Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Ignominious Example Sentences

Ignominious Example Sentences


: marked with or characterized by disgrace or shame : dishonorable
: deserving of shame or infamy : despicable
: humiliating, degrading
very embarrassing; shameful or disgraceful

Some of his friends considered the job of janitor to be an ignominious fate for the laid-off executive.

The prison guards degraded themselves with their inhumane, ignominious treatment of the prisoners.

When the boxer got knocked out in the first round, everyone knew it was the beginning of an ignominious defeat for him.

Since Charles struck out at bat three times, he is credited as the reason our baseball team suffered such an ignominious loss in the state playoffs.

Because he divorced his wife and later married her sister, Henry has an ignominious reputation among the townspeople.

While our computer teacher was not arrested for stealing school property, she still made an ignominious departure from the building after being interviewed by the police.

After being unable to hold back opposing forces, the American troops made an ignominious retreat.

By getting drunk and dancing on table tops, Sarah displayed ignominious behavior at the party.

The basketball player’s downfall was caused by his ignominious steroid use.

Once upon a time, unwed pregnant women were frowned upon and viewed as ignominious members of society.

After being excommunicated from the church, the priest made an ignominious exit from the building.

When Carrie was discharged from the army because of her ignominious behavior, she found it difficult to locate a job.

He deserved better than the ignominious dismissal he received.

Saturday, March 18, 2017

Furtive Example Sentences

Furtive Example Sentences


marked by quiet, caution, and secrecy

1 a : done in a quiet and secretive way to avoid being noticed : surreptitious
b : expressive of stealth : sly
2 : obtained underhandedly

Julia and I exchanged furtive glances across the room when Edward asked who had rearranged his CD collection.

The records showed furtive criminal activity.

She gave a furtive look at the deserted shops on the opposite side of the road.

He watched her furtive glances, waiting for the signal to approach.

Crissy walked outside in a furtive manner so that her parents would not see her.

Students who cheat on tests employ their furtive tactics to avoid getting caught.

Though he was furtive with his tears, I could still visibly see them.

In the stakeout, investigators recorded video footage, furtive to the people of interest, to make a strong case.

Because the thief was furtive, nobody discovered that he stole thousands of dollars in merchandise.

When family went out for lunch, the furtive dog pawed his way up the counter and snagged a bone.

When the boss was not looking, the furtive employer sent text messages to friends.

Timothy made furtive glances to his crush rather than making apparent eye contact.

Mexican prisoners made a furtive escape by digging a tunnel, leaving police officials in disbelief in how this was secretly accomplished.

Jonny waited until everyone left the room to do his furtive nose-picking.

I laugh when I think about all the stupid strategizing and furtive plotting that went on between friends.

The more furtive your attempts, the likelier everyone will be to think that you are doing something wrong.

I don’t want to collaborate with him because his way of doing things is very furtive.

He lives a furtive life.

She has her own furtive motivations to do things which she tells no one about.

We are not allowed to engage in furtive transactions that happen beyond the walls of this organization.

My daughter’s furtive efforts of going on dates were caught by me.

We will be as furtive as we can, but we cannot guarantee a flawless robbery unless we are technically well-equipped.

He looked furtive in camouflaged trousers, a flying jacket and a hat with ear-muffs, like a soldier on some commando exercise.

I went and stood among them and listened to their furtive, secretive talk.

His furtive behaviour was, however, more like that of a desert bandit.

He plucks the envelope and tucks it under his leg, fast and furtive.

They cast furtive glances over their shoulders.

Alvin planned his work in a furtive manner.

She had been watching him with furtive glances, waiting for the signal to approach.

He gave a furtive look at the deserted shops on the opposite side of the road.

Before being handcuffed, he shot a furtive glance at his accomplice.

Monday, March 13, 2017

Recuse Example Sentences


: to disqualify (oneself) as judge in a particular case; broadly : to remove (oneself) from participation to avoid a conflict of interest

The judge had to recuse herself from the case when the defendant turned out to be her cousin.

Because his nephew was competing, the judge had to recuse himself from scoring that event.

After it was discovered that a contestant was a relative, the reality show producer was forced to recuse himself from the casting process.

A baking competition judge had to recuse herself when her own pie was chosen as a finalist.

The CEO decided to recuse himself from the hiring process when his niece applied for a position.

Complicit Example Sentences

Definition of complicit
: helping to commit a crime or do wrong in some way

Complicit Example Sentences

He was complicit in the cover-up.

He was complicit in his own ruin.

I want the names of every individual complicit in this illegal operation.

She stopped short of revealing her other crew members who were complicit with him.

She was not the only widow made to feel as if she had been complicit in an unspeakable crime.

By keeping her son's affair a secret, Maddie became complicit in it.

Irenic Example Sentences


: favoring, conducive to, or operating toward peace, moderation, or conciliation

The former senator's irenic nature made her an ideal candidate to be a foreign ambassador.

His words coming out of his mouth is harsh and unyielding, very much unlike his usual meek and irenic manner.

We should use irenic remarks upon speaking to the leader of the labor unions.

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Ramify Example Sentences


1 : to split up into branches or constituent parts
2 : to send forth branches or extensions
3 : to cause to branch

If his attitude continues, he is only going to ramify the problem.

These plants ramify early and get to be very large.

The holes of this rat do not run deep, but ramify horizontally just below the surface of the ground.