Wednesday, February 6, 2013

feuilleton sample sentences

The editor is impressed by my work and says he will consider my feuilleton, if I submit it this afternoon.

“Clever, philosophical, urbane, trenchant, the feuilleton is an attempt, in Roth's words, to say "true things on half a page.”

“He lived the life of a sovereign, or, better still, of a journalist; in fact, he was the perambulating "feuilleton" of Parisian commerce.”

epexegesis sample sentences

One of the most striking peculiarities of colloquial speech in Dutch, and of natural free talk in general, is what is called epexegesis.

dyslogistic sample sentences

She had forgotten for the moment the Captain's invidious and dyslogistic employment of the Greek alphabet.

“Mischievous fallacies also circulate from the convertible use of what Mr.B. is pleased to call dyslogistic and eulogistic terms.”

“In the same manner the dyslogistic and eulogistic fallacies are used in the case of reform.”

Counterfactual Sample Sentences

The ruse is so obvious, a counterfactual posing as a home truth.

Counterfactual of freedom " is incoherent.

Counterfactual analyzes of causation came only in the late 1960's.

"Cold war historiography vividly illustrates how the selection of the counterfactual question to be asked generally anticipates the desired answer" .

Boustrophedon Sample Sentences

This, they call the boustrophedon form because it mimics the back-and-forth pacing of an ox tied to a tether.

“It was written on ostrich skin in the boustrophedon style, in which one line was read from left to right and the next from right to left and so on.”

“Greek alphabet, written from right to left, or in boustrophedon.”

Atavistic Sample Sentences

Buck exhibits atavistic characteristics when his instincts and memories of an impossibly distant past "call" him and reassert themselves into his behavior.

In older times, the birth of a child with an atavistic physical characteristic was often regarded as an ill omen.

The elders viewed with concern the atavistic behavior of the town's youth.

The tamed bear had an atavistic desire to capture, kill and ultimately consume.

His appearance was almost atavistic, he looked Neanderthal.

Jackanapes Samples Sentences

I blame those jackanapes on the council.

But do you realize that I would be looked upon as the most foolish jackanapes in the South Seas if I took a young girl like you.

“I want my effing money back from these two faced jackanapes.”

“It would be almost too easy to pull information out of this unctuous jackanapes.”

“Back to the stinky subway and cranky Park Avenue jackanapes giving us dirty looks because we're walking too slow.”

“Those who possess wisdom cannot just ladle it out to every wantwit and jackanapes who comes along and asks for it.”

Intemerate Sample Sentences

The rain smelled cool and earthy, and with her eyes closed it sounded louder and nearer; it seemed to be in the room, falling small and touchless upon her; it was clear, intemerate as the sky.

Antipathetic Sample Sentences

Jane's teachers had either been indifferent or mildly antipathetic to her.

Schoenfeld is "antipathetic" to the New York Times.

There had always been this something that was utterly antipathetic in what he advocated as the ways of the world.

Kibitzer Sample Sentences

I'm glad I'm not a kibitzer.

Gorgonize Sample Sentences

Mortimo Planno could gorgonize foes with a stony stare, but his deep baritone voice was seductive and unexpectedly disarming.

Dave joked that his boss' angry glare could gorgonize an employee in mid-complaint.

.Camelot sample sentences

It was her castle, her retreat, her hideaway, her Camelot.

His father's voice brought him out of his Camelot reverie.

Hypnopompic Sample Sentences

He woke fitfully, from a dream where his work had gone terribly wrong. He was still hypnopompic.

Preconcert Sample Sentences

At a preconcert press conference, he clambered onto the stage and snapped the four men from the back, their silhouettes etched in light.

Vertex Sample Sentences

For charged decays the detector is capable of reconstructing the position of the decay vertex.

To achieve smooth results, any triangles which share a common vertex should have the same normal vector at that vertex.

These events are represented by a single vertex in a feynman diagram.

In algebra, using the vertex is very important.