Sunday, April 23, 2017

Factoid Example Sentences

Factoid Example Sentences


an invented fact believed to be true because of its appearance in print
a briefly stated and usually trivial fact

It was an interesting factoid, but he didn't let it influence his decision.

She always had a fascinating factoid to keep the conversation going.

Friday, April 21, 2017

Bucolic Example Sentences

Bucolic Example Sentences


: of or relating to shepherds or herdsmen
: relating to or typical of rural life
: pleasing or picturesque in natural simplicity
: relating to the countryside

The postcard image was beautiful and featured a bucolic white house in a dark green pasture.

My husband and I chose a peaceful bucolic town in the country for our summer retreat.

Even though I was born in the city, I still prefer the quiet of a small bucolic village any day.

When I was younger, I dreamed of living in a bucolic cabin near a calming creek.

There is something about inhaling the bucolic scents of the green outdoors that makes you feel younger.

Because I am a city girl, I cannot wait to get away from this farm and this bucolic lifestyle!

Sadly, big corporations do not seem to care about destroying bucolic environments to build big buildings.

While I live in the city now, I grew up in a bucolic little town filled with valleys and hills.

I could not believe my sister's vision of the perfect life included a bucolic house in the middle of nowhere.

The charming people of this town are just as much a part of the bucolic setting as the Southern mansions are.

He drank in the sights and sounds of the bucolic world around him and for the first time in days felt relaxed.

The cottage lay in a bucolic setting of fields and open pasture.

The bucolic community is illiterate.

Birds, bees and the odd wasp provide a gentle soundtrack to the bucolic harmony.

Vida really nailed the wistful bucolic feeling that I was hoping for in the vocals.

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Tatterdemalion Example Sentences

Tatterdemalion Example Sentences


a person dressed in ragged clothing
ragged or disreputable in appearance
being in a decayed state or condition

He came from one of those tatterdemalion towns of the rust belt where the factories closed down decades ago.

He was a ragamuffin, a tatterdemalion, not to be taken seriously.

The tatterdemalion crowd is commendably good-humored.

Thursday, April 6, 2017

Cloying Example Sentences

Cloying Example Sentences


disgusting or distasteful by reason of excess
excessively sweet or sentimental
disgust or sicken (someone) with an excess of sweetness, richness, or sentiment
too sugary

After a while, the softness of his voice becomes cloying.

Jill is no longer impressed by cloying lines of devotion after having her heart broken countless times.

While Kelly and Kyle clearly love each other, their public displays of affection are often cloying to the point of being nauseating.

The anniversary card was cloying so I knew my unsentimental husband had not purchased it himself.

As a comedy, the film had too many cloying scenes that made it seem like a poorly written drama.

I refuse to read cloying romance novels even for my wife!

The young couple just discovering love for the first time put on cloying shows of public displays of affection.

The models gave cloying smiles to the audience.

It did not completely remove pit stink, and the perfume was a cloying grape scent.

That same, cloying burnt smell hung in the room.

The cloying vanilla fog stretched out and settled in.

She took a few more sniffs of the cloying malodorous air.