Thursday, February 27, 2014

Piddling Sample Sentences

He was paid a piddling amount of money.

We ate our crackers, nuts, and other piddling snacks representing lunch.

He responded by naming one piddling novel that he'd remove.

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Mongrel Sample Sentences

She owns several dogs, including a mongrel named Stella.

I want that scruffy little mongrel in the pet shop window to be my guard dog.

I like walking my dog, a very old mongrel.

The black and white mongrel was only six weeks old, and was taken straight away to the Blue Cross Rescue Center in Burford.

Our search begins at a local shelter filled with pit bulls, old guard dogs and a three-legged mongrel.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

pilfer sample sentences

My mother often pilfer bond papers and other office supplies from work.

What sort of person would pilfer lunches from the office refrigerator?

Being a company spy, it is her duty to pilfer information and ideas from our rival company.

Looters drop by to pilfer whatever scraps of metal still wink of profit.

The rebels did not hinder them at checkpoints or pilfer their belongings.

It was bad enough when sitcoms used to pilfer the stories of romantic comedies.

The fun begins when two youths head for a neighboring town to pilfer exam papers.

Hungry people scaled utility poles to pilfer bits of copper wire to swap for food.

I am not sure why they broke into my office, there was nothing to pilfer there.

He could use his own password to connect from outside of the building and pilfer information and perhaps funds.

So are you copyright compliant or a silly bunny about to inadvertently pilfer another's hard work, sweat and tears.

They finally discovered that Mary had begun to pilfer money from the cash register after catching her on camera.

deracinate sample sentences

It is recommended to deracinate every other plant in the row to allow the survivors room to grow.

He is violent so we have to deracinate him from other mental patients.

They deracinate their newly adopted son for him to have a fresh start.

He felt compelled to surgically deracinate himself, altering his nose, his lips, his hair.

No one by taking thought, can deracinate the mental habits of, say, twenty years.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

filch sample sentences

I'm planning to filch her bracelet.

His idea is very good and I will filch it and use it as my own.

You can't trust him, I saw him filch this guys wallet.

If you don't keep a a close eye on that known thief, he will filch everything he can from you.

He would filch jokes from other comedians, antagonise or horrify audience members.

Buying and selling stocks without the customer's permission is only one of the common abuses brokers use to filch accounts.

Highly opportunistic feeders, caracaras generally prefer carrion to live prey and will frequently filch meals from other birds.

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Regnant Sample Sentences

There was increasing pressure on the regnant king to produce an heir.

Let them think forward and visualize the effect if this idea should become regnant.

In her regnant artistic sway the press has had a manifest hand.

We should not rake the current religious bias regnant in America today as necessarily universal for all cultures.

The pride of lofty lineage and severe isolation was regnant over all.

Saturday, February 8, 2014

parvenu sample sentences

Most journalist viewed the young senator as an upstart parvenu.

That parvenu along with his family became so arrogant and boastful with their sudden riches.

Everyone in town was a parvenu, so there was no great weight of tradition or social order with which to contend.

Amanda, the beautiful sister, can't forgive him for being the parvenu who saved her life.

Emma's friends considered her a parvenu because of her recent inheritance.

Fred was the perfect example of a parvenu; he had inherited millions of dollars from his father's shipping business and he refused to act like the snobby people in his town.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

refulgence sample sentences

The winning photo captured the refulgence of a full moon on a clear autumn night.

Her voice was a lyric soprano of gorgeous refulgence and limpidity.

He got the first prize in oral declamation contest due to his refulgence delivery.

The catch the crowd's attention with their refulgence performance.

Saturday, February 1, 2014

pusillanimous sample sentences

The senator called his opponent pusillanimous pawn of special interest groups.

Jane is pusillanimous when it comes to making decisions and must rely on others for feedback.

He is a pusillanimous student because he is too afraid to speak out against someone who is bullying others.

Everyday we hear the secrets of life, reduced to cheap jokes,poetry and friendly advice,they'd rather see us pusillanimous,absorbent in their chorus of correctness,but I don't want to hear it anymore.

You like to be diplomatic and shrewd in reactions Its a shame some take you for being pusillanimous.