared even maladroit in the art of media management.

Both men are unhappy about the maladroit way the matter has been handled, and are in the mood to refuse to be interviewed.

Saturday, April 7, 2018

Reify Example Sentences

Use reify in a sentence

: to consider or represent (something abstract) as a material or concrete thing : to give definite content and form to (a concept or idea)
: to make something real become more concrete

Synonyms for reify
demonstrate, epitomize, exemplify, exhibit, express, illustrate, incorporate, manifest, mirror, personify, realize, stand for, symbolize,
typify, actualize, complete, concretize, evince, exteriorize, externalize, hypostatize, incarnate, objectify, personalize, show, substantiate, emblematize

The attorney tried to reify the statement so it would become more real for the jury.

People always thought the man to be a cheat and a liar, but the latest news article will reify that fact.

By reperforming the test, the scientist was able to reify the results and make them more concrete.

Writing your goals down in a planner can reify them and make them more tangible and easier to achieve.

The teacher tried to reify the concept of ‘air’ and make the idea more understandable for his students.

Saturday, March 31, 2018

Rectitude Example Sentences

Use Rectitude in a Sentence

1 : the quality or state of being straight

2 : moral integrity : righteousness (morally correct behavior or thinking; righteousness)

3 : the quality or state of being correct in judgment or procedure

: being morally correct

: conduct according to moral principles; strict honesty; uprightness of character

: correctness of judgment or method

: behavior that is correct and moral

: righteousness as a consequence of being honorable and honest

synonyms: righteousness, goodness, virtue, morality, honor, honorableness, integrity, principle, probity, honesty, trustworthiness, uprightness, decency, good character

Maddie is a model of rectitude.

Not all of his colleagues share his personal frugality and public rectitude

He gained a great reputation both for rectitude and vigour.

Jake’s rectitude prevented him from lying to the police about his actions.

Although the restaurant has received bad press lately, it normally is recognized for its rectitude in providing outstanding customer service.

Sheila’s sense of rectitude kept her from keeping the lost hundred dollar bill.

When the valedictorian made her speech, she encouraged her classmates to seek out lives filled with honesty and rectitude.

Aidan’s rectitude inspired him to give his lottery winnings to charity.

While Jim’s brother was often rude, Jim was always a model of rectitude, treating everyone with kindness.

Because Helen was familiar with Sheila’s ethical rectitude, she did not invite her to participate in the group’s robbery.

Kevin’s rectitude at making ethical decisions made him a top candidate for the position.

When Allen mugged the elderly woman, it became obvious to everyone that he was no longer being guided by his rectitude.

Since my father is in prison, I do not consider him to be a good example of moral rectitude.

Alexander is a man of unquestioned moral rectitude.

Most of them led lives of exemplary moral rectitude.

The only shield to his memory is the rectitude and sincerity of his actions.

Honesty and rectitude are two of the aspects for the judgement of the social moral standards.

Never turn aside from the path of rectitude.

My father and I were visiting the family of a stern judge who was renowned for his unflinching rectitude and respectability.

Adelina feels offended that her husband would doubt her loyalty knowing the depth of her love and the rectitude of her character.

They worry that he has strayed from the path of fiscal rectitude.

A mayor who preached moral rectitude squired his new girlfriend around town.

His rectitude would win praise from the media.

Friday, March 16, 2018

Anent Example Sentences

Use Anent in A Sentence

: about, concerning

This question remains a vital consideration anent the debate over the possibility of limiting nuclear war to military objectives.

I'll say a few words anent the letter

Sunday, March 4, 2018

Cursory Example Sentences

Use cursory in a Sentence

: rapidly and often superficially performed or produced : hasty

: something done quickly with little attention to detail

: hasty and without attention to detail; not thorough

Synonym: casual, passing, perfunctory

After doing a cursory head count, Claire realized that two of the campers were not in their tents.

Although the witness was only able to provide a cursory description of the perpetrator, the police sketch artist was able to come up with a reasonable representation.

After a cursory examination of the artifacts, the archaeologist realized that he had probably stumbled on the find of the century.

