Monday, May 30, 2016

Purview Example Sentences

: an area within which someone or something has authority, influence, or knowledge

The case is within the court's purview.

That question is outside my purview.

The moral dilemmas of the early settlers are beyond the purview of this book.

Heart shaped rings and other heart motif jewelry is no longer the purview of the young.

Research into the paranormal is not just the purview of psychics and mediums.

Insurance issues may be complicated and largely the purview of lawyers but you need to be actively involved to protect yourself and anyone who depends upon.

Starting from headgear to lingerie to toe rings, every accessory comes within the purview of fashion.

Political science falls within the purview of social science.

The accountant’s purview includes any of the company’s financial matters.

Since Rick is only a writer and not the magazine editor, his purview is only the content he produces.

The gilded fool had not brought himself into the embarrassing purview of the law.

Gradually they extended their purview of grievances to a criticism of all the affairs of the realm.

The accountant’s purview includes any of the company’s financial matters.

Since Rick is only a writer and not the magazine editor, his purview is only the content he produces.

The general does not have purview over those who are not under his military command.

Under the treaty, the island was given purview to self-govern itself.

The police officer’s purview is limited to the city in which he works.

Now that I am an adult, I wish my parents would learn my life is beyond their purview.

To ensure peace is maintained throughout the country, the justice department’s purview must include a national team of law enforcement officers.

Because of technological advances, anyone can have purview of the media by sharing news online.

As a school bus driver, Gail has purview over the safety of hundreds of children each day.

Since Jim is not a doctor, it is not in his purview to diagnose your illness.

Cavalier Example Sentences

- displaying a lack of worry

Miranda has a cavalier attitude when it comes to spending money.

Our new king has a cavalier attitude toward the suffering of others.

The very dignified officials were confused by his cavalier manner.

Bryan will regret his cavalier attitude about studying when he fails to graduate on time.

Because Ted lives a cavalier life and never thinks about his future, he won't have a lot of money to live off when he retires.

The police officer acted in a cavalier manner when he searched the suspect’s home without a warrant.

Since Alan had a cavalier attitude when he proposed to me, I did not take his proposal seriously.

When the woman jumped in front of other customers at the cash register, she made it obvious she had a cavalier regard for social courtesy.

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Stolid Example Sentences

: having or expressing little or no sensibility : unemotional

The stolid detective spoke to the witness in a precise, unequivocal manner.

He was a stolid man who did not even show his emotions at his mother’s funeral.

Although it takes a great deal to make me laugh, I would not consider myself to be a stolid person.

Even though the homeless little girl appeared to be hungry, my father remained stolid and did not give her any money for food.

Having seen his share of bloody crime scenes, the stolid police detective did not blink when he saw the five dead bodies.

Sister Mary Catherine rarely smiled in class so I could never tell if the stolid nun appreciated my humor.

To many, the British people are viewed as a stolid lot because they rarely appear impassioned about anything.

On the other hand, there are many who wish Americans were more stolid and less hot blooded.

The judge was shocked by the killer’s stolid indifference to the death penalty conviction.

Although the comedian told funny jokes, his audience was too stolid to appreciate his humor.

Because Sally endured so much abuse as a child, she grew up to become a stolid adult who was not distressed by much.

Stolid people are not liked by children.

His rival 's stolid indifference put the lawyer out of countenance.

Marcus' stolid face revealed none of the thoughts that danced in his mind.

The head of the company was a stolid human being .

Stolid people can generally be expected to take most things in stride.

The soldier's face showed no trace of emotion and was impassive and stolid.

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Abeyance Example Sentences


: a lapse in succession during which there is no person in whom a title is vested

: temporary inactivity : suspension

Our weekend plans were held in abeyance until we could get a weather forecast.

Immediately following the terrorist attack, pilots had to observe a period of abeyance where they could not depart from the airport.

Once the famine was over, the food rationing dictated by the government was put in abeyance.

Until after the murder trial, the inheritance will be placed in abeyance.

Trading on the stock market has temporarily been put in abeyance while the trade commission investigates financial misdeeds.

Jane’s cancer has returned after being in abeyance for nearly two years.

Due to budget cuts, employer contributions to retirement accounts are being put in abeyance.

Because of Justin’s helpful testimony, the judge agreed to an abeyance of his sentence.

Near the end of the legislative session, the congressmen put several topics of discussion on abeyance until the next meeting.

Since the divorcing couple was unable to agree on a financial settlement, the judge placed the case in abeyance until an agreement could be reached.

The vote is to be held in abeyance until all committee members are present.

In the middle ages the order fell into abeyance in both divisions of the Church, the abbess taking the place of the deaconess.

Academy Award Winners are in abeyance until they are announced to the public.

Culture education and Economic knowledge were in abeyance during The Dark Ages.

The defense attorney asked the court to put an end to the evidence abeyance.

She petitioned the King to terminate the abeyance in her favor.

My most recent article on security abeyance has been recently published in the British Journal of Management.

Any further departmental consideration of that piece of work shall be held in abeyance until the procedures set out below have been completed.

But my impression of a suspended sentence is that it is held in abeyance unless the defendant completes a period of time without a further criminal offense.

It is intended to reactivate this project, which has been in abeyance for some time.

Immediately following the terrorist attack, pilots had to observe a period of abeyance where they could not depart from the airport.

Her reason and moral sense were in abeyance, only her poor heart spoke.

He introduced a last-minute compromise that would approve, but hold in abeyance for two years.

Appellation Example Sentences

a name or title

Because there is no appellation on the product, consumers are confused about the brand's name.

Henry cheated on the bar exam so he does not deserve the appellation of attorney.

In high school my friends would often refer to me as Penguin, an appellation I earned because of my unusual walk.

The wine bottle’s appellation revealed the wine was prepared in Italy.

Since the kids’ shampoo does not include an appellation that identifies it as tear-free, I will not buy the product for my son.

It is not surprising that most restaurants near the Grand Canyon use the attraction’s appellation in their names.

When one refers to a wine’s appellation, one is speaking of the area or region in which the vintage was produced.

Only a few people are allowed to call William by the appellation of Bill.

As soon as I saw the city’s winding road, I knew why the path had the appellation of “The Most Crooked Street in the World.”

The singer’s publicist announced the artist was once again changing the appellation by which he would be known.

We used to call him "Danny," but he recently let us know that he prefers the appellation "Daniel."

Monday, May 16, 2016

Hector Example Sentences


1 : to play the bully : swagger
2 : to intimidate or harass by bluster or personal pressure

Alfred was such a hector, he always bullies smaller kids at school.

Morally stern, Adams also admonished his son to make "a good account" of himself, and continued to hector him well into his adulthood.

He plans to hector the man until he agreed to buy his items.

Nobody will missed him when he is gone for he is such a hector.

Since he loved to hector, he was assigned to collect payments from creditors.

Sunday, May 15, 2016

Bellwether Sample Sentences

Meaning: someone or something that leads others or shows what will happen in the future

She is a bellwether of fashion.

At his brokerage firm, Ted is known as the bellwether because he always knows which stocks will become profitable.

The critic’s movie picks win many awards, and as such, are seen as a bellwether for the Academy Awards’ “Best Picture” nominations.

For the longest time, the groundhog has been used as a bellwether to predict the length of the winter season.

Nana always has pain in her knees before a rainstorm so we consider her to be our bellwether.

An easily influenced teenager, my niece sees her favorite actress as a style bellwether and tries to imitate her look.