Sunday, January 18, 2015

Commensurate Sample Sentences

She was given a job commensurate with her abilities.

The work should be commensurate with the seriousness of the crime.

The job grade will be commensurate with relevant experience.

You will receive a salary commensurate with your responsibilities.

Lately there has been growing recognition that the balance needs to be redressed to enable children to have status commensurate with their needs.

Starting salary is commensurate with educational qualifications and experience.

Malarkey Sample Sentences

He thinks everything politicians say is just a bunch of malarkey.

You've been watching too much cable news and falling for all that malarkey.

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Savant Sample Sentences

My sister is a savant in the field of medical ethics.

The cooking speaks of a light hand and a savant use of herbs and spices.

My uncle was considered a savant in the fields of Egyptology and English literature.

The idiot savant surprised everyone when he stated all of the things that he remembered.

Although he could barely dress himself, the idiot savant could play complex music on the piano after only a few hearings.

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Mundane Sample Sentences

They lead a pretty mundane life.

Prayer and meditation helped her put her mundane worries aside.

My mundane life of working at a dead-end job for the last decade is getting old.

From the exciting to the mundane, I will share all of my experiences with you.

Though his friends were having a fun time at the bar, Kevin settled for a mundane evening at home.

Mundane thinking will only take you so far in innovation.

If you want to escape from the mundane, get out of this boring town!

Don't settle for a mundane weekend on the couch - go skydiving!

I wish we had a dishwasher to handle the mundane task of washing dishes every night.

Bob's mundane afternoon consists of taking out the trash, cleaning the dishes, watching a soap opera, and squeezing in a nap.

Your mundane reasons for why you plop on the couch instead of working towards a career are not acceptable.

What I fear is that my conclusions appear trivial and mundane.

To the layman our modes of space travel can seem a little mundane.

You may be assigned mundane tasks like scheduling appointments

It may well disappoint us with it's mundane results but to have the truth would be priceless.

It cannot be stressed enough how much the discussion has moved on from these mundane issues.

Sometimes taking a break from academic writing and doing something mundane is a good idea.

The continuing structural changes are insidious because they are so mundane.

Unreasonable people are not always gifted at such mundane tasks.

Whether you wish to travel domestically or internationally, romantic travel for newlyweds need not be mundane.

Tom found working in the factory assembly line to be mundane and not very challenging.

As I crossed the field I could see the farm & the mundane brick outhouse that sat unused for years.

She began the mundane chore of washing the dishes, as she did every day.

My lunch today has the same old mundane bologna sandwich

She hates her job because she is asked to do mundane tasks every day.

I don’t mind doing a job which is low paying, I just don’t want it to be mundane.

She does not want to pursue a government job even though it will offer her security for life because she thinks it will be mundane.

This book is about finding beauty and meaning in our otherwise mundane existence.

People are deluded by the glamour of celebrities, thinking that their lives are far away from the mundane, which in reality is not true.

The entire family moved to a countryside home because they were getting fed up of their mundane city lives.

I am sick of everybody giving me mundane advice. I am in need of genuine mentorship.

Adults love fairy tales as much as kids because it gives them the hope that even their own mundane lives will be touched by magic one day.

Her report was rejected because the conclusions she drew from them appeared very mundane to the judges.

The person who innovates and creates extraordinary items from the mundane is worthy of being called a true artist.

Grandma's deep faith and appreciation of life help her to approach even the most mundane tasks with a happy heart.

Listening to music makes mundane tasks more bearable.

Bored with the mundane routine in her life, she decided to book a summer trip to Europe.

His creativity and love of anything romantic keeps our marriage from becoming stale and mundane.

A bottle of fine wine and a single rose turned our typically mundane night into a very romantic evening.

She tires easily of mundane household tasks, so she goes out to eat frequently and hires a cleaning lady four times per month.

He considered his father's work at the family bakery to be completely unfulfilling and mundane and he sold the business as soon as his dad passed away.

Her vivid imagination keeps her entertained as she performs the mundane activities of her work day.

A sense of purpose in ones life can elevate mundane tasks to meaningful experiences.

After a mundane Saturday of grocery shopping, cooking and cleaning, a night out with the girls is well deserved.

The restaurant was mundane because of its repeating chairs and tables.

After an exciting vacation, we faced another mundane semester of school.

Kate led an unvarying life of repetitive tasks that became overbearingly mundane.

Hawkshaw Sample Sentences

The firm hired a hawkshaw to find out who was fencing stock from their warehouse.