A cursory review of your list of grievances indicates that you probably don’t have a strong case for a civil suit.

While researchers had made a cursory analysis of the side effects of the new formula, they decided that more information was needed before they proposed its acceptance to the FDA.

After taking cursory measurements of the cast members, Amanda was ready to start on making the costumes.

Even though she has made several cursory attempts at learning to speak a foreign language, she has never had the self-discipline to get past the basics.

After a cursory look, she moved on.

He put aside the papers after a cursory study.

Even a cursory glance at the figures will tell you that sales are down this year.

He signed with only a cursory glance at the report.

Burke cast a cursory glance at the menu, then flapped it shut.

Police arrived within minutes and conducted a cursory search of the property.

Even the most cursory glance showed me the crowd did look awfully grand.

After a cursory search the carrier was waved through.

After a cursory examination, he turned to me and said that we must get the boy to hospital quickly.

It would be impossible to find out its true value from a cursory inspection, she said.

Patients and workers alike gave the Governor and his visitors only cursory glances.

He gave it a cursory glance and handed it back.

His arm gave cursory directions as he spoke.

I opened the outer shell and did a cursory inspection.


The writer of this story have written some cursory dialogue scenes that ruin the whole narrative.

Our teacher was planing to give us high marks so she prepared a cursory exam paper for us.

Even a prep student can see her mistakes with a cursory glance at her homework.

The proffessor finally accepted her assistant to give cursory parts of the lecture.

The cursory investigation has caused a false accusation.

They may give the women cursory but still costly examinations.

Friday, March 2, 2018

Nondescript Example Sentences

Use nondescript in a Sentence

1 : belonging or appearing to belong to no particular class or kind : not easily described

2 : lacking distinctive or interesting qualities : dull, drab

3 : without qualities that make a thing or person interesting

dull or uninteresting. It refers to something which has no character of its own.

The man dressed in such a nondescript manner that no one remembered seeing him at the party.

Because the shop was so nondescript, I walked past it several times before realizing my mistake.

There was nothing that made the nondescript restaurant stand out from the thirty other eateries on the strip.

If the movie poster is nondescript, it will not capture the interest of our target audience.

She used to be such a diva in school. I couldn’t believe my eyes when I saw her in such nondescript clothes.

The company failed because they spent billions of dollars to research, design and manufacture a nondescript family sedan.

The manipulative stock trader made his millions working out of his nondescript central London studio.

I am disappointed that he took up such a nondescript job.

A nondescript day at work turned into quite a challenge when the CEO dropped in for a surprise visit.

For someone who was known to be a nondescript introvert in school, he certainly came out his shell in his twenties.

The only way a celebrity can go incognito is by being as nondescript as possible.

When we went through our grandfather’s attic, we found a nondescript box of papers which actually turned out to be priceless documents of historical importance.

He surprised his girlfriend by hiding the engagement ring in a nondescript bag of chocolates.

Who would have ever imagined that a child as quiet and nondescript as him would go on to become the greatest pop star the world has ever seen?

The nondescript food wasn’t something we had expected from a restaurant of such repute

You can’t be an undercover cop if you don’t have the ability to remain nondescript even in the most unpredictable situations.

The casting agent was frustrated because all the applicants were nondescript actors.

Being nondescript and playing it safe the exact opposite of how a real artist thinks.

The dress was a steal at twenty dollars, never mind the fact that it was slightly nondescript.

She is living in a nondescript neighborhood, but that’s all she can afford right now

He wanted a flamboyant color for his car, not a nondescript black.

The designer was given a lot of praise even though her collection was pretty nondescript.

The students were given a nondescript tray out of which they were asked to create something innovative.

She has the prowess to convert even the most nondescript items in her house into something useful.

Her writing is quite nondescript.

She wanted to live in a beautiful villa with a garden in her backyard, not in some nondescript condo.

They don’t want a nondescript to be in charge of this project.

You can’t afford to be a nondescript if you’re working in an advertising agency.

