Saturday, May 30, 2015

COMEUPPANCE sample sentences

One of these days, he'll get his comeuppance for treating people so arrogantly.

As with many action movies, this one ends with a wild chase and an over-the-top fight sequence in which the bad guys finally get their comeuppance.

I'd love to see this arrogant, self-serving fraud get her comeuppance.

I enjoy seeing nasty people recceive their just comeuppance.

Mingy Sample Sentences

This mingy portion of food they served me wont appease the hunger i'm feeling right now.

The company's mingy Christmas bonuses haven't exactly helped to boost the employees morale.

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Pussyfoot Sample Sentences

He should stop being a pussyfoot and tell us what he wants to do.

I hate politicians who try to pussyfoot around hot-button issues.

Saturday, May 9, 2015

Saltation Sample Sentences

The thief has prepared himself in saltation over the neighbors fence but they caught him.