Saturday, December 29, 2012

Fastigiate Sample Sentences

I may emphasize the changing nature of each part of the garden through which a path passes by gates or piers or clipped or fastigiate trees.

More recently interest has centered on the fastigiate form.

Antepenultimate Sample Sentences

Antepenultimate week of the year produced brilliant lessons to the surprise and pleasure of all concerned.

Ms. Sproston is the antepenultimate applicant in the line.

The antepenultimate entry of the drawing contest is the most captivating of them all.

Stridulous Sample Sentences

He was about to leave when a stridulous voice cut through the din.

Her stridulous breathing had keep me awake all night.

Avidity Sample Sentences

Her avidity for chocolate reaches ridiculous heights.

The boss likes his avidity for the project.

Your avidity is catching.

His books were received and read with avidity.

He had charisma and sexual avidity, later associated with showbiz.

Tidings Sample Sentences

I am preparing to preach the glad tidings to a crowded audience at the foundery.

I was sent to bear tidings, not burdens.

He shall not be afraid of evil tidings: his heart is fixed trusting in the Lord.

He went home, carrying these new tidings to the family council.

When it comes to paying for college, cash-strapped families have had a few good tidings of late.

At this stage of civilization, comets were seen as harbingers of bad tidings.

These happy tidings are expressed in many different ways in many different countries.

Ephraim now returned to confirm the glad tidings.

Then she received tidings which gave her special joy.

See how she receives the good tidings of her success!

The solemn tidings passed from the chamber of death through the family.

At these tidings my brother lost all heart, and fell back in the arm-chair as pale as ashes.

Other tidings had come in the shape of a telegram.

At these tidings, Peter dashed his mug of beer angrily on the table, sprang from his seat, and left the room.

I sent him before me to watch the River and gather tidings.

Monday, December 24, 2012

Glissade Sample Sentences

Glissade down a slope unless you can see a clear way to the bottom.

Glissade down a slope unless you can see a clear way to the bottom.

Most serious accidents happen when climbers slide or glissade down snowfields and are unable to stop or avoid hazards.

The pain became so intense that he preferred to glissade instead of walking down.

The great principle to be observed in all valses is to dance them smoothly and evenly with the sliding step, or glissade.

The trees were supervising the long glissade from summer into autumn.

The moment never arrived, evidently forcing the folks to glissade off the roof.

And then I hear it, a high tenuous glissade of sound that I might almost have mistaken for a siren if I didn't know better.

Douce Sample Sentences

He married a douce woman.

When the Padre looked at the parishioners during the funeral, he saw many douce faces -- sober and somber at the tragic loss of this child.

You should interview the Prime Minister in a douce way.

I like the people that lives here in the village, they are douce.

Decathect Sample Sentences

He decided to decathect from her in order to cope with her impending death.

I feel that she is making my life miserable, I have to decathect her.

Leena started to decathect from her friends, as she and her family will move from a new town next month.

It is hard to decathect from Shin, but I have to do it, his family hates me.

Algid Sample Sentences

The sun weakens and grows pale as though seen through algid water and the air is stale and still.

There was an algid texture to the air, causing everyone to shiver involuntarily.

A person who is algid is marked by prostration and has cold clammy skin and low blood pressure.

I dont want to go outside, my hands and feet feel algid.

Counterblast Sample Sentences

He had not mentioned Sinclair's counterblast about the Gartree job.

Kelly's review is a salutory counterblast to well established orthodoxies.

And so blogging found its own answer to the defensive counterblast from the journalistic establishment.

His counterblast should not have been published on the Melbourne Theatre Company website because, for all its pained intellectualism.

Echolalia Sample Sentences

When toddlers start to verbalize, sometimes they fall into a speaking pattern of repeating everything like in echolalia.

As far as the echoing is concerned, many children with autism, who are producing words, tend to do that echoing, or echolalia.

My sister speaks like she is having echolalia.

One stage of the childhood development in speaking is echolalia.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

whinge sample sentences

Whinge a bit then step up right to finish the cabinet.

Most people whinge about things when they go wrong, but we often forget to mention when things go right.

Whinge about how awful her life is.

Whinge the other day, about how jeans don't last as they long as they used to.

That spoiled child whinge too much.

She likes to whinge to get what she wants.

The modern angry feminist has turned the very condition of being female into a whinge.

We'd like to also whinge about the undercooked.

Some just whinge about the cringe. All, though, spend their lives trying to forget Peter Allen.

