Saturday, December 26, 2015

Gaffe Sample Sentences

I was not aware that my professor was a woman, so when I called her "Sir" I had to apologise for my gaffe.

Because of the quarterback’s gaffe, our team lost the big game.

Clarice made a social gaffe when she wore jeans to a formal event.

After the actress tripped over her dress, she realized millions of people had seen her gaffe.

The blogger made a gaffe when he referred to the football player by another athlete's name.

Because you are human, you are bound to make a gaffe every now and then.

Thursday, December 17, 2015

Unclubbable Sample Sentences

However fascinating her research is, the professor is decidedly unclubbable and not likely to make a good dinner party guest.

Monday, December 14, 2015

Inveigh Sample Sentences

Because one politician chose to inveigh on the subject of immigration for an hour, the debate went on all afternoon.

No matter how angry I get, I will not inveigh my feelings using social media.

The entire purpose of the article was to inveigh on the topic of gun control.

Too often, bloggers inveigh on political topics when they know very little about politics.

There is nothing worse than a person who thinks his only purpose at a party is to inveigh on every person he dislikes.

Although I did not like the movie, I did not dislike it so much that I will make the time to inveigh about the film online.

There are not enough words for me to inveigh how angry I am right now!

During the trial, the prosecutor took every opportunity to inveigh his feelings about the defendant.

When approached by the reporter, it was not difficult at all for the victim’s mother to inveigh her thoughts on her daughter’s attacker.

If you make the decision to inveigh your employer’s name in the office, you should expect to be fired within a short period of time.

The detective had, indeed, good reasons to inveigh against the bad luck which pursued him.

Uncle Tom's Cabin was written to inveigh against slavery.

He's been known to take any opportunity to inveigh loudly.

Fulminate Sample Sentences

An avid cyclist, Justine would often fulminate against automobile drivers who ignored bike lanes and otherwise created hazards for those riding on two wheels.

We need to fulminate against high taxes imposed by the new mayor.

Friday, December 4, 2015

Radicalize Sample Sentences

The war has radicalized an entire generation of young people.

Thursday, December 3, 2015

Obsequious Sample Sentences

She's constantly followed by obsequious assistants who will do anything she tells them to.

The princess had obsequious servants who showered her with attention.

At work, the obsequious assistant complimented her manager so much that she quickly advanced up the corporate ladder.

When he receives obsequious service, Lawrence always leaves a huge tip.

Extremely obsequious, most puppies want nothing more than to please their masters.

Since it was constantly stroked by her obsequious entourage, the singer’s ego was gigantic.

An excellent waiter is one who is obsequious and caters to a guest’s every need.

From his obsequious behavior, it was obvious Jackson was smitten with his wife.

It infuriates me that your obsequious personality makes you agree with every word I say!

Jane is the teacher’s favorite because she is so obsequious in class.

While the car salesman was overly obsequious, I did not feel comfortable buying a car from him.

The obsequious new associate made sure to compliment her supervisor's tie and agree with him on every issue.

I believe that his obsequious behavior toward his grandmother is to ensure being included in the will.

The princess only seemed to encourage the obsequious behavior of her court to enhance her own feeling of superiority.

There is nothing like an obsequious little puppy to relax you after being barked at all day at work.

That obsequious Mark comes in early every day and sits in the boss's chair before the boss himself arrives just to warm the seat for him.

Do not treat me with affected and obsequious manners.

The movie star traveled with an entourage of obsequious attendants who indulged her every whim and waited on her hand and foot.

He was most obsequious, and seemed ready to do everything for my comfort.

I'll only answer if you are more obsequious in your question.

The obsequious salesman begged me to buy the car he was selling.

He was so obsequious when the boss was present, that his co-workers shunned him in disgrace.