Saturday, March 19, 2016

Kismet Sample Sentences

As a romantic, I believe kismet will lead me to my one true love.

Some people believe the killer’s kismet is his own execution.

When the man met the woman of his dreams, he said it was kismet.

Perhaps it was kismet Jim won the lottery right after he lost his job.

Although Gail hates coffee, kismet led her into the coffee shop where she reconnected with an old friend.

It was kismet when June broke her leg and met her future husband in the emergency room.

If kismet does not interfere and allow someone to see the smoke signal, the injured man will die in the freezing canyon.

Bill believes kismet caused him to miss the plane that crashed into the ocean.

Because Carol believed in kismet and knew God had a plan for her, she was not upset when her husband asked for a divorce.

The psychic tried to convince me she knew my kismet.

The actor said kismet was responsible for his fame.

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Rankle Sample Sentences

Meaning: to cause anger, irritation, or deep bitterness in
to feel anger and irritation

The ongoing roadwork has begun to rankle local owners who worry that the closed-off streets are hurting their businesses.

The fact the plane is leaving two hours late is certainly going to rankle the passengers.

When the prince decided to date a commoner, he knew his romantic choice would rankle his parents.

Releasing the killer from prison is sure to rankle the victim’s family.

If I tell my husband how much money I spent at the store, I am certain the figure will rankle him.

Your open invitation to pray will undoubtedly rankle the atheists in the room.

Even though Jimmy was upset with his wife, he did not allow his anger to rankle and influence his entire day.

The plan to tear down the historical church and build a strip mall is going to rankle all the religious activists in the community.

According to the media, the current poll results are going to rankle the politician who appears to be losing his political seat.

The boy’s lazy behavior began to rankle his parents.

Because Heather is already stressed, it will not take much to rankle her and worsen her mood.

The lazy behaviour of the students began to rankle their teacher.

Lack of hard work and self-reliance may well rankle any employer.

The bad news will rankle him.

It doesn't take much to rankle my boyfriend when it comes to fashion.

Trumpery Sample Sentences

Meaning: a : worthless nonsense
b : trivial or useless articles
archaic : tawdry finery

I saw a man driving a wagon loaded with household trumpery.

His usual conversation is pure trumpery.

Oleaginous Sample Sentences

Meaning: Of or relating to oil.
Falsely or smugly earnest; unctuous: oleaginous flattery.

The office manager greeted the corporate bigwigs with an oleaginous welcome that should have embarrassed him.

He was frequently pilloried for his oleaginous approach to famous guests.

His lover's oleaginous charms were insufficient, it seems.

To avoid abrasions most all Scandinavian operators use some kind of oleaginous substance.

Thursday, March 3, 2016

Disavow Sample Sentences

He could not disavow his actions, belauded as they were by half the world, and so he had to repudiate truth, goodness, and all humanity.

When news of the band’s breakup surfaced, the manager had to disavow any part in the undoing.

Her parents planned to disavow any knowledge that she was calling off the wedding.

When she retired, she had to disavow her former position with the CIA.

In order to disavow her part in the robbery, the criminal had to testify against her conspirators.

No one knew that his ultimate plan was to disavow his role in the assassination.

She now seems to be trying to disavow her earlier statements.

You need to find the strength to disavow your racist intent and seek forgiveness or may your like never darken the door of this nation again.

A show apparently designed to disavow the notion that pop music success is easy, painless or enduring.

I disavow any agreement with you since you didn't fulfill your obligations.

The boy was told to disavow use of drugs amongst his peer group.

We will give you all possible support but should you be captured , we will disavow all knowledge of you.

The suspect stubbornly continued to disavow any part in the kidnapping plot.