Monday, June 30, 2014

Hegemony Sample Sentences

They discussed the national government's hegemony over their tribal community.

The hegemony of the Aztecs, who dominated the other tribes from the central valley of Mexico, was oppressive.

She too had her projects of expansion and hegemony, and by the Chino-Japanese War she had gained a start over her rival.

The president of the company has hegemony over his employees.

While I cannot tell my husband what to do, I do have some hegemony over his actions.

Because of the hegemony of the veteran congressmen, the political rookies found it hard to get a bill on the docket.

When the dictator was chased out of the country, his hegemony over the people came to an end.

Even though the United States continues to see itself as a global power, its hegemony in the world is fading.

As the leader of his church, the Pope has hegemony over millions of Roman Catholics.

My sister’s possessive boyfriend had a strange hegemony over her.

Because the gang leader’s hegemony was so strong, the gang members always did what they were told without question.

The musical icons are the individuals who will have a lasting hegemony over many generations of music lovers.

Although the principal has hegemony status over the students, she is a kind woman who treats all of the children as if they were her own.

The super hero had much hegemony over the villains.

The British hegemony of India ended in the early 1900's.

Genghis Khan had hegemony over most of Asia by the year 1279.

The hegemony of a patriarchal society is prevalent in many Asian countries.

The two countries battled for hegemony of the country and it was a long-fought battle.

Pragmatic Sample Sentences

His pragmatic view of public education comes from years of working in city schools.

The scientist had a pragmatic approach to dealing with the water crisis.

While many parents rely on theory when governing their children, I prefer a more pragmatic approach.

My mother is quite pragmatic in nature and never does anything without rationalizing it first.

Despite his young age, my son is already very pragmatic in regards to organizing his priorities.

The king was a pragmatic ruler who always sought the sensible advice of his advisers.

Even though a theoretical solution would be great, a pragmatic solution would have a more positive effect on the crisis.

I try to provide my children with pragmatic advice instead of counsel that is simply based on rumor and theory

Because the preacher was a pragmatic man, he only bought his children practical birthday presents.

Although my professor believes many of the great educational theories, he always takes a pragmatic approach to teaching.

If you are traveling a great distance, the pragmatic approach is to take a plane.

A pragmatic approach was taken to public sector reform.

He was pragmatic with regard to having an understanding of ministering to people where they were at.

He was a successful and pragmatic ruler, always doing the think that made the most sense and was most fitting.

Thursday, June 26, 2014

accoutrements sample sentences

He wins laughs with such apparently archaic accoutrements as a ventriloquist's dummy and a ukulele.

They will report on board in working suits, carrying their arms and accoutrements.

Most action figures come with tiny accoutrements that are almost certain to get lost.

Local priests have as their patrons, for the buildings and the accoutrements of a costly church, the local thief.

The way in which the producer reminds one of the accoutrements needed in the old days for traveling by auto is humorous.

subterfuge sample sentences

They obtained the documents by subterfuge.

He speaks as he sees, without political subterfuge.

The simplest way to gage the likely interest for big properties is to ask local estate agents - and use a little subterfuge.

Investigators often resort to subterfuge in an attempt to make criminals admit wrongdoing.

Conspiracists argue that landing on the moon was an act of subterfuge.

Teachers who rig tests are playing a role in the ever-growing subterfuge in the classroom.

When my girlfriend asks me, "Does this make me look fat?" I subterfuge by saying no.

From now on, he will no longer subterfuge to his family and instead focus on living an honest lifestyle.

If you don't want to be involved with the subterfuge, tell the truth.

Done with the subterfuge, Kevin is going to come clean about his drug addiction.

Magazines partake in the subterfuge by photoshopping models to look vastly thinner.

Playing to the referee does not always require such subterfuge.

The more subterfuge a newspaper uses, the weightier the public interest defence that is needed.

If you've had to resort to subterfuge, tell us about it in the comments section.

It was determined that the abolishments were not done as a subterfuge for political reasons.

The practice would generally be regarded as a subterfuge upon the part of the judge.

When her subterfuge was uncovered, her partners removed themselves from the project.

Sunday, June 15, 2014

codswallop sample sentences

That is a load of codswallop.

It is a genuine pity that it is utter codswallop.

bellicose sample sentences

They should suspend those bellicose hockey players who always seem to spend more time fighting than playing to teach them a lesson.

Instead of living in towns its bellicose inhabitants occupy isolated fortified buildings, and are constantly at war.

The diplomatic situation became for the moment very acute, but after a short period of bellicose talk the common-sense of both countries prevailed.

John had a bellicose personality which made him a fierce competitor during wrestling competitions.

His bellicose behavior at the party ensured that he would not be invited again.

Since she was constantly abused by her ex-husband, it is not surprising that she comes across as bellicose to men who approach her.

The patient who took the new drug suddenly became erratic and bellicose.

After eating too many cupcakes, the young boy jumped on the couch and began to leap around in a bellicose manner.

Talk trash about my father again and I'll show you how bellicose I can be!

The bellicose man approached me, eager to fight.

If you must get bellicose with me, then I'll call the police.

Your bellicose nature will get you into serious trouble someday!

His words, characteristically, had been strident and bellicose.

She looks so traditionally feminine that her foul mouth and bellicose nature are amusing surprises.

Throughout our talk I could not escape the impression that at least some of his more bellicose threats were mere acting.

The old gentleman was in a bellicose mood as he reminisced.

When the dog was confronted by strangers, he tended to be a bit more bellicose and combative.

He expressed alarm about the government's increasingly bellicose statements.

Some nations are traditionally bellicose and are constantly at war with their neighbours.

My bellicose temper has gotten me into more fights than I would like to remember.

Because of her bellicose nature, she had a difficult time making friends.

Michael’s bellicose attitude got him into trouble.