Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Recumbent Example Sentences

Recumbent Example Sentences


a resting or reclining state

1 a : suggestive of repose : leaning, resting

b : lying down

2 : representing a person lying down

3 : (of a bicycle) having the seat positioned so that the rider's legs are extended horizontally forward to the pedals and the body is reclined

When Bert glanced at his father's recumbent form in the armchair, he immediately realized that he could use a good nap himself.

When we returned home, the exhausted babysitter was asleep and recumbent on the couch.

Is your cat going to lie recumbent on the windowsill all day long?

After drinking four beers, my father was recumbent in his favorite chair.

Heather was recumbent on a pool lounger when it started to rain.

As soon as the flight attendant announced we could lean back, I lowered my seat to a recumbent position.

The recumbent sunbathers were not happy when they were asked to evacuate the beach.

Since James just had a life-saving surgery, he is bound to be recumbent for a while.

Alan was recumbent in his bed when the police burst into his house and arrested him.

Because Tara did not want to be discovered in her sister’s room, she assumed a recumbent posture under the bed.

I enjoyed the ocean breeze from my recumbent position in the hammock.

Patients should sleep semi-recumbent for the next two nights.

The temple's first recumbent Buddha was carved in sandstone.

Mo has a hurt foot and is on a recumbent bike.

Only a fragment of her recumbent tomb still remains.

He looked down at the recumbent figure.

To his horror, he discerned a recumbent shape at the side of the line.

He could not, for he was lying recumbent and unconscious on the carefully tended garden.

It glided noiselessly towards the recumbent woman.

The assumption of the recumbent position is associated with shoulder pain.

My father sat on the sofa in a recumbent position.

I glanced at the recumbent form on the floor.

Thursday, December 14, 2017

Fructify Example Sentences

Fructify Example Sentences

1 : to bear fruit

2 : to make fruitful or productive

My parents are in a comfortable financial position, thanks to some investments that have recently begun to fructify.

It falls without producing fruit or seeds, due to its inability to fructify.

At age 18, her ambition to further her college education in law in England did not fructify as her parents were sick.

Monday, December 4, 2017

Maudlin Example Sentences

Maudlin Example Sentences


The definition of maudlin is someone who is overly sentimental, often in a tearful way or as a result of consuming alcohol. An example of someone who would be described as maudlin is a person who has had a few drinks and is now tearfully weepy about her lost loves.

1 : drunk enough to be emotionally silly
2 : weakly and effusively sentimental
showing or expressing too much emotion especially in a foolish or annoying way

Rather than give his aunt a maudlin greeting card, Jake looked for one that was more in line with her snarky sense of humor.

The girl’s performance was so maudlin that people started to boo her off the stage.

Upon being dumped by his girlfriend, Jason started to act in a maudlin behavior that annoyed everyone.

Sarah is such a drama queen that she behaves in a maudlin way to even the smallest incident.

When John drinks too many glasses of wine, he has a habit of telling maudlin stories that make him appear quite silly.

If you catch Edgar in a maudlin mood, you will find him very annoying.

Even though the reality show about the fives sisters is quite maudlin, it is still watched by millions of people each week.

I could not enjoy the movie because it was so maudlin it came across as incredibly foolish.

When the critics reviewed the singer’s latest album, they referred to it as a maudlin collection that would either bring listeners to tears or make them scream in anger.

Jane rarely talks about her dead husband because she hates to get maudlin in front of people.

Although Mitch loves Jessica, he does not like to be around her when she is putting on a maudlin performance for her friends.

You didn't invite me out here to listen to my maudlin rambling.

I really miss her so much that I sometimes get a little maudlin when talking about her.

He gets very maudlin after a few drinks.

She stopped watching maudlin movies and eating greasy ribs.

We saw a maudlin movie about an orphan who lost his parents in the war.

The anger had turned to resentment, and now the resentment was replaced by maudlin self-pity.

When scorned, they are very hurt and may overreact in an almost maudlin way.

I don't a bit blame him for being perfectly maudlin about her.

