Saturday, June 22, 2013

lugubrious sample sentences

The love songs of lost love were very lugubrious and gloomy; therefore, I asked her to turn down the radio.

They heard a lugubrious howl just outside within ten feet from them.

Hearing his lugubrious version of the song made me emotional.

The widow is feeling lugubrious after the death of her husband.

Every character on a soap opera is entitled to a lugubrious monologue.

The rest of the movie is even heavier and more lugubrious.

His lugubrious conduct was doubtless intended to soften the heart of the court.

Though the film moves backward through time, it doesn't have the lugubrious manner of an extended flashback.

He had seen this lugubrious stone cage before.

He put his fingers to his ears, but the lugubrious noise passed those barriers, and made its way into his heart.

ripstop sample sentences

This bag has a polyester diamond ripstop shell and a soft polycotton lining.

Her dress is sewn using ripstop lining.

apostasy sample sentences

The settlers are trying to displace the locals from whole swathes of land, and the author blames their failure on a universal apostasy.

He was found guilty of blasphemy and apostasy by a trial court in October and was sentenced to two years in prison.

The idea of being fat and fit is nothing short of apostasy.

If this reads like an apostasy, it also looks like part of a larger withering of faith.

Such talk sounds like apostasy.

The government gets tough on apostasy.

Conversion is not illegal under civil law, and apostasy is not a criminal offense.

Most politicians and policy makers still regard the abandonment of anti-drug laws as dangerous apostasy.

morganatic sample sentences

A morganatic marriage is being held being held inside the royal court.

hypnagogic sample sentences

After a minute of taking the medicine, she fell into a hypnagogic state.

She is experiencing hypnagogic hallucinations, for she claims that what she saw is her dead dog.

apparatchik sample sentences

He remains, in his atrophied heart, a shrewd communist apparatchik.

I prefer to vote for a person, rather than a party apparatchik.

It is one thing to persuade citizens that a narrow band of apparatchiks are enemies of the state.

Life was reasonably comfortable for the well-educated, but social mobility was blocked by party apparatchiks.

Stertorous Sample Sentences

Stertorous people should not be allowed to sleep.

Taurus Antinor's breath came in short, stertorous gasps, his throat was parched and his tongue clove to the roof of his mouth.

I heard a stertorous sound came out from her and then she collapses.

Chattel Sample Sentences

The slave was considered by pagans to be a mere chattel.

Chattel slavery is closest to the old form of slavery.

I started to notice household chattels in my travels.

The trustees have recently received the support of the courts following a dispute over the ownership of certain valuable chattels.

Vivisection Sample Sentences

The inability to defend vivisection was also illustrated by a letter included on the British medical journal website.

Most human vivisection takes place in the third world countries.

The nightmare scenario of cambridge becoming the primate vivisection capital of Europe had ended.

Vivisection is probably the best and longest established form of organized, officially acknowledged animal cruelty.

I am not anti-science, but i do believe that vivisection is not the way forward.

Vivisection experiments have involved among the highest levels of pain and suffering.

The vivisection of the live frog showed his heart beating.

Vivisection is a cruel way of testing drugs on animals

Dappled Sample Sentences

In my dream I was in a forest that was vibrant with the dappled foliage of autumn.

To finish that painting you should use dappled shade for best results.

They were absolutely still, and bullet holes dappled the raft around them.

The light from the high windows is dappled, as if in a church, and the padded silence is broken only by a gentle bubbling.

Visitors will see flashes of yellow, red, blue and green among the trees through the dark shadows and dappled sunlight.

Dappled sunlight filters through the branches of ancient trees and a fountain creates cool music.

Now the sun-dappled, slate-tiled space is not visible to the public and can be used for entertaining.

The spotted fur of panther kittens helps camouflage them in the dappled sunlight of the den.

Dandelions are tiny symmetries of sunshine from nature's palette, dappled gaily across the landscape to grace it with diversity.

Its upper body is usually profusely dappled with large, irregular, dark-chocolate spots.

No one would dispute the undeniable beauty of soft, dappled light shining through a window in the early morning.

Three little dappled frogs sat on a dappled log, eating the most delicious bugs.

I lounged in my lawn chair, the dappled sunlight lulling me to sleep.

The lamplight dappled through the tired foliage on to these benches which have rested many vagrants.

