Friday, July 25, 2014

intercalate sample sentences

The technology uses metal ions to intercalate graphite fibers to increase the adsorption area.

I wish I could intercalate an extra day off to the weekend.

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Shambolic Sample Sentences

Most third world countries has a shambolic system of public transportation.

Her statements is quite doubtful due to her shambolic state of mind during the interrogation.

That shambolic room is where the crime scene took place.

Saturday, July 12, 2014

Extant Sample Sentences

He happened to be the most charming writer extant I know.

Museum collectors would love having ancient extant manuscripts.

There are few extant records from that period.

His will, which is extant, was signed on the fourth day before his death.

The extant literature on this view is substantial .

Some of the disparity stems from the Puritan strain extant even in the literary precincts of our culture.

Of course, the extant of that relationship is not yet known.

The goal was to determine the ranges of currently extant species.

No images of her as a young woman are extant.

The fact remains that there is only 1 copy extant.

Over the last decade, almost all of her extant writings have been translated and published or reprinted.

Some questions may be difficult to answer unequivocally based on extant data.

The rule of law must be extant before one can enforce law and order.

Some 60 of his sonnets, most of them in a burlesque vein, are extant.

The lack of extant monuments from these years is one reason for this elision.

We must move our selves from the extant past and look at life as being as old as the creator.

No definitive data exist, he says, but the majority of the extant evidentiary scraps support their side.

Or one could choose from among the forty or so extant calendars worldwide.

Let's go through the extant familiar forms of political dissent more rigorously.

The original steps were not extant, so he created new ones.

About eighty of these were performed, forty of which are extant, and they belong usually to the type known as romantic tragedy.

One of these is extant in the new edition of his works.

The first, the acts of which are extant under his name in the editions of the councils, is certainly genuine.

Head and neck posture in sauropod dinosaurs inferred from extant animals.

To further illustrate the point, he includes two x-rays of extant rabbits to show the extreme curve their necks make.

Even our wildest monsters are, upon closer inspection, usually a mere fusion of extant lifeforms and their parts.

The successful reintroduction could offer lessons for the reintroduction of other extant species.

But somehow, it appears that only one lineage survived to rapidly diversify into modern extant eukaryotes.

Then you won't have to cry because free money isn't always extant.

Regions where lineages have been extant the longest should have the highest variation.

However, modern science does allow us to draw some perfectly reasonable conclusions about our extant theories of the universe.

The fact is that human normal variation is subject to some constraints in terms of function and extant genetic variation.

Physicists are constrained from discovery by extant theory.

The leather scroll is believed to be the second-oldest extant version of the commandments.

One should learn to cherish who is extant in one's life, rather than fantasize about who one will meet tomorrow.

Daniel's copy of The Shadow of the Wind is the last one extant; someone is determined to destroy all the copies.

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Dissemble Sample Sentences

Her plan was to dissemble her intentions from her husband so she could successfully plan him a surprise party.

Rather than answer the reporter’s questions directly, the politician chose to dissemble his responses.

The con man did his best to dissemble his real motives from the wealthy widow.

While it may be easier to dissemble your true feelings from others, it is always best to be honest with those you love.

It is hard to feel pity for someone who makes a living by willingly choosing to dissemble their true intent for monetary reasons.

Even though Evelyn knew she was madly in love with Robert, she still felt she had to dissemble her true feelings to avoid being hurt.

Because he did not want to start an argument with his coworkers, Maurice chose to dissemble his political beliefs.

In an attempt to dissemble his affair from his wife, Matt bought a cell phone which he kept hidden in his car.

Although I am willing to help you as much as I can, I will not lie and dissemble the truth about your work history.

Perhaps a defense attorney’s greatest skill is his ability to dissemble information from the jury.

The need to keep it positive, even if it's not, puts stress on the spouse who must dissemble.

It never occurred to him to patronize students or to dissemble his thoughts.

If asked about your relationship or seen outside the campus, don't dissemble.

Now he can dissemble all he likes, but the truth is he chose not to and that was conveniently ignored.

Yet, no matter how great the man, the true lawyer cannot dissemble.

And it is hard to find any sympathy for companies that dissemble or hold back information.

Worse for him, the bosses would dissemble when he asked why he failed to make the grade.

And following ancient custom, Belgium may dissemble at will, being a sovereign state.

Its method has been: do little but dissemble in the hope that the problem goes away.

Who knows not how to dissemble knows not how to reign.

