Monday, August 25, 2014

Dilettante Sample Sentences

You can always tell a true expert from a dilettante.

His patronage was exercised, not from vanity or a mere dilettante love of letters, but with a view to the higher interest of the state.

Some soldiers have dilettante attitude toward the fighting.

When it comes to learning how to play the guitar, my daughter is a dilettante who will practice one day but not the next day.

The veteran reporters viewed the new guy as a dilettante who would not take his job as seriously as they took their careers.

Because Peter studied music composition for eight years, he is definitely not a dilettante in the field of music.

The critics did not see the heiress as a serious filmmaker, only as a dilettante who was bored with her life.

Although Gary purchased an expensive camera, he is a dilettante because he rarely takes pictures.

Even though I have only been employed for a few months as a computer programmer, I am not a dilettante because my work is very important to me.

Without any formal training, Kara is simply a dilettante and not a professional dancer.

It was obvious from the pianist’s poor performance that he was a dilettante who had no interest in cultivating his talent.

If Mark wants to be seen as more than a dilettante, he needs to take a few more art classes so he can demonstrate his knowledge of the subject.

As long as Jennifer is unwilling to put in the work, she will remain a dilettante and never become a famous actress.

Most of my readers don't know I'm a dilettante techno musician.

The article portrayed her as an outspoken, partying dilettante.

The dilettante felt that his superficial knowledge of art qualified him to judge the artist work.

This antiquated fussiness of the dilettante little nobleman was sickening to her.

The young dilettante volunteered at the museum for free admittance.

Rapport Sample Sentences

He quickly developed a good rapport with the other teachers.

She works hard to build rapport with her patients.

There is a lack of rapport between the members of the group.

Alison also has a strong rapport with the children in the school.

First you need to develop rapport with the audience; then you can bring humor in.

He had a good rapport with the clients.

Her huge sparkling eyes create an instant rapport with her audience.

It can be hard to develop rapport with a crowd from such a distance.

You need to develop a rapport with the interviewers & deliver your answers in a natural manner.

Your aim is to develop rapport during the meeting.

His storytelling style involves developing a rapport with the people he photographs through shared common interests and listening.

He had an endless ability for rapport with ordinary people.

Rapport, once established, will make your sales almost effortless.

Boost your social and communication skills, establish rapport and make friends.

He didn't have the luxury of building up a rapport with the nation's elite prospects over several seasons.

Hence professors have an easy rapport with those who have the innate sense of how to study and grow knowledge.

The theater of revolution is essentially participatory, requiring more than the usual rapport between actors and audience.

His ensuing road show tour to promote his populist agenda has showcased his rapport with voters.

So there was none of that familial domestic rapport she had with us.

And that is an image of a couple in total harmony of movement and thus in perfect emotional rapport.

Clearly they had developed a theatrical rapport that came through in the music.

Yes, he found an appreciative biographer with whom he seems to have a warm rapport.

The counselor could talk to all the students about their personal lives because he had established a good rapport with them since their freshman years.

She made it a point to strike a rapport with her professor because she knew that she would need his extra help and guidance in the future.

Their common native place helped them to strike an instant rapport.

The rapport that the committee built with the government over so many years came crashing down because of a trivial disagreement.

The delegation was unsuccessful in building a rapport with their hosts as they didn’t understand each other’s languages.

Since sales people are generally amicable, it becomes easy for them to strike a rapport with even with random people.

Their professional rapport eventually grew into a long lasting friendship which later converted itself into a wonderful marriage.

Creating a rapport with the people you work with is a prerequisite of the professional world.

Her welcoming body language suggested that she was interested in saying hello and building a gradual rapport with me.

It will take some effort and initiative to build a rapport with your new classmates, especially if you are an introvert.

The lecturer made the presentation interactive and asked questions to his audience so that he could strike a rapport with them and make the evening engaging.

She is a difficult and obstinate person who is impossible to share a rapport with.

She was given an extension for the loan repayment only because she has a good rapport with the bank manager.

Even though she and I have been acquaintances for a while, we've never had the kind of rapport that would make us good friends.

Operose Sample Sentences

The operose volume offers up considerably more verbiage than useful information.

The laborer dreaded undertaking the operose task of moving the building material to the other side of the site by hand.

We will be submitting a letter complaining about his operose method.

Clearing the woods was an operose job.

The operose worker accomplishes much.

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Impugn Sample Sentences

He is planning to impugn his rival's character.

There is no reason to impugn and scrutinize her suggestions.

The mayor leaked news of the arrest to the media to impugn his opponent’s character.

How dare you impugn the integrity of our local councilman simply because of a Twitter rumor!

When the prosecutor tried to impugn the defendant’s character, the defense lawyer jumped to his feet and made an objection.

These findings are not meant to impugn your character.

Probation officers shall not impugn the decisions and directives of the court.

He didn't believe anyone took the time to impugn anyone's integrity.

Everyone was shocked when the student tried to impugn his lab teacher’s findings.

Even though I hate my ex-husband's girlfriend, I never try to impugn her character in front of my children.

An atheist is quick to impugn the concept of a higher power.

Although I had my ticket in my hand, the annoying attendant tried to impugn my entrance into the theater.

The confident politician felt no need to impugn the motives of his election challengers.

Since my daughter has not passed a single math test this year, I strongly impugn her teacher’s instructional skills.

It was the detective’s job to impugn all the statements made by the suspects.

Teens often impugn the restrictions put on them, like curfews and chores.

I started to impugn my mom when she told me I was a lazy person after I had just cleaned the whole house

He said the proposal on delegate selection was not meant to impugn anyone.

It was his habit to impugn the statements of others at every opportunity.

Friday, August 8, 2014

Diluvial Sample Sentences

The aftermath of super-storm Sandy has left many in a diluvial hell.

billingsgate sample senteces

When drunk or angry his language always devolve into billingsgate.

The assistant is now immune to billingsgate coming from his boss.