Monday, March 10, 2014

gritty sample sentences

I admire her gritty determination to succeed.

Rosanne may not have her father's gritty charisma but she shares his sense of truth in music, with a sensuous, poised style all her own.

We'd love to see you take on a really gritty role.

His grimly businesslike speech was a gritty, almost masochistic exercise in the taking of responsibility.

He found his summer town unpretentious, gritty, endearing.

This isn't the sort of show you watch when you're looking for gritty realism.

The world is a gritty, messy place, and there are no perfect solutions.

His reputation as a gritty defensive player has grown dramatically this postseason.

feckless sample sentences

She can't rely on her feckless son.

Anyone who knows us will be aware that we're not feckless.

In the end he is just a feckless man who no longer cares for his wife's ideals, or even for himself.

I hate Jean's feckless boyfriend who helped her to become an addict.

The judge called him feckless for not having job to pay child support.

In your feckless attempt to fix my washer, you broke it.

Your feckless behavior has led to the cat going missing.

nexus sample sentences

April's diary became the nexus to her daughter and it's estranged father.

What separates the groups is a whole nexus of conditioning and background.

The company maintains that because it has no physical presence in the state, it has no nexus requiring it to collect tax.

But the trend toward stability also is about finding the nexus between fashion and function.

Our cover package deals with the nexus between social mobility and income inequality.

Saturday, March 8, 2014

cleave sample sentences

The ship's bow is about to cleave through the water.

The axe was made of a metal strong enough to cleave even the strongest marble.

You should cleave the ingredients in making the sauce.

ubiquitous sample sentences

The company's advertisements are ubiquitous.

Cell phones had become ubiquitous, and people had long ceased to be impressed by the sight of one.

Caught between ubiquitous marketing and conflicting science, many consumers can't tell what to believe.

On the downcast, rainy day the fog was ubiquitous.

Many household appliances have become ubiquitous.

Where did that ubiquitous odor originate.

Students and teachers are usually ubiquitous in schools.

Slap bracelets were an ubiquitous fashion in the early 1990's.

Parks and playgrounds are ubiquitous in the city.

Fast food restaurants are a ubiquitous feature of the American landscape.

Since my sister loves the color pink, she made sure the hue was ubiquitous during her wedding.

Because the police presence was ubiquitous at the parade, everyone felt very safe.

A ubiquitous symbol of love found everywhere on Valentine’s Day is the heart.

The phrase “going green” is one of the latest ubiquitous phrases being tossed around by corporations.

In the summer months, tourists are ubiquitous at every beachfront hotel in Florida.