Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Brobdingnagian Sample Sentences

A Brobdingnagian billboard stood at the entrance to the theme park.

Stylish togs for people who complain that department stores cater only to the brobdingnagian.

He wandered among the brobdingnagian machines and found nothing.

We have a brobdingnagian Christmas tree.

Offal Sample Sentences

The city's offal-strewn alleyways were often a haven for stray dogs and vermin.

Our proposed ban on bovine offal for human consumption would not affect these uses, I assume.

Sophie's inconsequential and useless existence leaves her healthy, well-off and happy as a dog rolling in offal.

Segments of pigeon were served with smoked potatoes and strewed atop an action painting of offal gravy.

In the case of beef offal, particularly livers, there is a slightly larger market.

The presence of free food in the form of offal and bait attracts many birds to fishing operations

Decedent was dumping a load of offal from a tractor trailer.

He was in the process of dumping offal into a bin when the tailgate malfunctioned.

After sitting out all day in the sun, the offal smelled awful.

Friday, May 16, 2014

bijou sample sentences

I have a collection of bijou from around the world that I plan to be auctioned later on.

He gave me this wonderful bijou as an anniversary present.

I think your new boyfriend has a good taste since he lived in a a bijou residence.

Instead of being flattened the old shop-houses were renovated and turned into bijou modern homes.

Instead of being flattened the old shop-houses were renovated and turned into bijou modern homes.

When she saw it Mary fell in love with the bijou country cottage and determined that she would one day owned it.