Thursday, June 30, 2016

Nadir Example Sentences


1 : the point of the celestial sphere that is directly opposite the zenith and vertically downward from the observer
2 : point of greatest adversity or despair; all-time low; rock-bottom

Only once the novel's protagonist reaches her nadir does she arouse the reader's empathy.

Even though we thought we had reached our nadir and would fail to meet the project deadline, we were still able to complete the work on time.

Since the relationship between the two warring nations has reached its nadir, world leaders are greatly concerned about the risk of nuclear war.

Because employees are terribly worried about losing their positions, company morale has reached a nadir.

The automobile manufacturer’s nadir was reached when the group announced the recall of two million faulty vehicles.

When Clark got fired and was unable to find another job, he realized his professional life was at its nadir.

Matt’s literary career declined to its nadir when he was unable to get past a serious case of writer’s block.

Even at the recession’s nadir, most of the lower income families were still having difficulty paying their bills.

The announcement of the impeachment caused the president’s popularity to fall to its nadir.

When the speaker discussed how being homeless was his nadir yet the same situation that inspired him to change his life, I too knew I could turn my lowest point into something positive.

Whether my favorite team is at its nadir, with only a few wins, or the best in its conference, I am still a proud supporter.

On this day, the lonely young girl's spirits seemed to touch their nadir.

Then, when my hope was at its nadir, I remembered who was with me in the little room.

When winter arrives, day length and temperatures both reach their annual nadir.

Monday, June 20, 2016

Redact Example Sentences

to put in writing
to select or adapt (as by obscuring or removing sensitive information) for publication or release; broadly
to obscure or remove (text) from a document prior to publication or release

Please redact and re-submit your article.

Monday, June 13, 2016

Tintinnabulation Example Sentences

: the ringing or sounding of bells
: a jingling or tinkling sound as if of bells

I feel at peace everytime I hear the merry tintinnabulation of church bells.

John could hear the tintinnabulation coming from the church nearby.

The fans were yelling so loud, I feel a tintinnabulation in my ears.

The tintinnabulation let the townspeople know the wedding was over.

The telephone bell was being rung continuously, and he called "Hello" several times before the tintinnabulation ceased.

Tocsin Example Sentences


1 : an alarm bell or the ringing of it
2 : a warning signal

That may sound alarmist, but the tocsin is being rung by some pretty sober people.

His demand for immediate emancipation fell like a tocsin upon the ears of slaveholders.

To hear a tocsin being sounded in your dream indicates that you will win over an argument.

The illuminated village had seized hold of the tocsin, and, abolishing the lawful ringer, rang for joy.

That night the sound of the tocsin was again heard, mingling with the booming of cannon.

The tocsin is the signal for our people in the salient.

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Legerdemain in a Sentence

Defintion: deception or trickery

The illusionist's show is an entertaining blend of legerdemain and over-the-top showmanship.

The reduction of the deficit is due in part to financial legerdemain that masks the true costs of running the government.

The psychic uses legerdemain to convince people she is talking to their dead loved ones.

When the car salesman wanted to sell a car, he often used legerdemain to make individuals believe they were getting the best deal in town.

The magic show was filled with legerdemain that kept the audience wondering how the tricks were performed.

Since the treasurer used a complicated type of legerdemain to steal company funds, it will be a while before the police can unearth the hidden money.

The book publisher offered the magician a great deal of money to write a book explaining his art of legerdemain.

Because the worst singer received the most votes, it is safe to assume someone employed legerdemain in the contest.

Is the lottery with its false promises merely a form of legerdemain to take the poor man’s money?

No matter how hard I tried I could not figure out how the illusionist pulled off his act of legerdemain.

Often, an unethical lawyer will sometimes use legal legerdemain in hopes of convincing the jury to agree with his position.

Real estate agents are famous for using legerdemain to cover up flaws in the properties they are trying to sell.

The magician used great legerdemain in performing his tricks before the attentive audience.

The magician's legerdemain was quite evident in the complexity of his tricks.

The psychic uses legerdemain to convince people she is talking to their dead loved ones.

When the car salesman wanted to sell a car, he often used legerdemain to make individuals believe they were getting the best deal in town.

The magician, an expert at legerdemain, performed an intricate card trick that stumped the crowd.

Truculent in a Sentence

Definition: : easily annoyed or angered and likely to argue

I immediately went to the exit to avoid die-hard fans who became truculent and violent after their team's loss.

Our teacher is a theater critic who was notorious for his titanically truculent reviews.

When my uncle drinks too much, he becomes very truculent and will fight anyone.

Why are you in such a truculent mood that you want to argue with everyone today?

On Monday, the truculent bully made the mistake of starting a fight with someone who could hit harder than him.

My truculent boyfriend is in a bad mood because I did not respond to his text message last night.

If your dream is to be a police officer, then you must work on your quick-temper and stop being so truculent.

Jim’s youngest son does not play well with other children and is often truculent on play dates.

When you do not give Janice everything she wants, she becomes truculent and tries to argue with you.

Nuns are true lovers of peace and are never truculent with others.

Because the teacher did not want the truculent student to disturb others, she made him sit next to her desk.

As a teenager, Miranda was a truculent girl who often got suspended from school for fighting.

They behaved in the most high-handed, brutal and truculent manner.

When asked to take a place in the queue, the angry passenger responded in a truculent manner, thumping her fist on the counter and shouting abuse at the sales clerk.

Edward's truculent attitude toward his girlfriend is the reason why they are apart today.

The truculent old man is never satisfied, his motto is said to be, good enough, is never good enough.

The truculent beast approached the crowd with wild eyes and sharpened claws.

Your truculent reply to my offer does not bode well for an amicable settlement of the issue.

He was considered truculent and, some said, selfish.

Nescience Example Sentences


: lack of knowledge or awareness : ignorance

He has made frank confession of his nescience, and in certain passages his critical judgment and sober sense and circumspection are quite striking.

The nescience of religion today is a sure sign people are confused about matters of life and death.

Because of a nescience of allergic reactions, many people with allergies don’t carry the proper emergency medicines.

Peter’s nescience of current events causes him to speak unwisely about trending topics.

In court the judge explained nescience of the laws was not an acceptable defense for criminal behavior.

The suspect claimed nescience when questioned about the robbery.

Since Amy knew about her surprise party, she assumed nescience when she entered the room.