Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Volition Sample Sentences

Rachel left the church of her own volition, not because she was excommunicated.

Despite my parents' preference, I have decided to attend an out-of-state college on my own volition.

Nathan plead guilty to the crime on his own volition and against his attorney’s wishes.

When the turkey is done, its thermometer will pop up by its own volition.

Of his own volition, Matt lowered his gun and waited for the police to arrest him.

Impatient for the class to end, Maggie walked out of the room by her own volition.

Because of his personal doubts about his abilities, Jason will not act on his volition to accept the promotion.

Once the bear realizes there is no food in the trashcan, he will leave the property of his own volition.

You should choose the people you vote for on your own volition and not by the preferences of others.

When the front door seemed to open of its own volition, everyone in the room ran behind the couch.

On his own volition, Hank decided he needed to enter rehab to manage his drug addiction.

Her arms slid around his neck of their own volition and she eagerly returned his kiss.

Lug Sample Sentences

I am asking you to please lug my bags inside the house.

She had to lug her suitcases out to the car by herself.

Hannah said that we will be seeing great sceneries in this trip so I is no choice but to lug this heavy camera around all day.

Sunday, July 26, 2015

Pugnacious Sample Sentences

There's one pugnacious member on the committee who won't agree to anything.

She is famous for being a movie reviewer who is spirited, even pugnacious, when defending her opinions.

The pugnacious little boy constantly talks back to his mother.

John’s pugnacious behavior causes him to have few friends.

While my twin sister is quite pugnacious, I prefer to avoid confrontations.

Of course, I would prefer a docile pet over a pugnacious one any day!

Unfortunately, Harriet becomes pugnacious after only a few drinks.

Because the pugnacious actor argues with everyone, it is hard for him to find work.

I wish my pugnacious Chihuahua did not nip at guests all the time.

My teacher is pugnacious and reprimands the class often.

During cross examination, the defendant was pugnacious.During cross examination, the defendant was pugnacious.

After Paddy had been at the bar drinking for a few hours he became extremely pugnacious and offered to fight the local priest.

The pugnacious nature of the senator made the acceptance of the resolution acceptable.

Because of his pugnacious nature, he argues frequently with peers and has very few friends in our classroom.

The President was in a pugnacious mood when he spoke to journalists about the rebellion.

Darkle Sample Sentences

It is going darkle as I went farther into the tunnel.

It was his role to darkle and obscure the meaning of the picture.

The woman's boquet had darkle flowers to match her darkle hair.

ADUMBRATE Sample Sentences

I would like to adumbrate a plan for our escape from this prison.

With assistance from the victim, the sketch artist will adumbrate a picture of the robbery suspect.

The artist chose colors to adumbrate the trees in the forest so they would seem mysterious and shadowy.

When my mother lit the candle in the darkness, it was nice to see the light adumbrate our shadows on the wall.

The photographer dimmed the light so it would adumbrate the model and surround her with shadows.

On Halloween, it is said that the moonlight will adumbrate a dark silhouette around every witch who walks the Earth.

The dim stage lights adumbrate the actor and make him appear like a ghostly version of himself.

When the sun rises, it will adumbrate the bridge and create a great photo opportunity.

James will adumbrate his character ideas so the animator will know how to bring his cartoon to life.

As the flashlight batteries grow weaker, the light will only adumbrate a dim glow.

The purpose of the summary is to adumbrate the movie’s plot.

I would appreciate if you could adumbrate your marketing plan for next year.

I am sorry, I had to adumbrate the details, but I was not able to give you the full story at this time.

Thursday, July 9, 2015

apoplectic sample sentences

She was positively apoplectic with anger when she realized she had been cheated.

The coach was so apoplectic when the player missed the free throw that he threw his clipboard onto the court.

The victim’s family was apoplectic when the case against their son’s killer was dismissed.

When the cashier refused to give me the correct change, I became apoplectic and threatened to call the police.

The apoplectic husband threatened to kill his wife’s lover.

Because Matt always appears apoplectic, he is being forced to take an anger management course by the traffic court judge.

My strict father was apoplectic when I arrived home five hours late.

calaboose sample sentences

She is more than 100 years old and got her name because of the crime that landed her in the calaboose.

The horizontal ray struck through the grating of the "calaboose" at the corner of the godown I was skirting.

garderobe sample sentences

On our tour of the castle, the guide made sure to point out the garderobe.