Bolt-hole Sample Sentences

From Monaco he traveled to Paraguay, a favorite bolt-hole of many of his comrades.

We've been invited to luncheon at the holiday bolt-hole of the owner of the mansion.

Everyone needs to then move a single character from one location to another, as the characters scramble about looking for a safe bolt-hole.

Farouche Sample Sentences

Hiding in the corner during the party, he could only be described as farouche.

Generally, writers are shy, rather farouche types, with a tendency to curl up like hedgehogs on first meeting anyone new.

She felt protective towards him, a strange, farouche creature, impossible to protect.

“He fumbled in a farouche way, confused as to whether to kiss her hand or to shake it.”

He stared down into his party cup with a sullen sort of pouting grimace; farouche and icily antisocial towards all whom passed and wished him a happy holiday.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Receptor Sample Sentences

Some tumors have higher estrogen receptor levels than others.

Blinking apparently helped the process by stimulating the receptor response.

The tax is paid by the receptor not the donor of an estate.

The receptor environment at the hypothalamus maintains limitations on high fevers.

There are more than four ways a chemical can react with a receptor.

Monday, June 10, 2013

Hemisphere Sample Sentences

Most of the southern hemisphere of mars consists of such ancient crust.

He is the most popular head of state in the western hemisphere, probably in the world.

Unless you live in the southern hemisphere in which case I wish you a hot and summery Christmas.

When it is summer in the northern hemisphere, it is winter in the southern hemisphere.

The left side of her body-controlled by the right hemisphere-was paralyzed.

Fortunately, his wife Geraldine welcomed the fact that much of his research would take place in the southern hemisphere.

Scientists attribute their decline partly to the destruction of forests throughout the hemisphere.

Normally, oil stocks decline over the winter in the northern hemisphere, thanks to heavy use of heating oil.

Yesterday marked the southern hemisphere's summer solstice.

Most of the southern hemisphere sky is not visible to European and American observatories.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

feuilleton sample sentences

The editor is impressed by my work and says he will consider my feuilleton, if I submit it this afternoon.

“Clever, philosophical, urbane, trenchant, the feuilleton is an attempt, in Roth's words, to say "true things on half a page.”

“He lived the life of a sovereign, or, better still, of a journalist; in fact, he was the perambulating "feuilleton" of Parisian commerce.”

epexegesis sample sentences

One of the most striking peculiarities of colloquial speech in Dutch, and of natural free talk in general, is what is called epexegesis.

dyslogistic sample sentences

She had forgotten for the moment the Captain's invidious and dyslogistic employment of the Greek alphabet.

“Mischievous fallacies also circulate from the convertible use of what Mr.B. is pleased to call dyslogistic and eulogistic terms.”

“In the same manner the dyslogistic and eulogistic fallacies are used in the case of reform.”

Counterfactual Sample Sentences

The ruse is so obvious, a counterfactual posing as a home truth.

Counterfactual of freedom " is incoherent.

Counterfactual analyzes of causation came only in the late 1960's.

"Cold war historiography vividly illustrates how the selection of the counterfactual question to be asked generally anticipates the desired answer" .

Boustrophedon Sample Sentences

This, they call the boustrophedon form because it mimics the back-and-forth pacing of an ox tied to a tether.

“It was written on ostrich skin in the boustrophedon style, in which one line was read from left to right and the next from right to left and so on.”

“Greek alphabet, written from right to left, or in boustrophedon.”

Atavistic Sample Sentences

Buck exhibits atavistic characteristics when his instincts and memories of an impossibly distant past "call" him and reassert themselves into his behavior.

In older times, the birth of a child with an atavistic physical characteristic was often regarded as an ill omen.

The elders viewed with concern the atavistic behavior of the town's youth.

The tamed bear had an atavistic desire to capture, kill and ultimately consume.

His appearance was almost atavistic, he looked Neanderthal.

Jackanapes Samples Sentences

I blame those jackanapes on the council.

But do you realize that I would be looked upon as the most foolish jackanapes in the South Seas if I took a young girl like you.

“I want my effing money back from these two faced jackanapes.”

“It would be almost too easy to pull information out of this unctuous jackanapes.”

“Back to the stinky subway and cranky Park Avenue jackanapes giving us dirty looks because we're walking too slow.”