I will not dissemble the first emotions of joy on the recovery of my freedom, and, perhaps, the establishment of my fame.

In a television interview the politician tended to dissemble rather than to answer questions truthfully.

Our president is an honest, sincere person with no need to dissemble

Schadenfreude Sample Sentences

A delightful sense of schadenfreude engulfed her when she saw that the dirty and disheveled beauty queen had humiliated herself.

She had a feeling of schadenfreude when the boy who dumped her was unable to find a date for the dance.

Why do some people feel a sense of schadenfreude instead of showing compassion.

Pity and schadenfreude both arise from the contemplation of somebody else's misfortunes.

Summer was a strange woman who took joy in the suffering of others and always experienced schadenfreude when her friends were miserable.

When the winning team saw their rivals saddened by defeat, they felt a sense of schadenfreude.

Jeremy had a feeling of schadenfreude when his ex-wife’s second marriage failed.

Because I wish the best for all people, I do not feel schadenfreude when others have problems.

Jill felt schadenfreude when the girl who stole her boyfriend was not elected to the homecoming court.

From behind his telescope, the police detective watched in schadenfreude as the thief walked into the trap.

After Mike learned his mother’s attacker had been caught, he felt a huge degree of schadenfreude.

I must admit I experienced a bit of schadenfreude when I heard my annoying boss had been fired.

Since Glen does not want other students to get better grades than him, he feels schadenfreude when his classmates fail their tests.

There is a quite a bit of schadenfreude involved when one watches one's enemies suffer.

There was some sense of schadenfreude as private sector bosses can now look on and watch civil servants face the pay and recruitment freezes.

Vaunted Sample Sentences

We were able to overcome our opponents' vaunted defense and achieve an upset victory which will take us to the finals.

"The vaunted school for years has sent its best students to the nation's top conservatories."

His wrist refuses to instill his volleys with their vaunted sting.

Many of the vaunted new democracies are riddled with corruption, and weakly led.

Even the vaunted medical degrees are not working out via debt vs potential income.

But trading outfits can lose many times that amount in the blink of an eye, even with vaunted

As for the vaunted hub strategy, many within the company viewed it as little more than a press release.

The tension between the government's vaunted localism and the realities of planning reform is a sore point.

Each vaunted scientific breakthrough brings with it new challenges to our health system.

No, it wasn't crushed by bills for its vaunted welfare state.

If they are really not vaunted climbers, they are even less celebrated sprinters.

Jim vaunted about his ability to beat any game for the PlayStation console.

The highly-vaunted Eiffel Tower in Paris was an impressive site on our trip to France.

The highly-vaunted Eiffel Tower in Paris was an impressive site on our trip to France.

For all her vaunted writing talent, Pauline has yet to find a publisher for her book.

There was little on-stage evidence of the much- vaunted angst between the band members.

Thursday, July 3, 2014

misbegotten sample sentences

Many hoped that the newly-elected administration would focus on ending what they perceived to be a misbegotten war.

Scaling back political goals related to a misbegotten, failing war does not spell victory in any language.

Buried deep inside this misbegotten comedy is the glimmer of an idea.

It is difficult to conceive a more persistently blinkered and misbegotten set of policy responses to a crisis.

The sooner this misbegotten currency is out of our lives the better.

The danger lies when those with political power seek to ally the faithful for their own misbegotten ends.

Even so, attributing surprising powers to the moon is not as misbegotten an idea as it sounds.

Along the way, on any topic whatsoever, you find some scientists that wander down some misbegotten path and get stuck.

Pursuing a misbegotten authenticity, the filmmakers enclose us in claustrophobic unhappiness.

Despite this, he argued that the idea of the university as a womb for the development of new products is misbegotten.

Perhaps it had something to do with a misbegotten notion that this would help him with the prospective jury pool.

His misbegotten son eventually became the source of their family pride for being so successful.

They took a misbegotten journey to Indianapolis.

The tavern looked like some misbegotten combination of a Western saloon and a navy galley.

Newspapers chastise a man for some misbegotten indulgence while themselves behaving like schoolboys peeping through a hole in the girls'.

Many people in the United States have misbegotten ideas about education.

David had a very misbegotten plan, that fell through.

bestiality sample sentences

I was shocked by the bestiality of their behavior.

I can no longer live in that house after I've seen the bestiality of the family who owns it.

The kind of content seen is also very troubling: children are seeing images of rape, sexualised violence and bestiality.

If you thought there was nothing left to reveal about sex, then perhaps you haven't given bestiality enough consideration.