Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Belvedere Sample Sentences

a summerhouse on a height, or an open, roofed gallery in an upper story, built for giving a view of the scenery
a court in the Vatican, housing a collection of classical art


The couple wandered down to the belvedere at the edge of the bluff to take in the vivid colors of the sunset.

From the belvedere in the treasury of the palace, where the Sultan used to gaze down upon his fleet, you can look across the mouth of the Golden Horn.

I forgot to note the name of the artist so I called the belvedere curator and she told me the name Hirschl, and the title.

The top of the dome was fashioned into a kind of belvedere, with a small circular gallery.

Sunday, April 24, 2016

Omniscient Sample Sentences

having total knowledge; all-knowing

The novel opens with an omniscient narrator recalling memories of her twelfth birthday.

Melanie felt that it was important to know what every character was thinking, so she wrote her novel from an omniscient point of view.

He thinks he knows what is best for everybody, but as far I know he is not omniscient.

Without an omniscient narrator, the reader is intentionally left in the dark about the motivation of the antagonist until the very end of the story.

If the house had a brain, it would be omniscient because of all the cameras and communication devices in all the rooms.

If he were really as omniscient as he thinks he is, he would know that he needs to adopt a little humility.

Orwell’s disturbing novel, 1984, featured an omniscient government known as Big Brother who kept an eye on all the citizens of a dysfunctional country.

Unless you are omniscient, you can’t possibly predict what type of technology we’ll be relying on in twenty years.

She claims to have psychic abilities, but she never said she was omniscient.

If world leaders had the capability to be omniscient, there would probably be an end to all war.

If you were really omniscient, you wouldn’t have forgotten my birthday, and you would have brought me a sapphire necklace.

Deities are often thought of as omniscient, having the ability to see all things at once.

She got so many answers right, she must be omniscient.

He went to ask a question of the village elder, who was considered omniscient by his people.

Monday, April 18, 2016

Unctuous Sample Sentences


1 a : fatty, oily
b : smooth and greasy in texture or appearance
2 : plastic
3 : insincerely smooth in speech and manner

Anna was thankful that the unctuous man who first greeted her at the modeling agency would not be the person she would be working with.

Find me a politician without an unctuous personality, and I’ll pay you a million bucks!

Nicky’s unctuous demeanor got on everyone’s nerves.

Turned off by the unctuous compliments, the woman turned down the man’s offer of a drink.

His unctuous hand gestures let everyone know he was upset about the encounter.

The head cheerleader made an unctuous effort to get the geeks to give her their prom queen votes.

Because she resembles a famous movie star, my friend receives unctuous attention when we go out to dinner.

His impression of the president was unctuous and poorly done.

When Janice walked into her party, she pretended to be surprised with an unctuous performance.

Harrison’s unctuous behavior made him seem as if he had spent every moment of his life in the theater.

Because she wanted to borrow his car, Sarah gave her father unctuous praise.

The skin is unctuous and of a deep-toned yellow colour.

I am was slightly annoyed by the unctuous waiter serving us dinner.

She looked as though she hadn't bathed in days, her hair was unkempt and unctuous.

The unctuous quality of the suntan lotion made it easier to spread.

The soap felt unctuous when it slipped from my hands.

He speaks in an unctuous tone.

Saturday, April 16, 2016

Equivocate Sample Sentences

When asked about her tax plan, the candidate didn't equivocate.

When things are not going Margie’s way, she will often twist the truth and equivocate to put things in her favor.

The crooked salesman went out of his way to equivocate the sales terms to the elderly couple.

Whenever the politician responded to questions, he would avoid eye contact and equivocate his answers.

The prosecutor hoped he could equivocate enough to trick the suspect into confessing.

In order to get people to buy the over-priced magazine subscription, you must know how to equivocate the fine print in the contract.

My sister is a chronic liar who will equivocate even when it’s easier to come out and tell the plain truth.

Rather than give you a straight answer, Henry will always equivocate his response.

As a judge, Helen has taken an oath to never deliberately deceive or equivocate while presiding in a court of law.

I want a man who will be honest with me and not equivocate to spare my feelings.

When Jim was asked about his most recent position during the interview, he seemed to equivocate with his response.

The politician was known to equivocate if asked about gay marriage.

I didn't like her new hairdo, but it was better to equivocate.

Please don't equivocate, tell me what you really think.

One of the first things a young diplomat learns is how to equivocate during policy statements.

Implacable Sample Sentences

He has an implacable hatred for his political opponents.

The little boy was implacable when his parents left him alone with the babysitter.

Even after being offered a free gift card, the angry customer remained implacable.

There was nothing Jason could do to please his implacable ex-wife.

Although the lawyer apologized for being late to court, he was still fined by the implacable judge who did not appreciate his tardiness.

The students were not happy about their teacher’s implacable policy of not accepting late homework.

After Sandra learned her son had wrecked her car, she was implacable and not willing to listen to any explanations.

With implacable determination, the police vowed to find the man who had killed one of their own.

Since the homeowner did not want to pay additional taxes, he was implacable in his opposition to the proposed tax increase.

Sam was implacable and not willing to accept his former friend’s apology.

When Jared learned the judge had dismissed the charges against his wife’s killer, he flew into an implacable rage.

More lasting still was the implacable hatred of those who had suffered from his cruelties.

The searching investigation which followed raised up against him many implacable enemies.

The representatives of two races, once implacable foes, have become allies.

She had an implacable anger toward her ex-husband.

There was no way to stop him; he was implacable in his drive to win.

The obstinate donkey was so implacable he just would not stop.

You are my implacable enemy.

Friday, April 1, 2016

Vagary Sample Sentences

When the temperature dropped to freezing conditions on a summer day, it was a vagary of the weather.

Hank’s outburst in church was a vagary that simply came out of nowhere.

Because Kim has a bipolar disorder, she is known to display a vagary without any warning.

Today’s stock market vagary cost investors millions of dollars.

When the vagary of the earth’s alignment blocks out the sun, a lunar eclipse occurs.

The vagary of the economy plays a role in the fixing of the interest rates.

Because gamblers are familiar with the vagary of the gaming tables, they know luck can change in a hand.

Leslie’s vagary at the party made everyone wonder if she had consumed too much alcohol.

Although the detectives had encountered lots of killers with strange habits, nothing prepared them for the vagary of their latest suspect.

The vagary of the weather has us concerned about our outdoor wedding.

The storm still raged, and she thought it was a vagary of the lightning.

After Bob made a fool of himself, Sam quickly got up on stage so he could cover up the vagary.