Saturday, August 29, 2015

Palter Sample Sentences

He is unwilling to palter over the price of the car.

I knew she is a palter when my employee told me that she is saying bad thing behind my back.

Moot Sample Sentences

Since the team would have lost anyway, it's a moot point whether the umpire's call was right or not.

Federal legislation will override the states’ concerns and make them moot.

Since the judge has decided the child will live with her mother, the custody argument between the parents is moot.

Bill’s case was considered moot and quickly dismissed by the local judge.

Because your facts come from an unverified source, your research paper is moot.

If the store is sold out of the videogames, then driving to the store is a moot idea.

Given that the prisoner has already been sentenced to death, adding an extra thirty-year sentence is moot.

As a waitress, whether or not you like your customers is a moot point.

It was moot of Jim to ask the purchase price of the car when the vehicle had already been sold.

Since I have no money, the debt collectors should know their collection efforts are moot.

When Jason died in a car crash, Evelyn’s plans to divorce him became moot.

Whether the profit model will work or not is a moot point if we don’t get more funding to keep the company afloat.

We could argue about this forever; it’s a moot point, in my opinion.

My boss' strong comments rendered my opinion moot.

Whether or not you wanted to attend the tennis match is now moot, since it's been cancelled due to rain.

He argued that the issue had become moot since the board had changed its policy.

Monday, August 24, 2015

TROUPER Sample Sentences

She's been a real trouper about the whole thing.

Alan had been a well-known Broadway trouper before making his screen debut.

Sangfroid Sample Sentences

He displayed remarkable sangfroid when everyone else was panicking during the crisis.

The professional gambler seemed to take both his wins and his losses with remarkable sangfroid.

Even as the building fell around him, the fireman maintained his sangfroid and rescued the little girl.

The surgeon knew he had to keep his sangfroid during the complicated surgery.

Although Jane was nervous standing in front of the judge, she held on to her sangfroid and did not let her nerves get the best of her.

The police officer showed incredible sangfroid when he calmly took on the biker gang without any assistance.

When the sound system stopped working, the experienced singer preserved her sangfroid and continued her performance.

The professional gambler retained his sangfroid after losing a million dollar hand.

At eight, my little girl is already a skilled liar who can keep her sangfroid without blinking during parental interrogation.

Jake’s sangfroid led his principal to believe he was not concerned about his suspension.

Since the thief had been stealing from art museums for over twenty years, he never lost his sangfroid, not even when he accidentally set off an alarm.

The diver knew the only way to survive the shark attack was by maintaining his sangfroid and not panicking.

Portly Sample Sentences

I see that my sixth grade best friend is now a portly gentleman who clearly didn't get enough exercise.

Helen walked with the portly grace of the grande dame that she was in the fashion show.

The portly man was having difficulty climbing out of the small car.

The well-dressed gentleman was bald and portly.

The portly gentleman in the black suit is the one who treated us to a meal in the ship's main dining room.

The portly woman could barely fit through the door.

The portly man found to his dismay, that he needed to go shopping for larger pants.

Because the portly woman was unhappy with her weight, she joined a weight loss program.

Because the portly woman was unhappy with her weight, she joined a weight loss program.

When the portly boy sat on the bench, his weight caused it to break in half.

Portly people are more likely to have health problems such as diabetes and high blood pressure.

Since the portly man is so huge, he often buys two airplane seats to be comfortable.

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

capper Sample Sentences

The capper to the campaign rally was an appearance by the candidate himself.

She was smart, she was pretty, but here's the capper—she was kind, unlike the other girls.

brickbat Sample Sentences

The candidates resorted to hurling brickbats at one another.

For all the brickbats it has received, it's a good plan.

OBSTREPEROUS Sample Sentences

My head aches for staying in a a room full of obstreperous children for an hour.

The Fifth Avenue St. are full of an obstreperous crowd protesting the government's immigration policy.

Because my nephew is obstreperous, he often gets in trouble at school.

The teenagers became obstreperous when their school team lost the football game.

When my husband drinks too many beers, he becomes obstreperous.

When my husband drinks too many beers, he becomes obstreperous.

The football fans were obstreperous throughout the championship game.

Since the defendant was obstreperous during the trial, he was kicked out of the courtroom by the judge.

The obstreperous teenagers were asked to leave the movie theater.

After winning the battle, the obstreperous troops had to be calmed down by their commanding officer.

If you see me at a dance club with my friends, you might think I am obstreperous because I like having a fun time.

When you are inside of a library, you should be quiet not obstreperous.

The obstreperous puppy whimpered all night and kept everyone awake.

The drunk was obstreperous when being arrested.

I will not tolerate any obstreperous behavior.

My obstreperous nephew refused to go to school.

The obstreperous child threw tantrums in public.

The obstreperous child threw tantrums in public.

The restaurant owner ejected the obstreperous customer.

The obstreperous children made it hard for their parents to take them any where.

He is disliked by all because of his obstreperous demeanor.