Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Iniquity Sample Sentences

The use of illegal narcotics is not only a destroyer of personal health but also an iniquity that undermines our society.

When I went to my brother’s college dorm, I saw drunken boys exhibiting iniquity towards girls.

My grandmother, who grew up in a small town where people never locked their doors, saw big cities as dens of iniquity because of their crime rates.

Because the dictator killed all his enemies, he was seen as a symbol of iniquity.

Those who are quick to criticize the bad deeds of others should first look at their own acts of iniquity.

Although my parents were both ministers, I have seen my share of iniquity.

Our priest calls the nightclub on the highway a nest of iniquity.

As a result of being scarred by the iniquity of others, Henry grew up to become a very mean man.

Peter abandoned a life of iniquity and became a contributing member of his local church.

While Megan wanted to do volunteer work every Saturday, her husband chose to stay home and watch movies about sin and iniquity.

The purpose of the film is to describe how the iniquity of war leaves so many children without parents.

His iniquity has made him a much hated figure in the community.

Contemn Sample Sentences

He is one of those arrogant critics who contemn the general public's taste in art.

Rather than to contemn and ridicule, it were better to study the manifestations of that mysterious power.

Askew Sample Sentences

His hair and clothes were disheveled and his glasses were askew on the bridge of his nose.

I’ve tried straightening out the poster three times, but it still looks askew.

Even though his toupee is almost always askew, he is a funny, endearing character who is welcome at any get-together.

When Mia came home and hung her new painting on the wall, she noticed that it was askew in the frame.

The first thing Elizabeth noticed when she walked up the sidewalk to her house was that the curtains were askew, as if someone had been watching her from the window.

The rebellious young prince would rather have been playing in his room, and he sat through the ceremony with his crown askew and a scowl on his face.

When I arrived to take Granny to the doctor, I knew that all was not well because she was wearing her pajamas and her lipstick was askew on her mouth.

Because the door had been installed askew, it had a tendency to swing open suddenly if I hadn’t closed it securely.

Not waiting to knock, Marshall burst through the door with his eyes wild and his hat sitting askew on the side of his head.

The detectives looked around the apartment for clues and noticed that the rug seemed to be set askew under the coffee table.

After she noticed that he was wearing his tie and jacket askew, further examination showed that he was also wearing mismatched socks.

After the flood receded, the bridge was found to be askew of the roadway.

After the earthquake, all the pictures in the museum where left hanging askew.

After several attempts to hang the picture it remained askew.

Your clothes are all askew.

Deprecate Sample Sentences

Unfortunately my mother-in-law’s urge to deprecate me is stronger than her urge to inspire me.

Coach Jones is a good coach because he does not deprecate his players even when they make mistakes.

When you are teaching someone, you have to remember to not deprecate their efforts to a point where they simply want to stop trying.

It is very hard for me not to deprecate my husband's cleaning habits when he is constantly leaving a mess in the kitchen.

Before you deprecate my actions, you should first review your own behavior!

Your children will not respect you if you constantly deprecate them.

After twenty years of marriage, John suddenly started to deprecate his wife's every move.

The picky woman was quick to deprecate even the best customer service.

Although I am an atheist, I do not go out of my way to deprecate the opinions of those who believe in a higher power.

If I had a supervisor who would not deprecate my efforts so much, I would probably be more productive at work.

Do not deprecate their actions until you know the whole story.

Thursday, September 3, 2015

LOUCHE Sample Sentences

Candy live in a louche neighborhood where people went looking for illegal drugs.

Bluestocking Sample Sentences

Her literary, witty comments confirms her a bluestocking teacher.

Don't marry a Jewess or a bluestocking or a woman who is queer in any way.

Graduating in a prestigious school made her a free-thinker and a bluestocking.

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Rigmarole Sample Sentences

Rather than go through the annual rigmarole of filling out tax forms, Maureen would rather pay an accountant to do her taxes for her.

If the sweepstakes involves rigmarole that requires me to answer a large number of questions, then I have no interest in the contest.

Jill deleted the password on her phone to avoid the rigmarole of typing in the code every time she wanted to use the phone.

Because the application process does not contain a lot of rigmarole, most applicants can usually complete it within fifteen minutes.

I was happy when my professor ignored the rigmarole of student introductions and went straight into our first lesson.

Now that John has made his first film, he knows how to avoid the rigmarole that can delay a movie’s production.

His explanation involved some rigmarole that I couldn't follow.

We had to go through the whole rigmarole of registering a complaint with management.