Martin Blake Collingwood's whinge about umpiring is dismissed by the AFL before it materialises into a formal complaint.

Stay home and whinge about the state of affairs, as many also do? Try to do that work anyway.

But just because it was my turn to suffer didn't mean I had to cave in without a whinge.

It was one long whinge about Australian success on the rugby field.

The boys on the sports desk were clearly beside themselves as they sought consolation in a cross-border whinge.

They're the sorts of things that Sunshine Coast residents like to whinge about.

lagan sample sentences

Lagan viking was noted running rather later on saturday February 18.

Maybe that lagan we are seeing is a treasure chest.

axial sample sentences

This planet has no axial tilt.

Axial rotation" is not simply "rotation upon an axis" as nonchalantly defined in dictionaries, but is circular motion in the true physical sense.

Axial loading the effect of the mean stress is shown.

There will have to be a computerized axial tomography scan.

The formal axial design, parkland and assorted follies have remained largely unscathed.

buttress sample sentences

Buttress roots to support their great height.

The east wall separated from the chancel by a straight buttress from which rises an octagonal chimney.

We emerge at the foot of a huge rocky buttress to delightful grassy pastures.

Buttress of rock was spotted about 3 meters off the line of descent and an anchor was placed here.

The metal stake concreted into the ground on the flat area above the main buttress was removed by the national trust in August 2000.

Assess and then kill dud projects without being sentimental, but buttress and build on the successes quickly.

The biggest buttress for the Government is the fact that all opposition parties are supporting the fleet despite criticisms of past Government strategy.

The goal will be to buttress Indonesia's case that a substantial pro-integration constituency has been overlooked.

There are whispers that shops in the glamorous arcades that buttress Crown's immense gaming area are closing, stories about redundancy offers.

Many fear that Canberra has lost the flexibility to further buttress the local industry against cheap American imports in the future.

Government's acquiescence, but always with Israeli guns and Israeli law to buttress the Jewish population and cow the Arab population.

The spars of time buttress the narrative.

Many cathedrals in Europe have the architectual feature calleda flying butress which help keep the massive building standing.

The author buttresses her analysis with lengthy dissections of several of Moore's poems.

The professor wants you to buttress your thesis in front of your classmates.

apopemptic sample sentence

The others followed suit and, politely apopemptic, vanished into the night.

As she bade her farewell her students offered an apopemptic song to her.

plication sample sentence

Suture plication reduced intra-articular volume an average of 19.0 % .

I saw a plication on her blouse covered by a corsage.

An origami has a lot of plication steps.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

cruciverbalist sample sentence

In high school I was a closet cruciverbalist working on crosswords seemed so uncool.

Cruciverbalists can be found creating and solving crosswords in a variety of settings, from public competitions to the editorial desks of small town newspapers.

A cruciverbalist must have a wide vocabulary.

I saw him collecting crossword puzzles in the newspapers, he must be a cruciverbalist.

mulligrubs sample sentence

Rosa Solis, as ever washed mulligrubs out of a moody brain! It is easy enough to say that a pessimist is a person afflicted with an incurable case of mulligrubs.

anopisthograph sample sentence

If text was written on one side only, then the roll was known as an anopisthograph; if on both sides, then as an opisthograph.

howdah sample sentence

He saw the howdahs of some of Hemu's war elephants approaching. Now she made a picture of an elephant, with four lines for the howdah, in which was seated a princess wearing a crown.

Friday, December 14, 2012

Quench sample sentences

Foul water will quench fire as well as fair. Quench the thirst in the summer sun. Quench the spirit in our lives by our actions, by our neglect. Quench the burning fires, the fires consume the falling snow. The policeman needed to quench his thirst after he ran from the crime scene to his car. I drank some delicious root beer to quench my thirst. Even though my dad was fighting the flames, the firemen had to come help to finally quench the fire. I drank the lemonade so that it would quench my thirst. We said we would dismount, and quench our thirst, and rest.

Erinaceous sample sentences

I saw something that looked like it was in the erinaceous family. At times even more ruthless, their erinaceous fingernails used as claws, as dangerous as any blade.

Pontificate sample sentences

It was the first time that Pope John Paul II had failed to deliver the angelus blessing in his 26-year pontificate. My husband loves to pontificate on any subject, regardless of whether or not he knows what he's talking about. Did he pontificate about the responsibilities of a good citizen? He is invited pretty regularly to pontificate on television.