Friday, July 29, 2016

Flounder Example Sentences


1 : to struggle to move or obtain footing : thrash about wildly
2 : to proceed or act clumsily or ineffectually

Rather than flounder around in the juicy patches again I decided to find another way back via forest tracks to the west.

The new swimmer had to flounder in the deep end until the lifeguard dragged him to safety.

Unused to skating, the rookie hockey player would flounder on the ice until he learned to skate.

After it hit the iceberg, the Titanic was left to flounder in the Atlantic Ocean before it finally sank.

My father was afraid that I would flounder as I learned to ride a bike, so he never let go of the seat.

My ability to flounder was evident when I fell on the slippery floor.

When money was involved, he most often seemed to flounder.

We flounder in vast waters, always uncertain and floating, tossed here and there.

There are too many people eyeing her, and now that Ambassador Miller has left, she could flounder around without any direction.

I flounder for some minutes trying to come up with a sensible reason while she stands there, arms akimbo almost daring me to give her a reply.

Thursday, July 7, 2016

Puerile Example Sentences


silly or childish especially in a way that shows a lack of seriousness or good judgment

The teachers told the teenagers that such puerile behavior would not be tolerated during the ceremony.

Since my son is thirty-three years of age, I do not find his puerile behavior amusing.

Your jokes are puerile and not appropriate for a woman of your years.

If you behave in a puerile manner during a job interview, the interviewer will think you are very childish.

The fireman was scolded for playing puerile pranks on his coworkers.

When Elaine got drunk and started to crawl around on the floor, she showed everyone how puerile she was.

The young comedian’s puerile jokes did not go over well with the mature audience.

Because my father takes everything very seriously, he has little patience for puerile humor.

My teenage daughter was upset when her puerile conduct got her sent to the little kids’ table at dinner.

Although Bill is normally known for coming up with great ideas, his latest proposal is puerile and borders on being ridiculous.

Jason’s puerile method of getting my attention was by painting his name on the side of my house.

Bob acted in a very puerile fashion, when he was interrupting the teacher and distracting the other children.

I watched two grown men engaging in a rather puerile fashion, it was funny to watch!

Though he consideres himself that he is very intelligent but his behaviour is puerile.

The rather touching concern from the other participants took the form of a string of predictably puerile jokes.

I also enjoyed his sense of humour, which, from close up, turned out to be refreshingly puerile.

Her talents are totally wasted here, as the script never does anything with this character, save for making her entirely one-dimensional and puerile.

Professor Porter deigned to make no response to this puerile inquiry.

This attempt to divert the conversation was too puerile, and Mrs. Honeychurch resented it.

And your conduct, I have to say, borders on being petulant and puerile.

Revere Example Sentences


to have great respect for (someone or something) : to show devotion and honor to (someone or something)

In some cultures people revere their ancestors, even leaving food offerings for them.

Many people from India are Hindu, and so they do not eat beef because they revere the cow as a sacred object.

It wasn’t so long ago that parents taught their children to revere their teachers, but these days it’s hard to find any respect in the classroom.

It’s a sad truth that many Americans revere movie stars and sports figures as demi-gods.

Not even six months after she had vowed to revere the memory of her husband forever, the young widow was flashing a big diamond on her left hand.

Environmentalists say that everyone should revere Mother Nature and take better care of our natural resources.

As an early freedom fighter, Joan of Arc has always been an example of someone who felt that to revere a cause was worth any sacrifice.

As a man of science, he tends to revere the process more than the outcome.

After he saved nine children from the burning building, the entire town will revere Charles as their local hero.

Too many people revere the Almighty Dollar above everything else; they would probably be happier if they spent more time appreciating the simpler things in life.

Even though an entire population might revere a person for goodness and kind deeds, there is still a long process involved before anyone can achieve sainthood.

I revere independent, passionate and compassionate women.

While I admit that we should revere our elders but at the same time, there's no harm in confronting them if we see something wrong being practiced or preached by them.

"I revere my mother the most.

The citizens revere the local hero.

For the pastor's good work in the community, the town would always revere him.

I shall meet him as one whom I shall always revere and feel that I owe a deep debt of gratitude.

Juggernaut Example Sentences


something (such as a force, campaign, or movement) that is extremely large and powerful and cannot be stopped

a very large, heavy truck

With the reveal of its best-selling innovation, the software company has become a juggernaut in the tech industry.

Who knew the reality show about the hillbillies would become a juggernaut as the most heavily watched program in the nation?

Because our football team has gone undefeated for two years, our competitors view us as a juggernaut.

The company predicts its unique mobile phone will become a bestseller and make it a juggernaut in the phone market.

Once the retail chain builds ten more stores it will be a juggernaut because it will have more stores than its rivals.

The fact George is undefeated in political elections makes him a juggernaut.

During the football game, every member of the defense was afraid of the offensive player who was a juggernaut at nearly four hundred pounds.

The invading country was a juggernaut that tolerated no resistance when it stormed through the small nation.

With over a billion hits each day, Google is the juggernaut of search engines.

My best friend Eric is a wrestling juggernaut who has never lost a high school match.

Could she plow through it like a juggernaut?

Gerald Peyton had built himself a juggernaut of a company.

Hope transforms you into a juggernaut, enabling you to endure times of testing and trial with extreme focus and fortitude.

The juggernaut was an intimidating sight, and was five hundred feet of armoured wrath, with enough firepower to hold off a small combat fleet by itself.

With a thunderous roar, thrashing and smashing everything in its path, like an uncontrollable juggernaut, the great wall of water swept down the canyon.

The handful of captains that managed to get promoted that high were always given their pick of vessels to command, with the choice usually being a large cruiser or juggernaut.

Snivel Example Sentences


to complain or cry in an annoying way
to run at the nose
to snuff mucus up the nose audibly
to cry or whine with snuffling
to speak or act in a whining, sniffling, tearful, or weakly emotional manner

It is not worth the while to snivel about it.

Don't snivel about how poor you are.

It is not worth the while to snivel about it.

At school, Mariella began to snivel when she found out that she failed her math test.

Kerfuffle Example Sentences


disturbance, fuss

Predictably, the royal scandal caused quite a kerfuffle on Fleet Street.

When rival soccer fans got in a kerfuffle in the pub, the police were called.

The employees are sure to make a kerfuffle when they learn about the salary cuts.

If my husband forgets my birthday this year, there will be quite a kerfuffle in our house.

The man was kicked off the airplane after he made a kerfuffle about fastening his seatbelt.

Because the defendant did not apologize for causing a kerfuffle in the movie theater, the judge sentenced him harshly.