Sunday, August 20, 2017

Depredate Example Sentences

Use Depredate in a Sentence


1 : to lay waste : plunder, ravage
2 : to engage in plunder

Rodents often depredate the uncovered seeds in those fruits partially eaten by pulp feeders.

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Perfunctory Example Sentences

Perfunctory Example Sentences

: characterized by routine or superficiality : mechanical
: lacking in interest or enthusiasm
: without concern or solicitude; indifferent

Clearly exhausted after a long day on her feet, our server gave us only a perfunctory greeting before taking our drink orders.

He did a perfunctory job cleaning his dad's car, finishing quickly but leaving a few spots still dirty.

They conducted a perfunctory examination.

He completed the act in a perfunctory manner.

My comments on the others are based on relatively perfunctory examinations of what is on the offer.

It was done in a perfunctory fashion.

The beauty queen waved so often that her greeting was simply perfunctory.

Since I was extremely ill, I was shocked when the doctor only gave me a perfunctory exam.

Because Anne has done the same tasks at work for many years, she does them in a perfunctory way.

When we went out to dinner last night, the bored hostess gave us a perfunctory hello.

While you may see this as a perfunctory job, you are still required to do it correctly!

Happy to be on his own, Tom only made perfunctory phone calls to his parents on holidays.

Since the manager had meetings all day, he only gave me a perfunctory interview.

When I called the office, the receptionist answered the phone in a perfunctory manner.

Kate gave us no more than a perfunctory glance as a greeting.

You should know my initial review is based solely on a perfunctory examination of the project.

If he is not in the mood to give you an interview, he will give you his standard, perfunctory answers.

They said a perfunctory hello to each other and sat down for serious discussion regarding their business.

She gave a perfunctory glance to the dossier, not knowing that she was missing out on recognizing a glaring error.

Perfunctory thank you emails for gifts were sent out to everyone after the party was over.

After showing a perfunctory interest in his ailing health, she quickly moved on to talking about other superfluous things.

What started with a perfunctory handshake at a party has turned into a lifelong friendship.

She received nothing but a cold, perfunctory apology note from her boss for making false allegations on her in front of everybody.

They put in perfunctory effort to mend their damaged relationship just to make their parents feel good.

The inspection was quite perfunctory.

Angela took her seat amid the wondering looks of the people, and the minister went on in a perfunctory way with his prayers and his hymns.

His examination had been perfunctory.

The obligatory inspections were perfunctory.

She said it almost perfunctory and pressed on.

When he did his responses were curt and perfunctory.

His nod to the prior and prioress was so perfunctory as to.

His monologue seemed more perfunctory and less spirited than before.

The young doctor gave me a perfunctory 20 second check by feeling my.

With that perfunctory end to the exchange, he grabbed his son by.

This time the fanfare was quite perfunctory, the voice distinctly cold.

I’ll try the cathedral, Caris said, and with a perfunctory wave she left.

We had a sort of perfunctory supper together, and I think it cheered us all up somewhat.

His telephone did not ring and none of his colleagues said anything other than the perfunctory greeting.

The arrogant student showed only a perfunctory interest in the professor's lecture on microbiology since he'd taken the course before.

In his lectures he reveals himself to be merely a perfunctory speaker.

Thursday, August 10, 2017

Elan Example Sentences

Elan Example Sentences

: vigorous spirit or enthusiasm
: vigorous and lively enthusiasm
: Elan (noun) means style or flair. It refers to elegance or grace in a person.
Elan can also be used to describe enthusiasm, vivacity or passion towards someone or something.
Add the word elan to your vocabulary by using it to describe someone with a lot of charm and pizzazz. Associate it with a dance performance, an artistic expression or a person’s way of presentation.

Jeremy told the story of his trip to Mexico with such élan that by the next week people were begging him to share it again.

She signed the autograph with elan, as if it was something she did every day.

He performed with elan without getting scared of a packed auditorium.

The wealthy can have the luxury to live every aspect of their lives with elan.

The presentation was made with so much elan that it impressed the bosses instantly.

She moves about the dance floor with grace and elan than no other dancer can match.

The politician tackled the anger of the crowds with much composure and elan.

The actor is renowned for the range of characters he can portray with elan.

Did you know that she has a rare talent of switching between multiple American accents with elan?

The lecture was delivered with so much elan that the audience was convinced of every word that was said by the speaker.

I am disappointed because I can’t seem to carry off this dress with the same elan that model did on the runway.

When she switches to French from English, her voice magically picks up a certain elan.

No one can match the charm and elan of President Barack Obama.

The pianist plays the piano with as much elan as he plays the guitar and the French Horn.

I was more in awe of the elan with which he spoke, rather than his good looks or personality.

CEO’s are expected to have elan and suaveness because they are constantly in the public eye.

Social etiquette and grooming has enhanced the elan with which she presents herself in front of the society.

He is not a particularly good actor, it’s just his elan that charms women.

Although they were folk performers, their elan was more impressive than their urban counterparts.

Wearing oversized sunglasses, fitter denims and an expensive looking bag, she strutted around the mall with elan.

Celebrities are chained to portraying sophistication and elan all the time, because that is the kind of behavior which is expected of them.

Lady Gaga’s fans are bound to think that she wears all her zany costumes with much elan.

He is the heart of every party because his elan lights up the entire place.

The elan with which the song was sung reminded me of the classical singers of yesteryears.

The teacher was popular in the school because she taught her students with elan.

The philanthropists inaugurated the charitable initiative with full elan and gusto.

The elan with which the host compeered the show made it worth the expensive entry fees.

The talent agency is looking for young women in the age group of 18 to 25 who carry themselves with elan.

The queen’s jewelry collection and wardrobe are bound to be exquisite and full of elan.

Among many dynamic skills that a person requires to become an emcee, eloquence and elan are the highest contenders.

Definition of Elan

vigorous and lively enthusiasm

Examples of Elan in a sentence

Displaying energetic elan, the dancer’s dynamic enthusiasm wowed the crowd.

Completing the task with elan, the spirited intern hoped her enthusiasm would earn her a position with the company.

The singer’s technique was lacking, but the elan of her vivacious performance helped her shine above the other competitors.

No other author at the conference was able to write with such elan or vigor.

Replacing the bubbly receptionist’s elan wouldn’t be easy since none of the new hires were as energetic.

My grandmother’s zest for life and elan even at the delicate age of eighty, are truly inspirational.

Their elan in everyday situations is entrenched in our collective consciousness.

The stride had more grace and elan to it than awkwardness.

He gracefully rolled off opponents and took his hits with elan.

Everybody's doing it with more elan, too.