“Those who possess wisdom cannot just ladle it out to every wantwit and jackanapes who comes along and asks for it.”

Intemerate Sample Sentences

The rain smelled cool and earthy, and with her eyes closed it sounded louder and nearer; it seemed to be in the room, falling small and touchless upon her; it was clear, intemerate as the sky.

Antipathetic Sample Sentences

Jane's teachers had either been indifferent or mildly antipathetic to her.

Schoenfeld is "antipathetic" to the New York Times.

There had always been this something that was utterly antipathetic in what he advocated as the ways of the world.

Kibitzer Sample Sentences

I'm glad I'm not a kibitzer.

Gorgonize Sample Sentences

Mortimo Planno could gorgonize foes with a stony stare, but his deep baritone voice was seductive and unexpectedly disarming.

Dave joked that his boss' angry glare could gorgonize an employee in mid-complaint.

.Camelot sample sentences

It was her castle, her retreat, her hideaway, her Camelot.

His father's voice brought him out of his Camelot reverie.

Hypnopompic Sample Sentences

He woke fitfully, from a dream where his work had gone terribly wrong. He was still hypnopompic.

Preconcert Sample Sentences

At a preconcert press conference, he clambered onto the stage and snapped the four men from the back, their silhouettes etched in light.

Vertex Sample Sentences

For charged decays the detector is capable of reconstructing the position of the decay vertex.

To achieve smooth results, any triangles which share a common vertex should have the same normal vector at that vertex.

These events are represented by a single vertex in a feynman diagram.

In algebra, using the vertex is very important.

Monday, January 14, 2013

Eurhythmic Sample Sentences

Fuzzy's parents sent her to learn eurythmics at the Peabody Conservatory, where she was recruited for ballet at age ten.

They were eurhythmic athletes, proud as archers, discus or javelin throwers embraced by the strong sun of the archipelago.

A melody in the air was eurhythmic, and this expanse of resplendent light encompassed me, even though I was deep into nervous overload.

Filch Sample Sentences

I saw him filch this guys wallet.

He would filch jokes from other comedians, antagonise or horrify audience members.

With automated baggage procedures, fewer opportunities to filch items now arise.

Johnny walked through the kitchen to filch a cookie from his mother's cookie jar.

Pseudonymous Sample Sentences

I did a lot of pseudonymous writing during this period.

Unless Oliver was playing a doubly pseudonymous game, the cipher was no good.

In view of the surrounding circumstances, there is a strong chance that the name is actually pseudonymous.

Authentication can support access whether the consumer chooses to be anonymous, pseudonymous, or known.

Privacy can be maintained by, for example, replacing a patient's name and social security number with a pseudonymous identifier.

The top-most, of which only a smidgen can be seen, contain pseudonymous works by me.

Birl Sample Sentences

But bad boys would probably climb over the fence and birl you round.

If there are any'slightly mature' ladies out there looking for a good oul birl around the floor, I'm your man.

I feel a bit light, then it's like my brain starts to birl in my head sending my thoughts and emotions cascading around.

Tonight he would birl the bottle with Templandumir as usual.

Aumildar Sample Sentences

The culprit, on suspicion, is hurried away before the aumildar, and after a few loose questions regarding his criminality.

The Aumildar paid me a visit for the express purpose of requesting me to do what I could towards the destruction of an enormous buffalo.

Couthie Sample Sentences

A couthie word or two for the passing stranger who may rest a while.

Violescent Sample Sentences

The portrait was vile, a dirty grey colour with large violescent patches.

The yellow sunflashes, in falling from the house fronts, sharply outlined the violescent shadows.”

I looked up to see a violescent twilight sky, which makes my heart calmer and at peace.

Monday, January 7, 2013

Advert Sample Sentences

You can place your classified property advert for free.

To complete the entry, you have to click on a banner advert.

I had been doing a lot of tv adverts, which people seemed to like.

The pop-up adverts might then even install more software themselves!

See our complete list of job adverts on our careers page.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Anthropogenic Sample Sentences

Anthropogenic climate warming will accelerate the natural process toward reduction in polar ice sheets.

Burning of fossil fuels is an example of anthropogenic carbon dioxide.

The planet of the Apes" is a movie about a future society whose natural environment had been distroyed by anthropogenic processes.