Her father was a maudlin, violent drunk, her mother terrified to the point of being suicidal.

Sunday, December 3, 2017

Pillory Example Sentences

Pillory Example Sentences


1 : a wooden frame for public punishment having holes in which the head and hands can be locked
a structure used for punishment or humiliation that is located on a pole or post and has openings in which a head and hands may be secured
2 : a means for exposing one to public scorn or ridicule
to make someone endure abuse, humiliation, disdain, or mockery

During the colonial period, thieves were often locked in a pillory in the town square where they would suffer public humiliation.

The suspected witch’s head and hands were secured tightly in the pillory.

In the classic novel, the man who stole the bread was placed in a pillory so he could be publicly mocked.

The museum has an actual pillory that was once used to punish criminals in the center of town.

Since the man could not pay his bills, he was locked in the public pillory until his family could pay his debts.

The mother will pillory her disrespectful daughter by making her stand on a busy street corner while holding a sign about her poor behavior.

By posting the nude pictures of Kate on Facebook, Jane hoped to pillory her former best friend who had stolen her husband.

Jack’s mother is a miserable woman who constantly tries to pillory her children so they will not challenge her authority.

Because Helen was angry with her husband, she chose to pillory him by announcing his infidelities at their anniversary party.

The filmmaker made a movie to pillory the politician who advocated against gay marriage while keeping a male lover himself.

The bully tried to pillory the boy by pulling down his pants.

When Jon attempted to pillory his ex-girlfriend by posting indecent pictures of her online, he got in a lot of legal trouble.

The brutal king is known to pillory rebels by binding them naked to a post in the town center.

The pillory was used for more serious offences such as sedition.

They call talk shows, both to praise and pillory.

The area around the pillory was a popular place of street entertainment.

He is instead sentenced to two hours in the pillory.

Punishments for crime included public executions, the pillory, lashes and fines.

He took steps to abolish the whipping post and pillory for misdemeanor offenses.

Punishments were usually public, such as confinement to the stocks or pillory.

He was in and out of prison and once endured the humiliation of the pillory.

His body was taken to a pillory,

She was indicted for blasphemy, fined, and sentenced to stand in the pillory.

Friday, December 1, 2017

Anachronism Example Sentences

Anachronism Example Sentences

1 : an error in chronology; especially : a chronological misplacing of persons, events, objects, or customs in regard to each other
2 : a person or a thing that is chronologically out of place; especially : one from a former age that is incongruous in the present
3 : the state or condition of being chronologically out of place
The definition of anachronism is a person or thing that is placed in a time period where it does not fit. If a movie about ancient Egypt showed a Pharaoh wearing a wristwatch, the wristwatch would be an example of an anachronism.

With social media and its instantaneous but faux connection, postcards are a quaint anachronism.

Since there were not laptop computers during the Civil War, the presence of a portable computer in the history film is a definite anachronism.

These days the habit of introducing yourself to a new neighbor with a welcome gift has become an anachronism.

Soon physical books will be completely replaced by e-books and will represent nothing more than an anachronism.

In today’s computer world, a floppy disk is an anachronism.

When I saw the ancient typewriter in the technology store, I knew I was looking at an anachronism.

It is always fun to go to my grandmother’s house and watch her anachronism, her large black and white television.

While some individuals still travel by train, most people view this mode of transportation as an anachronism.

An author’s use of an airplane in a story set in the 1700’s is an example of a literary anachronism because airplanes did not exist during this century.

Since the old mafia boss still took pride in family loyalty, he was considered an anachronism by the younger members of the mob who believed money was everything.

Because microwave ovens were not around in 1680, I had to circle this anachronism in your American colonies essay.

But his work seemed an anachronism to commentators on modern art.

Physical books will soon be a form of anachronism, as it has been steadily losing out on the competition to electronic books and electronic book readers.

Floppy disk is a form of anachronism in this world of DVD and flash drives.

If you want to look into an anachronism, all you have got to see is a typewriter.