Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Erstwhile Example Sentences

Erstwhile Example Sentences


: in the past : formerly

What had erstwhile been acres of wetland was eventually developed into a thriving residential neighborhood.

Darren stared at his erstwhile friend in disbelief.

He seemed unaware of his erstwhile enemy’s nearness.

Grunting and groaning noises suddenly came from the direction of the erstwhile leader.

Before she began using a pseudonym, the author was erstwhile known by another name.

Both inmates promised to leave their lives of crime erstwhile.

Todd was an erstwhile member of the Glee Club before becoming the director.

We were erstwhile companions at boarding school.

He has forsaken his erstwhile conviction of being a liar.

The neat layout of this erstwhile royal township is in evidence even today.

Monday, May 8, 2017

Panacea Example Sentences

Panacea Example Sentences


: a remedy for all ills or difficulties : cure-all
: something that will make everything about a situation better

I don't know if hybrid cars are a panacea for the world's environmental issues, but they seem to be a step in the right direction.

Unfortunately there is no panacea that will make cancer instantly vanish from your body.

The software patch is supposed to be a panacea for all of the security risks in the program.

While the president acknowledges the country’s problems, he does not offer a panacea to cure them.

Beverly hoped her doctor would write her a prescription for a panacea that would make her sinus headache permanently disappear.

If you believe money is the panacea for all difficulties, you will be shocked to learn you cannot purchase happiness with cash.

Many people believe chicken soup is a panacea for any respiratory illness.

For many women, chocolate is the panacea that makes them forget all their problems.

The weight loss company wants you to believe their latest product is an instant panacea for obesity.

Does anyone know what panacea I can use to heal my broken heart?

Alcohol is an antidepressant and not a panacea for emotional troubles.

Yoga has always been a panacea for stress.

There's no panacea to make idiot an intelligent.

Thursday, May 4, 2017

Visceral Example Sentences

Visceral Example Sentences


1 : felt in or as if in the internal organs of the body : deep
2 : not intellectual : instinctive, unreasoning
3 : dealing with crude or elemental emotions : earthy
4 : of, relating to, or located on or among the internal organs of the body : splanchnic
5 : based on emotional reactions rather than on reason or thought

He had a visceral dislike of Europe.

The advertising creates a visceral sensation of fear for which reason it also sells well.

This is a body of work, which, beneath their overtly visual romance, is almost visceral in its melancholy.

It created a visceral thrill that carries you along through the film's two hours.

His visceral reaction of punching the wall left him with a broken hand on top of his broken heart.

The visceral descriptions in the shark story were so vivid that I actually felt a little nauseated.

Because some of the scenes in the movie were so visceral, I’m afraid certain images will be imprinted on my mind forever.

On my trip to Disney World, I was happy to leave the intellectual adult side of me behind while I rediscovered the purely visceral wonder of my childhood.

Many of our astronauts have commented that the visceral experience of traveling through space is like nothing they have ever experienced on Earth.

I believe Dr. Seuss’s books are so popular because the combination of language, rhyme, and unique images has a visceral effect on children and adults alike.

Although I admit that there’s definitely a visceral power in his art, I can’t look at it for very long because I find it so disturbing.

As a detective with an almost perfect record for solving difficult cases, he relies on his visceral sense, in other words his gut feelings, to lead him in the right direction.

Of all the issues that drive people apart politically, the Pro-Life/Pro-Choice discussions usually provoke the most visceral responses.

Piers has a visceral style of writing that makes all of his novels and stories very memorable.

I felt a reflexive, visceral pull.

His response was visceral and immediate.

We need the right song that resonates on a visceral level.

Visceral fear and despair swept over him in a great wave.

His approach to acting is visceral rather than intellectual.

She had a visceral dislike of all things foreign.

I never overcame a visceral antipathy for the monarchy.

Visceral processing helps us make rapid decisions about what is good, bad, safe, or dangerous.

Our writer, Annie, has a visceral fear of over-sized spoons.

I just knew he'd come ,I just did was almost visceral,the knot in my stomach is never wrong!

He was sure to win as is visceral speech moved everyone during elections.

Many humans have a visceral fear of the dark.

My visceral inclination was to not get in the elevator with that man.

My visceral reaction while walking into the cave was to run away from it like a mad woman.