It’s going to be impossible to find him in this crowd because he’s pretty much a nondescript.

It’s going to be impossible to find him in this crowd because he’s pretty much a nondescript.

As long you choose to remain a nondescript in the office, you will never be noticed by your boss.

So they tend to run pictures of distinctive looking people more often than of people with a nondescript appearance.

He refused to explain further, however, and trailed the nondescript article up the stairs.

Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Logomachy Example Sentences

Use Logomachy in a Sentence

1 : a dispute over or about words
- dispute over the meaning of words

2 : a controversy marked by verbiage

What started as a discussion of theory grew into logomachy as the two psychologists feuded over medical terms.

The professor assured the student that the word meant ‘questionable’, but they continued in a logomachy over the correct use of the term.

Sunday, January 28, 2018

Popinjay Examples Sentences

Use Popinjay in a Sentence

: a strutting supercilious person
: a conceited person who focuses on their appearance

After looking in the mirror for an hour, the popinjay wanted everyone to admire her beauty just like she did.

When the popinjay turned sixteen, she forced her parents to throw her the most expensive party even though they couldn’t afford it.

“The only people who I hang around are beautiful and rich people,” said the popinjay to the homely girl.

Wearing only brand names was required by the popinjay for himself because he could not be caught wearing anything else.

Once the girl was asked to the prom by the popinjay, he acted like she should be grateful to be going with such a handsome boy.

Aiza meets Prince Liam, and is initially unimpressed, viewing him as something of a popinjay.

The Prince of Persia is the most distinguished of her many suitors, but she despises him as a vain popinjay.

Saturday, January 13, 2018

Stanch Example Sentences

Use Stanch in a Sentence

1 : to check or stop the flowing of; also : to stop the flow of blood from (a wound)

2 a : to stop or check in its course

b : to make watertight : stop up

But the denial was too late to stanch the media attacks.

His aunt and uncle used beach towels to stanch the bleeding.

He told his wife to stanch Tamila's bleeding.

Another report released Thursday failed to help stanch the selling.

Others complain that police have not done enough to stanch the drug trade.

We need to stanch the decline in collection activity.

Walton was there that day, trying to stanch his wounds with a sweatshirt.

There is more blood coming out than one little strip of plastic can easily stanch.

Italy has been patrolling the coast in an attempt to stanch the flow of refugees.

An acceleration in growth won't be enough to stanch unemployment.

I tied my sock around the worst-cut foot to try and stanch the flow of blood.

It was useless to seek to stanch the blood gushing from the horrible wound.

Thursday, January 11, 2018

Reprehensible Example Sentences

Reprehensible Example Sentences

: worthy of or deserving reprehension, blame, or censure : culpable
: highly unacceptable action; deserving severe disapproval or criticism
: Blameworthy, deserving censure or rebuke

How reprehensible of you to put sugar in my gas tank!

Stealing is reprehensible.

Instead of making reprehensible comments about women, go spread some cheer.

Your conduct is reprehensible and will not be tolerated!

A reprehensible act of violence was committed at school today.

Living next to a registered sex offender is disturbing and reprehensible.

While George saved an old woman from death, his reprehensible past overshadowed his heroism.

Women, specifically teen girls, often spend a reprehensible amount of time in the bathroom.

There is nothing reprehensible about loving your goldfish more than your dogs.

Texting while driving is a reprehensible habit.

I find the behaviour entirely disgusting and reprehensible and totally inexcusable .

Such conduct is severely reprehensible , and should be stopped.

The decision to make a child marry an adult is reprehensible .

I think his behavior was reprehensible and probably a little arrogant.

Maria's desperate decision may be reprehensible on one level.

It is reprehensible to say such a thing about another person.

There are so many scandals, so much behavior that seems reprehensible.

She doesn't want to support a regime she finds reprehensible.

Even if legally valid, this idea is morally reprehensible.

Threats of violence and expressions of racial hatred are reprehensible.

Her reprehensible behavior in public shamed her family.

Adultery is as reprehensible for a husband as it is for a wife.

I cannot condone his reprehensible act.