Monday, February 29, 2016

Petulant Sample Sentences

Her tone was petulant and angry.

My brother is a petulant and fussy man who is always blaming everyone else for his problems.

He was a petulant child who was aggravated by the smallest things.

When the movie started, the petulant infant would not stop crying because of the loud noise.

After being fired, Joshua behaved like a petulant toddler and threw a major tantrum.

My oldest sister is a petulant woman who complains constantly.

Because she whined about everything on the movie set, the studio head described the actress as petulant.

While I can be a bit moody, I am not petulant because I do not let small issues get to me.

Although Margaret had a valid complaint, there was no reason for her to act petulant and call the waiter names.

When Henry lost the chess match, he acted like a petulant little boy and knocked over the game board.

Because he was annoyed by the lack of service in the bar, the customer shook his head in a petulant motion.

Are you really so petulant that you will hold a grudge against someone for twenty years?

She's a miserable, petulant woman who's rude to everyone she meets.

He whined like a petulant child when he lost the tennis match.

Pundit Sample Sentences

During the trial, the prosecutor will call upon a pundit of forensics to link the evidence to the suspect.

John is the pundit in our science class who usually knows all the test review answers.

Although Jill has never been to Greece, she often speaks about the culture as though she is a pundit of the country.

The attorney is often asked to provide insight as a pundit for the primetime legal drama.

Without a psychiatric pundit to testify on my client’s poor mental state, I doubt if the jury will believe an insanity defense.

The columnist was a well-known pundit who enjoyed misstating the positions of his detractors.

The pundit widely criticized the capital punishment ruling.

The political pundit has made many predictions, but few of them have come true.

Glean Sample Sentences

Investigators have been able to glean some useful information from the seized documents.

From several library resources, Sara was able to glean enough information to write her research paper.

I was not able to glean much information from my uncle’s intoxicated ramblings.

During my chat with the famous educator, I was able to glean a wealth of knowledge about teaching.

The researchers were able to glean a great deal of information about the medicine’s effects during the experiment.

To glean information on current events, Susan watches news channels as often as she can.

Before the elections, I always watch the debates so I can glean information on the candidates and their platforms.

The elderly librarian cannot understand why students prefer to glean their facts from computers instead of from books.

An experienced eavesdropper, Kelly was able to easily glean information about the couple seated near us at dinner.

The company uses survey results to glean consumer opinions about their product line.

Whenever I talk to my supervisor, I take advantage of the opportunity to glean ways in which I can do my job better.

I took my time to see what secrets I might glean from their abode.

We glean information, everyday , from the internet, like now.

I was not able to glean much information from my uncle’s intoxicated ramblings.