Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Laconic Sample Sentences

He had a reputation for being laconic.

The valedictorian delivered a laconic speech, contrast to the salutatorian's lengthy speech.

A person with few words is laconic.

If trials were laconic, then it wouldn't take years to find a verdict.

To save valuable time, give me a laconic explanation of what happened.

If you were laconic with your lectures, then we could leave class 15 minutes early.

I don't have all day, so be laconic with your answers.

The laconic way you speak with people baffles me considering you want a talk show.

A man of a few words, he has proven himself to be laconic.

My chattering best friend couldn't be any different from her more reserved, laconic older brother.

The laconic cowboy raised an eyebrow and just grinned when the girl finished her tirade.

Though the speech was laconic in nature, it told worlds about why it is important to follow directions.

Casual acquaintances always thought my father was laconic, but the truth was that he just had a very, very limited vocabulary.

The speech was laconic, but still very effective.

Refluent Sample Sentences

Watching the refluent ocean will make you feel that you are being swept away too.

Saturday, March 14, 2015

Fracas Sample Sentences

The police broke up the fracas in the bar and threw both combatants in the lockup.

We saw that the police were preparing for any fracas that might follow the soccer game.

The resulting fracas ended with riotous fighting in the streets.

Several others who participated in the fracas were also roughly handled.

The fracas over file sharing has prompted many proposals, but no grand solution.

The fracas began, the police said, when someone threw a bottle or a brick at a car.

Six of the students were arrested but not charged after the fracas.

His spirited, quotable commentary made the whole election fracas worthwhile.

The fracas moved into a nearby field, where the witnesses lost sight of it.

My friend and I got into a fracas over who saw the cute boy first.

The drunken soccer hooligans fracas resulted in their being hauled off to jail.