Thursday, January 28, 2016

Jeremiad Sample Sentences

Mrs. Whinge waggled a finger at us and launched into a doleful jeremiad about how we would come to no good end.

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Effete Sample Sentences

We should consider replacing that effete leader with someone who is much more capable.

The effete man was scared of his own shadow and hid in the closet during thunderstorms.

Since Jason is an effete boy who fears confrontation, he will more than likely not make his high school football team.

The huge wrestler made fun of the effete man who entered the ring to challenge him.

Because the art critic felt the painting was effete, he reviewed it quite harshly and referred to it as a spiritless effort from the painter.

A wise general knows effete men who lack courage never win battles.

By nature, Cheryl is an effete woman who finds it difficult to stand up for herself.

The professional football player became angry when the press referred to him as an effete athlete who had no passion for his sport.

Because the old man was upset about his wife’s death, he became effete and refused to eat.

The detective pretended to be wheelchair bound as part of his effete man disguise.

After the surgery, the effete patient was unable to walk for several days.

Sunday, January 17, 2016

Nettle Sample Sentences

My brother will often nettle me by reading my diary.

If you nettle a bee, you should be prepared to run.

My employee’s habit of coming in to work late is starting to nettle me.

Although Elaine tried to nettle me by describing her great date with my ex-boyfriend, I did not let her comments bother me.

Mary does not like to sit outside because the mosquitos always nettle her.

Friday, January 15, 2016

Limn Sample Sentences

The hero created a limn of the castle grounds into the ground so they could devise a plan of attack.

Monday, January 11, 2016

Esoteric Sample Sentences

The medical research was so esoteric that only a few physicians could actually understand the results.

Only a couple of people I know share your esoteric thoughts on those religious principles.

While the writing appeared simple, its meaning was esoteric in the fact only a number of scholars could comprehend it.

Janice loved her country and found it difficult to agree with the esoteric ideas of the terrorists.

Although I did okay in math class, I always considered trigonometry to be an esoteric subject which was best left to the mathematicians.

Gerald was an eight-year-old genius who had esoteric interests much different from kids of a similar age.

When the scientists were not looking for a cure for the disease, they spent their time reviewing esoteric documentation on past experiments.

Unlike the other professors, Margaret was very familiar with esoteric literature from the Middle Ages.

Only the children of royal families are allowed in the esoteric organization.

Eric made an esoteric joke that only he and his brother understood.

She has an esoteric fetish of shoes and latex clothes.

John joined an esoteric club.

My little sister's esoteric associates were the members of her make-believe tea party.

The astronomers spent the night debating esoteric theories about Mars.

My son is slightly eccentric so I’m not surprised that he has esoteric interests.

She is writing a research paper on the esoteric rituals of the tribe, for which she has received a prestigious fellowship.

Amongst everything that she puts on the internet, her unintelligible, esoteric tweets always gain more popularity.

The more you use esoteric jargon, the less popularity you will gain amongst your students.

Many people think of philosophy as an esoteric subject but it’s really amazing once you begin to understand it.

She tried to complicate her answer in the test because she knew that her teacher loved everything verbose and esoteric.

The esoteric blog found no followers. It was meant only for the select few who could understand the highfalutin language of academia.

There are some elements of the controversy that have been purposefully kept esoteric.

Just because some people are vague and esoteric, it doesn’t mean they know more than others.

Didactic Sample Sentences

While the professor’s lectures were designed to be didactic, they only served to confuse the students.

Although the fiction books are not meant to be didactic, they are quite informative.

Even though my parents drive me crazy, I know they think they are being helpful by giving me didactic advice.

The purpose of the didactic presentation was to teach us all about the dangers of cigarette smoking.

Eileen created a didactic software program to help students learn their multiplication facts.

Because Mrs. Jones came up with lessons that were not only didactic but also fun, everyone thought she was a fantastic teacher.

In its analogy of beauty versus ugliness, the poem tries to be didactic while delivering an important lesson on self-image.

Since you are taking a trip to Europe, you might want to review this didactic guidebook on the subject of European travel.

His didactic style of teaching involves a large number of student-led discussions.

In the past, didactic plays were used to teach morals to the audience.

Her "novels for children" are certainly didactic, and they are certainly moral.

The projector and the audio system are used in this college for didactic purposes.

I don't like the class because it tends to get too didactic.

My parents was being didactic when they warned me about premarital sex.

My parents was being didactic about doing the right thing.

The teacher deliberately chose a slightly didactic story so that she could entertain and educate kids simultaneously.

Most mythical stories that seem entertaining at the outset, turn out to be purely didactic on deeper reflection for that this the purpose with which they are written.

Texts that attempt to be overtly didactic often put readers off instantly.

Considering that it is a didactic play, it might be a good idea to take your kids along.

Their parenting style is so didactic and controlling that their kids are likely to absorb nothing from them.

The critic’s review was more didactic than informative or reflective because he waxed eloquent about how movies should be made.

I am tired of my father’s didactic lectures that he doesn’t miss giving me at every possible occasion.

Being didactic with your daughter all the time is not going to get you anywhere.

My teacher is a didactic woman who will leave no stone unturned to ensure that her students become ethical people.

Students would like to hear inspiring instead of didactic interviews in their free time.

The textbook was didactic without being completely boring.

The novel was purely didactic and was lacking any trace of creativity.

The book seemed to her like a didactic literature intended to teach people a moral lesson.

The lecturer upon retirement ended up being increasing didactic towards his wife.

He had a didactic approach of teaching that often left his students disturbed.

I could not sit through another didactic seminar on self-realization.